
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Alton City Council met October 11.

Webp meeting240

Alton City Council met Oct. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walker.

The Council Members present on call of the roll:

PRESENT: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mayor Walker called upon City Attorney Caffey to lead the Pledge to the Flag.

At this time Mayor Walker asked for a moment of silence for former Alderwoman Alice Martin as it has been one year ago today that she passed away.


Mayor Walker presented a proclamation to representatives from the Red Ribbon Committee declaring the week of October 23, 2017 - October 31, 2017 “Red Ribbon Week” in the City of Alton.

At this time, Mayor Walker called upon representatives from the Alton Giants Vintage Baseball Team who presented a check to the Alton Fire Department from their proceeds from a recent fundraiser.


The Clerk presented the following Council Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2017 and the following Communications; Illinois Department of Transportation, re: Parade Permit for the purpose of holding a Halloween parade on October 31, 2017 and the following Report of Officers; City Treasurer, re: Monthly Report for September, 2017; Alton Fire Department, re: Monthly Fire Damage Report to Assessor’s Office for September, 2017; Alton Fire Department, re: Largest Single Fire Loss for September, 2017; Alton Fire Department, re: Estimated Fire Loss for September, 2017; Department of Building and Zoning, re: Monthly Report for September, 2017. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said reports be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.


Chairman Campbell presented the following Committee of the Whole Meeting Report for October 9, 2017; Resolution, re: Discount and Special Bills paid; Scheffel, Boyle – City of Alton

Audit as of March 31, 2017; Resolution, re: Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the attached Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation (Amendment #1); Resolution, re: The pastor at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has requested a handicap parking space in front of 10 E. Third Street; Resolution, re: The City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois deems it advisable to establish “No Parking” zone on the west side of 2500 block of Virden; Resolution, re: A disabled resident has requested a handicap parking space in front of 208 W. Elm Street; Resolution, re: Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Alton and Alton Center business Park, LLC; Resolution, re: The City Council deems it is in the best interest of the City of Alton to amend the building codes of the City of Alton. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said report be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Discount and Special Bills Paid; also all Expenditure Detail Bills as listed in the Comptroller’s report dated October 9, 2017 be allowed and payment be made for same. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following Scheffel, Boyle – City of Alton Audit as of March 31, 2017. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said report be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation (Amendment #1) by and between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the City of Alton. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the pastor at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has requested a handicap parking space in front of 10 E. Third Street; and,

WHEREAS, the Police Department of the City of Alton has conducted a traffic study and made recommendations with regard thereto.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ALTON ILLINOIS, that the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois deems it advisable to establish “No Parking” zone on the west side of 2500 block of Virden, and

WHEREAS, the Police Department of the City of Alton has conducted a traffic study and made recommendations with regard thereto.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ALTON ILLINOIS, that the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, a disabled resident has requested a handicap parking space in front of 208 W. Elm Street; and,

WHEREAS, the Police Department of the City of Alton has conducted a traffic study and made recommendations with regard thereto.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ALTON ILLINOIS, that the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the attached Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Alton, Illinois and Alton Center Business Park, LLC be and is hereby approved, with said funding coming from TIF #1 Project Account. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the City Council deems it is in the best interest of the City of Alton to amend the building codes of the City of Alton.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1


Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7589. An Ordinance amending Subsection B of Section 4 of Chapter 13 of Title 4 of the City Code pertaining to raffle limitations. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be LAID OVER. The Chair so ordered.

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7590. An Ordinance approving membership in the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association and authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be LAID OVER. The Chair so ordered.


Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Ordinance No. 7584. An Ordinance establishing the Haskell House Children’s Museum of Alton Commission. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Ordinance No. 7585. An Ordinance amending Article E of Chapter 6 of Title 4 of the City Code pertaining to ambulance service. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Ordinance No. 7586. An Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow 5.67 kilowatt solar photovoltaic array at the property located at 455 Bluff Street, Alton, Illinois. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1


The Clerk presented the following Civil Service Commission, re: Minutes of September 20, 2017; Haskell Playhouse Committee Meeting, re: Minutes of September 27, 2017; Alton Historic Commission, re: Minutes of September 5, 2017 and Minutes of September 19, 2017. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said minutes be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.


Mayor Walker presented the following reappointment of Joe Hanahan to the Parks and Recreation Commission and appointment of Jeffrey Warr to the Community Relations Commission and the appointment of Cory Davenport to the Community Relations Commission. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said reappointment and appointments be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1


The Clerk presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, citizens of the City of Alton desire to form a committee to improve the upkeep, restoration, renovation and maintenance of the James Killion Park in the City of Alton; and

WHEREAS, the committee anticipates raising funds and seeking donation for the support of the James Killion Park; and

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alton Illinois recognizes the value of James Killion Park and desires to encourage the further improvement and maintenance of the park; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate that the City of Alton take steps to ensure that donations made for the limited purpose of restoration, renovation and maintenance of the James Killion Park shall be devoted solely to that purpose and for no other purpose.

NOW THEREFORE BE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THAT the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached AGREEMENT pertaining to establishing a committee and fund for the James Killion Park. Ms. Smith made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved.

Ms. Smith presented the following amendment:

Amended Agreement for a committee for the upkeep, restoration, renovation and maintenance of the James Killion Park in the City of Alton. Ms. Smith made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said amendment be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Ms. Smith made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution as amended be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1


The Clerk presented the following three (3) ordinances and the following six (6) resolutions:

1. Ordinance No.7587. An Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules.

2. Ordinance No. 7588. An Ordinance amending the City Code of Alton, Illinois, Chapter 10 Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Section 6-10-4-1 Sewer Service Charges.

3. WHEREAS, a citizen has requested, that the intersection at New Belle and Old Belle be closed on September 30, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., to facilitate the St. James Baptist Church youth event; and

WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed (contingent upon all required IDOT approvals where applicable) to effectuate the temporary closure of New Belle and Old Belle on September 30, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., on the condition that St. James Baptist Church shall be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event.

4. WHEREAS, the City of Alton holds the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee Fund; and

WHEREAS, the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee at its September 27, 2017 meeting recommended approval of a payment to Morrissey Contracting Co. Inc. for exterior staining in the amount of $950.00; George Alarm Co. Inc. for one year burglar monitor and lease in the amount of $479.40; and Rick Trudell for material and labor to repair the cellar door in the amount of $175.00; and

WHEREAS, Our City Comptroller has reviewed the invoices and finds them to be in order and suitable for payment; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS that the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payment from the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee Fund to Morrissey Contracting Co. Inc. in the amount of $950.00; George Alarm Co. Inc. in the amount of $479.40; and Rick Trudell in the amount of $175.00 pursuant to the minutes and invoice attached hereto.

5. WHEREAS, Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC desires to hold a special event on September 30, 2017, between the parking lot and the fountain located at 1 Court Street, which event shall include the outdoor distribution of alcoholic beverages during the Miles for Meso walk; and

WHEREAS, the sale of alcoholic beverages on the City of Alton property, requires a variance from the Alton City Council.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the following special event be and is hereby approved pursuant to City of Alton Code 4-4-9 and a variance is hereby granted for sale and distribution of alcoholic liquors on public property:

The Miles for Meso walk shall be entitled to distribute alcoholic liquor on Court Street between the parking lot and the fountain on September 30, 2017, during the Miles for Meso walk to be held on that date with Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC to be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event.

6. WHEREAS, in 2015 $250,000 was deposited to a MIN/MAX escrow/reserve account (Fund 246) of the City of Alton to be set aside to insure the cities liability contribution required as part of the participation in IMLRMA would be available when needed; and

WHEREAS, the contribution required as part of the participation in IMLRMA is now due.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that Treasurer, Comptroller and any other official of the City of Alton required to properly effectuate a transfer are hereby and directed to transfer $250,000 from Fund 246 to the General Fund for the purpose of allowing the Comptroller to make the required contribution for participation in IMLRMA as now due.

7. WHEREAS, The IT Director has recommended approval of a new contract with Charter Spectrum Business to provide improved IT network/radio connections for Radio Systems Communications in the Alton Fire Department, Alton Police Department, Public Works, Sewer Department a copy of said contract being attached hereto.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON Illinois that the attached agreement from Charter Spectrum Business be accepted and the IT Director is authorized to execute same on behalf of the City of Alton.

8. WHEREAS, the Comptroller of the City of Alton has requested certain changes to the current budget of the City of Alton previously approved by the City Council of the City of Alton; and

WHEREAS, those changes or amendments appear to be necessary and appropriate to perform the functions of the City of Alton.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the attached Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569 be considered.

9. Second Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569. An Ordinance making an annual appropriation for the City of Alton, in the County of Madison, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2017, and ending March 31, 2018. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said ordinances and resolutions be approved.

At this time, Alderman Velloff asked for a separation for Item B on the Agenda – Ordinance No. 7588. An Ordinance amending the City Code of Alton, Illinois, Chapter 10 Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Section 6-10-4-1 Sewer Service Charges.

The vote is as follows for the above and foregoing ordinances and resolutions:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1

Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said Ordinance No. 7588 be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 5

NAYS: Velloff – 1

ABSENT: Elliott – 1


Mr. Campbell presented the following resolutions:

1. WHEREAS, Alderman Campbell has requested, that Mamie Street be closed on October 30, 2017 to facilitate a Halloween block party; and

WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the requests and does hereby approve said requests.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the temporary closure of Mamie Street on October 30, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m. on the condition that Tim Busse and Laura Lyon shall be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event.

2. WHEREAS, the Fire Chief has requested that a fire hydrant to installed adjacent to 618 Summit Street as part of the Summit Street restoration.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS that a new fire hydrant be placed adjacent to 618 Summit Street with the exact location to be determined by the Fire Chief of the City of Alton Fire Department.

3. WHEREAS, there currently exists a vacancy in the rank of “Captain” in the police department of the City of Alton; and

WHEREAS, the position of “Deputy Police Chief” has been filled for the first time in many year; and

WHEREAS, the City Council was told that with the filling of the position of “Deputy Police Chief” there would be no additional increase in expenses to the City due in part to the intent not to fill the vacancy in the rank of Captain; and

WHEREAS, with the appointment of a Deputy Police Chief the City Council finds that there is no longer sufficient need within the police department of the City of Alton for the rank of Captain and that the rank of Captain should be eliminated so as to produce fiscal savings in the operation of the police department by the City of Alton, Illinois.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Corporation Counselor is hereby authorized and directed to prepare an ordinance eliminating the rank of Captain within the police department in the City of Alton in all places as set forth in Chapter 3 of Title 3 of the City Code of the City of Alton, Illinois.

4. WHEREAS, the City of Alton desires to enter into a formal agreement with Theodore P. Hamberg and Lindsey N. Hamberg to lease a vacant lot owned by City located at 1317 State Street; and

WHEREAS, a formal agreement has been negotiated and recommended by the City staff for consideration of the City Council.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS that the Mayor and appropriate City officials to be designated by the Mayor are hereby authorized and directed to sign the attached Lease Agreement between the City of Alton and Theodore P. Hamberg and Lindsey N. Hamberg.

5. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached redevelopment agreement with Edward Benz, pursuant to the terms of the Alton Tax Increment Finance Grant Program. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said resolutions be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Brake presented the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois desires to update its City Code to more fully comply with statutory requirements of the State of Illinois.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the attached three ordinances be considered. Mr. Brake made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Boulds presented the following resolutions:

1. WHEREAS, the City of Alton holds the Simpson Memorial Tennis Fund; and

WHEREAS, the Simpson Memorial Tennis Committee at its August 24, 2017, meeting recommended approval of a payment to Logo It in the amount of $393.92 for banners.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS that the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payment from the Simpson Memorial Tennis Fund to: Logo It in the amount of $393.92 pursuant to the minutes attached hereto.

2. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Public Works Director be and is hereby authorized to salvage one (1) vehicles, three (3) utility vehicles, and eight (8) mowers currently being stored at the Public Works Facility.

2002 Chev 3500 Van VIN#1GAHG39U331231181 1993 Kawasaki Utility Vehicle Serial# 1505990 1993 Kawasaki Utility Vehicle Serial# 5072247 Kawasaki Utility Vehicle Serial# 2500054 1993 Bachtold Mower Serial# 931845 1993 Bachtold Mower Serial# 931840 1998 Bachtold Mower Serial# 943338 1998 Bachtold Mower Serial# 989734 1998 Bachtold Mower Serial# 989737 1998 Bachtold Mower Serial# 989735 1998 Bachtold Mower Serial# 989733 1998 Bachtold Mower Serial# 989736

3. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Public Works Director be and is hereby authorized to dispose of the following obsolete equipment that has no scrap value.

1993 Bear Analyzer Serial# 12N1830 1995 Branic Tire Balancer Serial# 581 1995 Bear RBST Battery Tester

4. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS, that the Public Works Director be and is hereby authorized to auction off following equipment stored at the Public Works Facility. Proceeds from the auction will go to the General Fund.

Onan Generator 120/240 volt Serial# 1803524854 1993 Robinaire R-12 Freon Recycler Serial# 14208 1995 Robinaire R-134A Freon Recycler Serial# 14786 1989 Goodall Jump Start Unit 2001 Goodall Jump Start Unit Serial # 9334710-44810 1994 Ford F-250 Pickup VIN# 1FTHF25H4RNA92662 2002 Ford F-250 Pickup VIN# 1FTRF18W42KB25885 1991 Chev 3500w/utility bed, lift gate VIN# QGBJC34KXME184739 1960 Ford Tractor Serial# 115238 1981 Ford Tractor FC21S-M Serial# C672227 1998 GMC K1500 Pickup VIN# 1GTEK14R3WZ501693

5. WHEREAS, the greater Alton community lost a great citizen, volunteer and leader with the recent passing of Jim Goodwin; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin throughout his lifetime volunteered his time, talents and abilities to improve the greater Alton community in countless ways, many of which efforts will never be known; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin served as a board member of the Alton YMCA; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin served as a board member of Specialized Services Program for the handicapped; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin served as a board member for the Madison County Chapter of the Urban League; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin was an original board member of the United Methodist Village in Godfrey, Illinois; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin served as the chair and long time board member of the Alton Lakefront Advisory Committee offering important citizen input on the design and development of the Visitor’s Center at Lock and Dam 26 in Alton and the development of the riverfront in Alton; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin was a member of the Alton Memorial Hospital Board of Directors for 30 years and was chairman of the Alton Memorial Hospital Board for 10 years, including overseeing the affiliation of Alton Memorial Hospital with Barnes, Jewish, Christian Health Systems; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin served on the Alton Park and Recreation Commission from 1970 to 1980 and was instrumental of the decade of the primary development of Gordon F. Moore Community Park; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin was responsible as a member of the Alton Park and Recreation Commission for the maintenance of the City of Alton golf courses, the city’s memorial tree program and its nationally acclaimed street trees program; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin served as a charter board member of Pride Inc. and continued to serve Pride for many years; and

WHEREAS, in 2010 Jim Goodwin was awarded the Alton-Godfrey Rotary Club’s Gordon F. Moore Service Above Self Award for his distinguished service to the community; and

WHEREAS, Jim Goodwin was the primary contact between the City of Alton and Spencer T. Olin Foundation which, because of the personal love of golf of Spencer T. Olin and his personal relationship with Arnold Palmer, provided the full funding of the development of the Spencer T. Olin Community Golf Course in Gordon Moore Park, serving not just the City of Alton but the entire region.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALTON, ILLINOIS that the City of Alton desires to officially recognize Jim Goodwin for his many years of service to not only the City of Alton but the greater Alton area; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pavilion serving the Spencer T. Olin Community Golf Course in Gordon F. Moore Community Park shall be dedicated to and renamed the “Jim Goodwin Memorial Pavilion” and that appropriate signage shall be erected thereon to his honor. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolutions be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell. That said meeting adjourn. The motion passed by the following vote:

AYES: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Boulds – 6

NAYS: None – 0

ABSENT: Elliott – 1




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