City of Belleville Master Sewer Committee met November 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Committee Aldermen Present - Mr. Hazel, Ward 1, Mr. Scott Tyler, Ward 3, Mr. Johnnie Anthony, Ward 4, Mr. Ed Dintelman, Ward 5, Dr. Mary Stiehl, Ward 6, Mr. Phil Elmore, Ward 7, Mr. Roger Barfield, Ward 8. Mr. Buettner, Ward 2 was excused.
Department Heads & Staff Present - Mayor Mark Eckert, Director Mr. Royce Carlisle, Assistant Director, Randy Smith, Pre-Treatment Coordinator Mr. Jay Godt, City Treasurer Mr. Dean Hardt,
Engineering Consultants: Randy Burk, TWM.
Guests: Mr. Michael Hagberg, Alderman Kent Randle
Chairman Dintelman brought the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and explained evacuation procedures in the event of inclement weather and fire.
Public Hearing: Chairman Dintelman brought the Public Hearing to order at 6:02 pm. Minutes for the Public Hearing portion of the meeting have been kept separately.
Public Participation:
Approval of the Minutes:
Alderman Elmore made a motion seconded by Alderman Steihl to approve the minutes for the October 2, 2017 Master Sewer Committee meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Hazel, Aye, Mr. Tyler: Aye, Mr. Anthony: Aye, Mr. Dintelman: Aye, Dr. Stiehl: Aye, Mr. Elmore: Aye, Mr. Barfield: Aye. The motion carried.
Committee Chairman - Comments, Old Business, New Business or Information:
Engineer's Report:
•Mr. Burk discussed progress on the Phase IV LTCP Project.
Director's Report:
•Change Order #11. Phase 3 LTCP:
Mr. Carlisle asked Mr. Smith. as project manager, to explain to the committee the need for, and cause of the changes made out of contract. Discussion was held.
Alderman Anthony made a motion seconded by Alderman Barfield to recommend for approval by full council at the November 20, 2017 City Council meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Hazel: Present, Mr. Tyler: Aye, Mr. Anthony: Aye, Mr. Dintelman: Aye, Dr. Stiehl, Aye: Mr. Elmore: Aye, Mr. Barfield: Aye.
•Cranbrook Drive & Sheridan Drive Sewer Line Replacement:
Mr. Carlisle informed the committee that during routine sector cleaning, it was discovered that the sewer lines in this area were in very bad condition, and at risk for collapse. Mr. Carlisle has had bid documents prepared and obtained a cost estimate in the amount of $152,856 for both lines and four manholes. Mr. Carlisle stated that this should be ready to bid in approximately a month. Discussion was held.
•PreTreatment Ordinance Update:
Mr. Godt updated the committee on the Pretreatment Ordinance. Mr. Godt stated a Federal Pretreatment Audithas been conducted and as required changes are being made to the pretreatment ordinance that consists mainly of language changes. Mr. Godt has submitted the changes and is currently waiting for a response.
•Treasurer's Report
•Committee Members, Old Business, New Business, Discussion, Questions:
Alderman Hazel made a motion seconded by Alderman Anthony to adjourn the meeting. All members present voted in the affirmative. The motion carried 8-0.
Chairman Dintelman adjourned the meeting at 6:13 p.m. The next Master Sewer Committee meeting will be held on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.