City of Belleville Master Sewer Committee met April 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Committee Aldermen Present - Mr. Hazel, Ward 1, Mr.Buettner, Ward 2, Mr. Scott Tyler, Ward 3, Mr. Johnnie Anthony, Ward 4, Mr. Ed Dintelman, Ward 5, Dr. Mary Stiehl, Ward 6, Mr. Phil Elmore, Ward 7, Mr. Roger Barfield, Ward 8.
Department Heads & Staff Present - Director Royce Carlisle, Pre Treatment Coordinator, Jay Godt, City Treasurer Dean Hardt.
Engineering Consultants: Todd Peek, TWM.
Guests: None
Chairman Dintelman brought the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and explained evacuation procedures in the event of inclement weather and fire.
Public Participation: None
Committee Chairman - Comments, Old Business, New Business or Information: None
Approval of the Minutes:
Alderman Anthony made a motion seconded by Alderman Barfield to approve the minutes for the March 5, 2018 Master Sewer Committee meeting. All members present voted in the affirmative. The motion carried 8-0.
Engineer's Report:
•Mr. Peek reported that LTCP Phase 3, lift station is operating. Phase 4 construction will be starting soon. Mr. Peek informed the committee that contaminated soil had been found and at the pump site behind Lindenwood dorm. Testing found contaminated soil. A change order will come when the cost has been determined for the testing and removal of the contaminated soil. Phase 5 CSO UV plans will be sent to the EPA in May or June.
Director's Report:
•Deed of Easement, 301 N. Pennsylvania
Mr. Carlisle reported to the committee that he was made aware of a situation, while selling their home, a homeowner found that a city sewer was running under the house. This was found during a sewer lateral inspection. The homeowner states that he cannot sell the house until the sewer line is addressed. Mr. Carlisle consulted with Mr. Hoerner, who suggested to put the responsibilities in an easement agreement. The homeowners approve. Discussion was held.
Alderman Hazel made a motion, seconded by Alderman Buettner, to move forward to council a Deed of Easement. A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Hazel: Aye, Mr. Buettner: Aye, Mr. Tyler: Aye, Mr. Anthony: Aye, Mr. Dintelman: Aye, Dr. Stiehl: Aye, Mr. Elmore: Aye, Mr. Barfield: Aye. The motion carried.
•Treasurer's Report
Mr. Hardt stated that Mr. Hoerner had sent a letter and information to St. Clair Township, and a tentative meeting has been arranged with St. Clair Township for Thursday this week. Discussion was held.
•Committee Members, Old Business, New Business, Discussion, Questions:
Alderman Stiehl made a motion seconded by Alderman Elmore to adjourn the meeting. All members present voted in the affirmative. The motion carried 8-0.
Chairman Dintelman adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m. The next Master Sewer Committee meeting will be held on Monday, May 7, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.