City of Alton Municipal Band Board met July 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Julie McPike called the board meeting of the Alton Municipal Band to order at 6:30pm on Thursday, July 10, 2019 in the Ringhausen Music Building.
Members Present: Melissa Bock, Michaela Davis, David Drillinger, Debbie Kelley, Julie McPike, Kasey Ogelsby
Members Absent: Sydney Reynolds
Band Manager: Jessica Poddig
1. David Drillinger motioned to accept the minutes from the May 29th special board meeting, Kasey Ogelsby seconded. 7 yays, 0 nays. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
1. David Drillinger motioned to pay the $11.50 for Music & Arts. Julie McPike. 7 yays, 0 nays. Motion passed.
2. Julie McPike motioned to pay the guest artists for Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 5. Kasey Ogelsby seconded. 7 yays, 0 nays. Motion passed.
1. Julie McPike motioned to accept the resignations of Michaela Davis, effective after the August meeting and Aaron Schindewolf, effective immediately. David Drillinger seconded. 7 yays, 0 nays. Motion passed.
2. Julie McPike motioned to accept the resignations of Linda and Mike Fergurson at the end of this season. David Drillinger seconded. 7 yays, 0 nays. Motion passed.
3. Discussion about how to thank Mike and Linda Fergurson for their years of service. Kasey and Jessica have been appointed as party committee for this as well as an end of the year.
Informational Items
1. LCCC discussion will be rescheduled.
2. Brighton performance went well. Good networking performance.
Gifts & Sponsorships
1. Received $1,500 from Brighton
2. Received $100 from donation
Discussion Items
1. David Drillinger motioned to approve the repair of Kasey’s iPad. Debbie Kelley seconded. 7 yays, 0 nays. Motion passed.
2. Julie McPike met with Alton’s radio station about creating a radio spot.
3. Jen Shenberger would like to do a radio spot with Erin Bode.
4. David Drillinger will be on the radio Tuesday.
Julie McPike moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm. Melissa Bock seconded.