
Metro East Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Madison City Council Met September 14

Webp meeting808

City of Madison City Council met Sept. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor John Hamm at 6:00 p.m., followed by a request for roll call. Present were Alderpersons Jenkins, Bridick, Crochrell, Riskovsky, Haynes and Gardner. Alderman Vrabec at 6:05 p.m. Absent: Alderman Hampsey

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was moved by Alderman Haynes, seconded by Alderman Riskovsky, to approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting held on August 31, 2020. Voice vote as follows: six (6) ayes; no nays. Absent: Vrabec and Hampsey. Motion carried.

It was moved by Alderman Bridick, seconded by Alderperson Haynes, to approve the presentation of the Comptroller's Report as submitted and that bills be allowed as drawn on the treasury and presented to the Council, unless there are any questions of the Summary of Expenses for the period of August 31, 2020 through September 14, 2020 in the amount of $178,029.69. The Comptroller's Report was accepted as presented, to be placed on file. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jenkins, Bridick, Crochrell, Riskovsky, Haynes and Gardner. Nays: None. Absent: Vrabec and Hampsey. Motion carried

There were no appointments by Mayor Hamm and no members of the public wanting to address the Council.

Police Commissioner Donald Turner reported that the Police Board would be meeting at 6:00 p.m., Friday, September 18 at City Hall. Police Chief Gailius provided his State of the Police Department for May, June and July 2020. He also updated the council on some specific events that had occurred in the area during the past few months. There being no other reports to come before the Council, it was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Haynes, to accept the reports of Department Officers. Voice vote as follows: seven (7) ayes; no nays. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.

It was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Crochrell, to approve the FY2021 Maintenance Program from Juneau Associates Inc. in the amount of $616,000. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jenkins, Bridick, Vrabec, Crochrell, Riskovsky, Haynes and Gardner. Nays: None. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.

It was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Bridick, to approve the FY2021 Engineering Maintenance Agreement from Juneau Associates Inc. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jenkins, Bridick, Vrabec, Crochrell, Riskovsky, Haynes and Gardner. Nays: None. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried

It was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Jenkins, to open and award the winning bid for surplus property located at 1911 Rhodes Avenue. Voice vote as follows: seven (7) ayes; no nays. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.

City Council Minutes - September 14, 2020 Page 2

It was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Haynes, to award the winning bid for the surplus property located at 1911 Rhodes Avenue to Emille Shannon in the amount of $1,000.00. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jenkins, Bridick, Vrabec, Crochrell, Riskovsky, Haynes and Gardner. Nays: None. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.

It was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Bridick, to approve Resolution #20-28 "A Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code” in the amount of $616,000.00 of MFT

nds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from 4/30/2020 to 5/01/2021. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Jenkins, Bridick, Vrabec, Crochrell, Riskovsky, Haynes and Gardner. Nays: None. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.

There was no miscellaneous business or Executive Session.

It was moved by Alderman Vrabec, seconded by Alderman Bridick, to concur with letter sent on advise of Attorney Derrek Filcoff decision regarding request from Chief Breeze about Herbal Flower Shop in Madison. Voice vote as follows: seven (7) ayes; no nays. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.

There being no other business to come before the Council, it was moved by Alderman Crochrell, seconded by Alderman Riskovsky, to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Voice vote as follows: seven (7) ayes; no nays. Absent: Hampsey. Motion carried.
