
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Fairview Heights Operations Committee met May 10

City of Fairview Heights Operations Committee met May 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Roll Call

Public Participation

Approval of Minutes - April 12, 2023

Law Enforcement

Alderman Josh Frawley

1. Statement of the Department

2. Fairview Heights Police Department to Relinquish Ownership of a 2008 lnfiniti G35X and a 208 Dodge Nitro to Clinton Auto Auction, Inc. - Resolution

3. Police Canine

Public Works

Alderman Bill Poletti

1. Joint Funding Agreement for State-Let Construction Work - Market Place Ill

2. MFT Material Bid - Hot Mix Asphalt

3. MFT Material Bid - Bituminous Material Cold Patch

4. MFT Material Bid - CA - 6 Aggregate

5. MFT Material Bid - Portland Cement Concrete

6. TYMCO Street Sweeper Purchase

7. Director's Report/Project Updates
