
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met April 11

City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met April 11

Here are the minutes provided by the committee: 


Alderman SJ Morrison 

Alderman Janet Stack - Remote 

Alderman Chris Farrar 

Kevin Head, City Administrator 

Eric Williams, Public Works Director 

Ryan Zwijack, City Engineer 

David Sirko, Assistant City Engineer 

Steve Stricklan, City Planner 

Mike Fillback, EPD 

James Whiteford, EFD 

Cathy Hensley, Communications 

Charles Bollinger, Intelligencer 

Matt Pfund, Pfund Construction 

Dave Romoser, Citizen 

Lindsey Apple, Citizen 

Richard Welle, Citizen

Linda Brubaker, Citizen

I.  Public Comment: 

A resident spoke in regards to provide an update of work being done at Dunlap Lake by the HOA.

II. Council Matters: 

A. Approval of Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of March 14, 2023: Alderman Stack made a motion to recommend Approval of the Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of March 14, 2023. Alderman Farrar seconded the motion. Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee forwarded to Council for information. 

B. Resolution Approving the Final Minor Plate of Newsong Plaza 

Alderman Stack made a motion to approve with Alderman Farrar seconding the motion. Staff explains that this is for a minor subdivision plat of the existing lot located at 201 St. Louis Street. Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee forwarded to Administration and Community Services for consideration. 

C. Approval of a Sole Source Resolution for the Resurfacing of Troy Road to Christ  Brothers Asphalt, Inc. in the amount of $1,112,171.32 

Alderman Farrar made a motion to approve with Alderman Stack seconding the motion. Staff explains that this is for the Milling and Resurfacing of Troy Road from approximately Robinson Lane to 5th Avenue. Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration. 

D. Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Volkert, Inc. for Construction  Engineering of the Troy Road Resurfacing Project in the amount of $34,330 

Alderman Farrar made a motion to approve with Alderman Stack seconding the motion. Staff explains that this is for Construction Engineering with regards to the Milling and Resurfacing of Troy Road from Robinson Lane to 5th Avenue. Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration. 

E. Approval of a Resolution Granting Change Order Authority to Director of Public Works and City Engineer 

Alderman Stack made a motion to approve with Alderman Farrar seconding the motion. Staff explains that this is an annual action for Change Order Authority that gives the Public Works Director and City Engineer to sign for projects. Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration. 

F. Approval of a Resolution Granting Signature Authority to Director of Public Works and City Engineer for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Permit Applications 

Alderman Farrar made a motion to approve with Alderman Stack seconding the motion. Staff explains that this allows the Public Works Director and City Engineer the authority to sign applications for water or sewer permits. This is an annual action and goes on file with the EPA. Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration. 

G. Award of the 2022 MFT Sidewalk Contract to Keller Construction, Inc. 

Item Held in Committee. No discussion. 

H. City of Edwardsville Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Update 

Staff explains that this is the City's annual update as part of the annual requirements that have to be met. The City submits a Notice of Intent every four years and an annual report to the IEPA every year. There are a six minimum control measures to meet the permit requirements. 

III. Old Business: 

IV. New Business: Alderman Morrison shared thanks for the project on South Charles. 

V. Information: 

A. Change Order 1 and Final for the 2022 Sewer Lining Contract in the decreased amount  of $10,318.10 

B. Change Order 2 for the Chapman Street Improvements in the increased amount of $8,767.58 

C. Next Public Services Committee meeting will be held at City Hall, 118 Hillsboro Ave. on Tuesday, April 25 at 4:30 p.m. 

VI. Adjournment: Alderman Stack made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Farrar seconded the motion. 

Ayes - Morrison. Stack. Farrar. Committee adjourned at 5:00 pm. 
