
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville City Council met April 18

City of Edwardsville City Council met April 18

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council took place at 7:00 p.m. at Edwardsville City Hall, located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois, with Mayor Risavy presiding. 

The Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present. 

Motion by Krause, second by Burns to allow Alderwoman Stack to participate in the Council meeting via Zoom. 

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Alderwoman Stack Abstained. Motion carried. 

Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar answered present on roll call. 

Motion by Krause, second by Burns to allow Alderwoman Stack to participate in the Council meeting via Zoom. 

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Alderwoman Stack Abstained. Motion carried. 

Mayor Risavy welcomed everyone in attendance and those viewing on Facebook Live to the meeting. 

Special Recognition/Proclamations/Oaths 

Mayor Risavy announced the Employee Excellence Award recipient, Sarah Jansen, Probationary Firefighter/EMT. Sarah was on her way to report to National Guard Duty (in her private vehicle). She encountered a rollover accident. Sarah assisted the Pekin Fire Department with stabilizing the vehicle and extraditing the victim. She received the award at the station. Chief Whiteford thanked Mayor Risavy for recognizing city employees. 

Mayor Risavy read a Proclamation—Arbor Day—April 28, 2023. Mayor Risavy presented the signed proclamation to Sarah Cundiff from the Beautification and Tree Commission. 

Sarah Cundiff came forward to present the Mayor with the Edwardsville Beautification and Tree Commission recognition of the City of Edwardsville as a 2022 Tree City USA and recipient of a Growth Award. The city has received the award for 21 years. The city also received the Growth Award. Ms. Cundiff recognized Parks and Rec and Public Works for all of their help at the parks in town. 

Mayor Risavy opened the public comment portion of the meeting. No citizens came forward to speak. 

Consent Agenda 

Mayor Risavy read Consent Agenda items as follows: 

  • Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on April 04, 2023 
  • Reports of Elected and Appointed Officials: 
  • Finance Director - Monthly Financial Report (to be distributed) Finance Department - Monthly Activity Report 
  • Police - Monthly Activity Report 
  • Fire Chief - Monthly Activity Report (Fire and EMS Services) 
  • Public Works Director - Building, Electrical and Plumbing Permits 
  • Circuit Clerk's Report 
  • Group Health Insurance Fund Report - $182,622.54 
  • Executive Session: Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) 
Alderman Burns announced that the Finance Committee will be updating the amount of the claims slightly. 

Motion by Stack, seconded by Grant to approve the Consent Agenda presented. 

Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Petitions and Communications 

Mayor Risavy announced a Colonel Benjamin Stephenson House presentation. Leslie Wood came forward for the presentation. Ms. Wood is a local attorney and the president of the Colonel Benjamin Stephenson House Board. The group is non-profit that runs the Stephenson House living history museum. The mission is preserve and teach the history and beginnings of Edwardsville and Illinois. Maintaining and preserving the house is an important function. The house is located at the corner of S. Buchanan and Linden Streets (across from the DQ). The house was built in 1820 by Colonel Benjamin Stephenson. It's been owned by the City of Edwardsville since 1999. The house is part of the special parks district and the city helps to oversee the upkeep. 

Ms. Wood reviewed the history of the house. The home was built in Federal style. It is one of the remaining few houses from the 1800's still standing in Illinois. Colonel Stephenson died in 1822. Mr. Stephenson was a founder of Edwardsville. The house contains period appropriate furnishings and decorations. 

Friends of the Colonel Stephenson House Group has one full-time employee. Volunteers staff the home for tours and special events. Scouts, school groups and the public are able to tour the home. They hold an annual candlelight tour which is very popular. On April 28th they are holding an annual trivia fundraiser. Ms. Wood said the community is very supportive with generous donations and sponsors. 

 Ms. Wood thanked Janet Stack for her service on the Board! She has been a huge supporter. 

Alderman Grant asked about the garden at the Stephenson House. Ms. Wood said the garden is maintained by their master gardeners. It is a volunteer crew. Mayor Risavy asked how many member of the Stephenson House. Ms. Wood said approximately seventy-five. Ms. Wood thanked the council for their support! 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from Plan Commission regarding rezoning of properties within the I-55 Corridor Zoning District from (TC) Town Center, (MUC) Mixed Use Commercial, and (NR) Neighborhood Residential to one of Goshen Center, Goshen Mixed Use, Goshen Commercial, Pin Oak Commercial, and Residential for information and file. 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from Plan Commission regarding Amendment to Chapter 1252.02 (Selected Definitions) of Appendix B (Zoning Code) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville - Change to Food Pantry definition for information and file. 

Legislative & Executive 

Motion by Morrison, second by Krause for approval of The X'perience Barber and Beauty- Michael Foster, 1685 Bennett Dr., unit B, Edwardsville IL 62025 Class B- Retail sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises only. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Legal & Judicial 


City Clerk 


Finance Committee 

Motion by Burns, second Warren for Approval of Claims with the amount - Regular $754,935.97 and Library $19,714.08 for a total of $774,650.05 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Burns, second by Krause for approval of a Resolution Authorizing Public Hearing Date for the Park North Business District Redevelopment Plan and Project within the City of Edwardsville, Illinois. 

The developer came forward to clarify. They supplied a draft re-development plan. The business district program allows for the potential collection of a 1% sales tax on certain items used for eligible costs. The resolution just sets the public hearing date. Alderman Burns said page 137 contains the schedule of events. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Burns, second by Grant to approve a Resolution Establishing a Budget For the Fiscal Year Beginning The First Tuesday in May, A.D., 2023 and Ending the Monday Preceding the First Tuesday in May, A.D., 2024. 

Jeanne Wojcieszak came forward to review the proposed budget. She thanked the Finance Committee, Department Heads and Mayor Risavy for their help with the budget. Ms. Wojcieszak reviewed the budget summary. The budget summary is broken out into general fund and the other special designated funds. 

The total expenses are over $102 million dollars. The first time the city is over $100 million. 

Ms. Wojcieszak pointed out that the total expenses are over the total revenues. The city has cash balances available. Several funds had projects that were unable to be executed last year due to supply chain issues. 

Highlights from the general fund:

  • 4% pay increase for non-bargaining employees
  • Three transfers from the general fund surplus - 1.7 million for the construction of Sports Park Drive, $600,000 for capital street improvements and $100,000 for acquisition of capital equipment.
  • Four personnel additions - full-time benefits coordinator, part-time moving to full-time office assistant position at Public Works, Video Technician moved to IT for Desktop Support Technician, One firefighter/EMT 
Highlights from other funds expenses: 

  • 159 Shared Use Path 
  • Hillsboro drainage improvements 
  •  Troy Road interconnect 
  • Construction on South Charles 
  • Troy Road Resurfacing 
Out of the TIF – 

Expenses exceed revenue due to the projection of a parking structure behind city hall. The expenses include engineering, architecture, construction and land acquisition costs The City is anticipating the municipal sales tax to be over $9 million dollars for the year. This is an increase from 8.2 to 9 million. 

General Fund Balance policy states that the city must maintain between 25-33% of the general operating expenses of the general fund. The surplus should be between $6 and $8 million dollars. Currently the surplus is at $15 million. 

Mayor Risavy thanked Ms. Wojcieszak for all the hard work on the new budget. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Public Safety Committee 

Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held on March 28, 2023 presented for information and file. 

Motion by Stack, second by Farrar for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Police Department to Apply for the Illinois Department of Human Services Tobacco Enforcement Grant FY-2024 Grant and Approving the Mayor to Enter into the Award Agreement. 

Alderman Stack commented this is for Tobacco Enforcement. Chief Fillback commented this is a grant we have been receiving to enforce anyone with a tobacco license. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Stack, second by Warren for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Emergency Medical Services Mutual Aid Agreement with RuralMed, LLC. 

Chief Whiteford said this is a new ambulance company in the area. They supply service to Mitchel and Long Lake Fire Protection Districts. Those districts are adjacent to our response areas. This is a standard agreement for mutual aid. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Stack, second by Burns for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sale of One (1) 2003 Ford Econoline Ambulance as a Surplus Property. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Public Safety Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Public Services Committee 

Minutes of Public Services Committee meeting on March 14, 2023 presented for information and file. 

Motion by Morrison, second by Farrar for approval of a Sole Source Resolution for the Resurfacing of Troy Road to Christ Brothers Asphalt, Inc. in the amount of $1,112, 171.32. 

Alderman Morrison commented this is a resurfacing a section of Troy Road. The city is taking advantage of the existing crew to continue into Edwardsville. Eric Williams said it will go to south of 4th and 5th Avenues. The project starts in Edwardsville and goes south to Collinsville. The construction is in the evening. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Morrison, second by Grant for approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Volkert, Inc. for Construction Engineering of the Troy Road Resurfacing Project in the amount of $34,330. 

Alderman Morrison said this covers the costs for the engineering and IDOT paperwork. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Morrison, second by Krause for approval of a Resolution Granting Change Order Authority to Directory of Public Works and City Engineer. 

Alderman Morrison said this is a standard, annual resolution. This is for change orders not to exceed $10,000 per instance. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Morrison, second by Grant for approval of a Resolution Granting Signature Authority to Director of Public Works and City Engineer for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Permit Applications. 

Alderman Morrison commented this is a standard resolution. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderman Morrison presented the following for information and file: 

a) Change Order 1 and Final for the 2022 Sewer Lining Contract in the decreased amount of $10,318.10 

b) Change Order 2 for Chapman Street Improvements in the increased amount of $8,767.58 

Public Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Administrative & Community Services Committee 

Minutes of Administrative & Community Services Committee meeting held on March 30, 2023 received for information and file. 

Motion by Krause, second by Grant for approval of a Resolution Approving the Final Minor Plat of Newsong Plaza. 

Alderman Krause commented this was approved 3-0. The resolution will take the building and separate the plat lines to sell of parts of the building. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderman Krause presented an Ordinance Approving a Zoning Amendment Rezoning the I-55 Corridor Zoning District from TC Town Center, MUC Mixed Use Commercial and NR Neighborhood Residential to one of Goshen Center, Goshen Mixed Use, Goshen Commercial, Pin Oak Commercial, and Residential for first reading. 

Alderman Krause presented an Ordinance Amending Appendix B (Zoning) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville by updating and adding Definitions for first reading. 

Motion by Krause, second by Grant to approve a Resolution authorizing the parks department to apply for grant funds from Phillips 66. 

Alderman Krause said ACS approved 3-0. The grant is for maximum of $125,000. Used to clean up some of the green spaces. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderman Krause presented an Ordinance Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Beginning the First Tuesday in May, A.D., 2023 and Ending the Monday Preceding the First Tuesday in May, A.D., 2024 for first reading. 

Motion by Krause, second by Grant for approval of the RASE Board items from April 4, 2023. The items include: 

1) Route 66 10k 

2) Ziena Boutique Vendor Event 

3) Edwardsville Rotary Criterium Festival 

4) Bonifest 

5) Run for Bonifest 

6) Taste of Edwardsville

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Warren, Stack, Burns, Grant, Morrison, Krause and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderman Krause presented the Plan Commission minutes from March 15, 2023 for information and file. 

Administrative & Community Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Old Business 

New Business 

Closed Session 

Motion by Stack, second by Burns to enter into Closed session at 7:54pm to discuss one item regarding Purchase of Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5). 

Council entered into Executive Session at 7:57p.m. Council reconvened at 8:20 p.m. 


There being no further action required, Council adjourned at 8:20 p.m. with a motion by Stack
