
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Belleville Finance Committee met May 8

City of Belleville Finance Committee met May 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

In Attendance:

(A) Finance Committee Members

Bryan Whitaker, Alderperson

Carmen Duco, Alderperson

Scott Ferguson, Alderperson

Raffi Ovian, Alderperson

Shelly Schaefer, Alderperson

Chris Rothweiler, Alderperson

Phil Elmore, Alderperson

Nora Sullivan, Alderperson

(B) Guests

Lillian Schneider, Alderperson

Michael Hagberg

(C) Staff

Jamie Maitret, Finance Director

Sarah Biermann, Treasurer

Mayor Patty Gregory

Chief Lloyd Stinson, Fire Chief

Jason Rumpf, Fire Department

Chairman Whitaker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. All committee members were present. Chairman Whitaker introduced guests. Emergency evacuation procedures were announced.

Chairman Whitaker opened public participation. There was no public participation. Public participation was closed.

Chairman Whitaker asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 10, 2023 meeting.


Alderperson Schaefer made a motion to approve the minutes from April 10, 2023. Alderperson Ferguson seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.

Jamie Maitret asked if we could change the order of the agenda, and delay the IT related items until IT Director Eric Walls gets to the meeting. Chairman Whitaker agreed.

Payment Service Network Contract

Treasurer Biermann explained that this would be renewing a contract with our current vendor that provides all of the credit card and electronic payment processing for all of our departments except the Library. The credit card fee, which is passed on to customers, would decrease from the current rate of 3% to 2.7%. Discussion followed.


Alderperson Ferguson made a motion to approve a contract with Payment Service Network (PSN) to continue accepting payments on behalf of the City. Alderperson Schaefer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderpersons Duco, Ferguson, Ovian, Schaefer, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.

Paying Off General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012

Jamie Maitret explained that it was discussed a few months ago that we would have enough cash on hand to pay off these bonds this summer. She would like to pay them off with the next debt payment due date on July 1st. The General Fund might have to float some funds for a few weeks in order to make the payoff for July 1st. It would only be until the July home rule sales tax is received though. Discussion followed.


Alderperson Ferguson made a motion to approve paying off balance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012 by next payment due date of 7/1/2023. Alderperson Schaefer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderpersons Duco, Ferguson, Ovian, Schaefer, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.

Budget Amendments for FY2024 (Encumbrances)

Jamie Maitret explained the budget amendments presented. These are encumbrances from the prior year for projects or purchases that were supposed to be finished by fiscal year end, but for various reasons were not. This is just carrying over the budget to finish these items.


Alderperson Elmore made a motion to approve FY2024 budget amendments (encumbrances from the prior year), as recommended by the Finance Director. Alderperson Schaefer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderpersons Duco, Ferguson, Ovian, Schaefer, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.

Revenue Sources

Motion to receive and file.


Alderperson Rothweiler made a motion to receive and file the revenue sources. Alderperson Ferguson seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.

City Cell Phone Carrier

IT Director Walls still had not made it to the meeting, so Jamie Maitret explained that he was looking to switch the carrier for all City cell phones from Verizon to T-Mobile. Based on their analysis, the switch should save the City approximately $1,717 per month.

Discussion followed. Alderperson Elmore asked if it would require a long-term contract. Jamie said she was not sure, but she would get an answer from Director Walls and forward it to the committee members before the Council meeting.


Alderperson Ferguson made a motion to approve switching the City cell phone carrier to T Mobile. Alderperson Duco seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderpersons Duco, Ferguson, Ovian, Schaefer, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.

City Internet Provider

Jamie Maitret explained that Director Walls was also looking to consolidate several separate bills we have for internet at City Hall and various other City buildings, by switching everything over to AT&T. The cost would be $11,187.48 per month, but should be almost completely offset by eliminating the various separate bills, coupled with the savings from the cell phone carrier switch. It would also provide much faster internet. Discussion followed. Alderperson Elmore asked if this would be “cloud-based”? Jamie said she was not sure, but she would get an answer from Director Walls and forward it to the committee members before the Council meeting.


Alderperson Schaefer made a motion to approve switching internet provider for all City buildings to AT&T. Alderperson Elmore seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Alderpersons Duco, Ferguson, Ovian, Schaefer, Rothweiler, Elmore, Sullivan and Whitaker all voted yes. The motion passed.

Motion to Adjourn

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion to adjourn at 7:14 pm. Alderperson Duco seconded. All attending members voted yes. The motion passed.
