
Metro East Sun

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville City Council met June 6

City of Edwardsville City Council met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council was held at 7:03 p.m. in Edwardsville City Hall, located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois, with Mayor Risavy presiding.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Alderman Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns answered present on roll call. Alderman Warren was absent-excused.

Mayor Risavy welcomed everyone in attendance those who attended the public meeting prior to council and those viewing on Facebook Live to the meeting.

Special Recognition/Proclamations/Oaths 

Mayor Risavy announced the Employee Excellence Award recipient, Emily Wilkens, Edwardsville Public Works & Edwardsville Public Library. Mayor Risavy asked the audience to recognize Emily with a round of applause. Emily has been with the City of Edwardsville for six years. She received high praise from both departments. Mayor Risavy invited her to come forward for a photo.

Petitions and Communications 

Mayor Risavy announced the Edwardsville Community Foundation (ECF) grant presentation. Pam Farrar and Rich Walker were present from the foundation to conduct the presentation. Rich Walker came to the podium. Mr. Walker serves at the Grants Chairman/Vice Chairman for the Edwardsville Community Foundation. The ECF provides grants, scholarships and supports community programs within the District 7 boundaries. The ECF has been active 25 years. In December of 2021, Edwardsville sustained serious damage from tornados. The Amazon warehouse made national news. The outpouring of support resulted in gifts to the ECF of 2.2 million dollars. As a result, the ECF has been able to help the businesses and individuals impacted by the tornados.

ECF donated to municipalities to prepare for and have better equipment for any future disasters. The ECF is setup to receive and donate the funds where needed. Mr. Walker outlined donations to fire and police departments all over Madison County totaling $685,000. In second round of donations, the ECF gave out $375,000. The donations went for digital radios, equipment and vehicles throughout Madison County. Thirty-one communities have received money in Madison County.

In summary, ECF received $2.2 million in donations. $1.2 million was donated to municipalities and $363,072 was donated to the Edwardsville Fire Department. Mr. Walker said Chief Whiteford put together a consortium of communities that allowed the fire departments to purchase the radios at a reduced price.

Mayor Risavy presented a letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Special Use Permit for 245 S Buchanan Street for information and file.

Mayor Risavy presented a letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 245 S Buchanan Street for information and file.

Mayor Risavy presented a letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Variance for 245 S Buchanan Street for information and file.

Mayor Risavy opened the public comment portion of the meeting. No public comments.

Consent Agenda 

Mayor Risavy read Consent Agenda items as follows:

Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on May 16, 2023

• Group Health Insurance Fund Report - $351,377.72

Closed Session:

• Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body pursuant to 5

ILCS 120/2(c)(5)

Mayor Risavy announced a deletion to the agenda.

• Under Legislative and Executive, Item A, Liquor License for Clementine's

Naughty & Nice Creamery.

Mayor Risavy announced an additional Closed Session-

• Executive Session - Pending/Imminent Litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Motion by Krause, seconded by Grant to approve the Consent Agenda presented. Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Legislative & Executive 

Motion by Morrison, second by Krause to approve a Class B- Retail sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises only. AQ Nail Spa Edwardsville, LLC 6147 Trace Parkway, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Grant to approve the appointment of Amanda Eckert to the Tourism Advisory Committee with a term ending April 2026.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Morrison to approve the appointment of Kathryn Biarkis to the Tourism Advisory Committee with a term ending April 2025.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Burns to approve the appointment of Craig Becker to the Tourism Advisory Committee with a term ending April 2025.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Legal & Judicial 


City Clerk 


Finance Committee 

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on April 27, 2023 were presented for information and file.

Motion by Burns, second by Farrar, to approve Claims $1,994,123.54 (Regular).

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Public Safety Committee 

Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held on May 09, 2023 presented for information and file.

Motion by Farrar, second by Miracle for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Police Department to Apply for the Illinois FY 24 Camera Grant Program and Approving the Mayor to Enter into the Award Agreement in an Amount Not to exceed $343,229.50. Chief Fillback came forward to provide information on the Camera Grant. Police officers are required to have cameras by January 01, 2025. The state has approved funds available through a grant process to assist communities in purchasing the cameras. Chief Fillback said equipment is a small portion of having cameras. Software is a huge part of maintaining a camera program.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Farrar, second by Miracle for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Police Department to Purchase (45) Axon Enterprise, Inc., Body Worn Cameras and Associated Technology for Administering Body Worn Camera Program.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Farrar, second by Morrison for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of One Lucas 3 CPR Chest Compression System for a Total Cost of $18,660.95.

Chief Whiteford came forward to provide information on the CPR device. He said the EFD has been using CPR devices on the ambulances for about ten years. This is a new version. The devices prove effective at resuscitating people from cardiac arrest.

Alderman Burns asked about the life span of the devices. Chief Whiteford said they last about ten years.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Farrar, second by Grant for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of One Stryker Medical ProCare Service Contract, for a Total Cost of $11,394.50.

Chief Whiteford commented this is a service plan to help maintain the equipment. Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Krause announced a presentation on Information - Information and Statistics of Fentanyl. Alderman Krause invited Katie Robberson to the podium. Alderman Morrison commented that Katie is a former Edwardsville School District Board Member and spoke to Public Safety this week. He said this is an important topic and presentation. He thanked Katie for being at the meeting.

Ms. Robberson said she invited Liz McQuaid from Chestnut to provide information. Ms. Robberson opened her presentation outlining the lives lost due to fentanyl. She shared the story of Anna Schmidt. Ms. Robberson shared passages from a viral Facebook posted written by Anna's family. The post outlined what happened to Anna and the crisis facing our community with regards to fentanyl.

"One Pill Can Kill" campaign in from the Drug Enforcement Agency. The post outlined that fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. In 2020, more people died from fentanyl than from COVID, car accidents, cancer and suicide combined. On May 8, the St. Louis and Southern Illinois DEA recovered 1.3 fentanyl pills.

Fentanyl is an epidemic worse than COVID. Keep Narcan around to help those who may ingested fentanyl. Ms. Robberson said this community cares about each other. If on FB, find the full story on a page titled "Love like Anna". The story is also available in the Intelligencer. We need to begin conversations regarding fentanyl. Chestnut Health and the state have made Narcan and the training available. She commented every home and office should have Narcan available.

Ms. Robberson invited Liz McQuaid to come forward to present the science of Narcan. Ms. McQuaid said she works in overdose prevention for Chestnut Health Systems. She said they focus on opioids. Chestnut has free training (online) every third, Thursday of each month. Chestnut Health hands out Narcan for free. Some facts she outlined were:

• Adderall can often contain fentanyl if not purchased from a pharmacy.

• The answer to the problem is education, connection, access, harm reduction and talking to individuals.

• Stigma keeps people from seeking assistance.

• Anyone can get free Narcan. It is available over the counter.

• Chestnut distributes Narcan for free. Contact them at 618-512-1781 or sr-narcan@chestnut.org.

• Chestnut can deliver mail or meet with Narcan.

• If purchased over the counter it could cost between $50-75.

• Often if you get prescribed an opioid, Narcan is automatically prescribed.

• Narcan is 100% safe. Will not cause anyone to have a medical emergency. It will not hurt anyone.

• Narcan is not the only medication available to assist in an overdose. Naloxone is the brand name and administered via a syringe. Narcan administered as a mist nasally.

• It is safe for everyone, even pets! When in doubt use it!

• The shelf life for Narcan is 3-4 years. Do not store in the car.

• Contact Chestnut to set-up training. The training is approximately an hour or less.

A member of the audience asked about liability. Ms. McQuaid said the Good Samaritan Law allows possession and administration of Narcan. The public is protected just like administering CPR.

Mayor Risavy thanked both Ms. Robberson and Ms. McQuaid from attending and the informative presentation.

Public Safety Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Public Services Committee 

Minutes of the Public Services Committee meeting held on April 25, 2023 presented for information and file.

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Joint Funding Agreement for State-Let Construction Work for the Route 157 Shared Use Path - Phase 3, Section Number 21-00111-03-BT. Alderman Morrison commented this is the next phase of the "Route 66 Bikeway". It runs parallel to 157. Runs from Lewis Road to the MCT Nature trail near Bella Milano. Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of a Supplemental Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for the Route 157 Shared Use Path Phase 3, Section 21-00111-03-BT, for $540,553.00.

Alderman Morrison said this allows the city to use motor fuel tax for the projects. Alderman Farrar asked if a curb would be in place. Eric Williams commented that most is separated away from the shoulder. He said a curb would be added near the crossings. He commented we meet the distance requirements.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of an Engineering Services Agreement with Oates Associates Inc. for the 157 Shared Use Path Phase 3, Section 21- 00111-03-BT in the amount of $145,981.00.

Alderman Morrison said this is a contact to do the engineering design work and paperwork for IDOT.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of a Supplemental Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for the Route 157 Shared Use Path Phase 3, Section 21-00111-03-BT, for $145,981.00.

Alderman Morrison commented this allows use of motor fuel tax dollars for the engineering portion of the project. Eric Williams said construction will likely start in early 2024.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Joint Funding Agreement for State-Let Construction Work for the University Drive Phase 1, Section 19-00111-00-PV.

Alderman Morrison commented this is for the milling and resurfacing of University Drive from 157 to Devon Court.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Miracle for approval of a Supplemental Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for the University Phase 1 Resurfacing, Section 19-00111-00-PV, for $383,457.00.

Alderman Morrison commented this allows use of motor fuel tax funds for the project. Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Farrar for approval of Change Order #3 for the Chapman Street Roadway and Drainage Improvements Contract for $127,018.09.

Alderman Morrison commented this should be final change order for the project. Alderman Farrar said the residents are very happy and thanked the city for making the changes.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Krause for approval of Change Order #1 for the North Kansas and East High Street Improvements Contract for $167,817.33.

Alderman Morrison commented this is an existing contract to relocate a water main. Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Krause for approval of Change Order #1 for the Troy Road Resurfacing Contract for $31,023.20.

Alderman Morrison commented that IDOT is resurfacing Troy Road and doing some of our own resurfacing. Alderman Morrison thanked Eric Williams and Public Works staff for all of their hard work and service. Eric Williams said this an additional item that was missed.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Public Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Administrative & Community Services Committee 

Minutes of Administrative & Community Services Committee meeting held on May 11, 2023 received for information and file.

Motion by Krause, second by Grant for approval of a Sole Source Resolution Authorizing the Awarding of a preventative maintenance one-year contract to Murphy Company for the regular inspection of ice rink equipment at the RP Lumber Center for of $27,500. Alderman Krause commented the company would check the compressor pumps. Approved out of ACS unanimously.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Krause presented an Ordinance establishing the Park North Business District; approving a business district plan; Authorizing the imposition and collection of a sales tax within such business district; and approving certain actions in connection with the establishment of such business district for first reading.

Motion by Krause, second by Grant to approve a Resolution Approving a Special Use Permit for a Drive-Thru Facility at 245 S Buchanan Street.

Alderman Krause commented this is the formers Annie's Ice Cream location. The site will be demolished and a Carrolton Bank branch annex built. ACS recommended unanimous approval.

Alderman Morrison commented that the downtown areas be protected. He said the zoning code reads, "predominantly pedestrian oriented". Mr. Morrison's opinion is that the development is a problem because of the variances and special use permit. He wants to table this and make the project better. He wants to make the corner a destination. Mr. Morrison commented we want to attract and retain destinations. Mr. Morrison would like to make this better.

Alderwoman Grant commented this has already passed zoning. She asked Alderman Morrison what would happen if action were tabled.

Alderman Morrison commented to take it back to ACS and make it better.

Alderman Krause said the architectural characteristics mirrors the building on the north end of the block. He would love to see a commercial building, but does not see that happening. Alderman Krause said a better-built structure is added to the corner.

Alderman Farrar appreciates the Zoning Board of Appeals but disagrees with them on this project. He commented we need to take action and make the corridor feel like a walkable area. The setback states: minimum five, maximum 20 feet to accommodate visual relief and enhance pedestrian character with areas such as courtyards, plazas and seating. He would like the council members to consider the future and how we want the city to look. Alderman Farrar felt the council is not following code.

Mayor Risavy asked if there was any discussion regarding the remediation of the land. Alderman Krause commented this was a filling station and some remediation is required.

Alderman Grant commented that due to the remediation, this is an expensive undertaking and small businesses could not use the space.

Alderman Krause commented from an economy standpoint that leaving the site vacant is not good. If the bank left, it will afford someone else the opportunity to use the land.

Alderman Farrar said the council is not responsible for remediating the land. The council needs to provide basic guidelines and the council is not following.

Roll Call: Four Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Krause, Grant and Burns voting aye. Aldermen Morrison and Farrar voted nay.

Motion by Krause for approval of Special Event Grant from SIUE Foundation for their Cougar Fest in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for fiscal year 2023-2024.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Grant for approval of Special Event Grant from Friends of Leclaire for Leclaire Parkfest in an amount not to exceed $6,814.57 for fiscal year 2023- 2024.

Roll Call: Five Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Alderman Krause abstained. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Burns for approval of Special Event Grant from the Edwardsville Community Foundation and Global Brew, Inc. for their Que & Brew Festival in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for fiscal year.

Roll Call: Five Ayes with Aldermen Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Alderwoman Miracle abstained. Motion carried.

Motion Krause, second by Grant for approval of Special Event Grant from Lynne F Solon Foundation for their 2023 Pickleball Palooza in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 for fiscal year 2023-2024.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Burns to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Application for a PARC Grant for the acquisition of approximately 120 acres of greenspace adjacent to Richards Woods and the acceptance of said grant if we are awarded said grant. Alderman Krause said this is an exciting opportunity. He thanked James Arnold and Nate Tingley for their work. Alderman Grant said eighteen people spoke at the public meeting.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Krause presented the Cool Cities Committee minutes - March 16, 2023 and April 20, 2023 for information and file.

Administrative & Community Services Committee will meet on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Old Business 

New Business 

Mayor Risavy reviewed the events happening the upcoming weekend. Many events were Route 66 themed.

Closed Session 

a) Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body pursuant to 5

ILCS 120/2(c)(5)

Action Taken on Executive Session Items 

Motion by Krause, second by Morrison to enter into Closed session at 8:20 p.m. to discuss two items regarding:

• Executive Session: Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5)

• Executive Session - Pending/Imminent Litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

Council entered into Executive Session at 8:23 p.m.

Motion by Grant, second by Burns to end closed session reconvene council meeting.

Council reconvened at 9:13 p.m.

Motion by Morrison, second by Farrar to allow Alderwoman Jennifer Warren to participate in the Executive session via Zoom.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Alderwoman Warren abstained. Motion carried.

Motion by Krause, second by Grant to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Legal Services Agreement with the law firms; The Gori Law Firm, LLC; Kennedy & Madonna, LLP; SL Environmental Law Group PC; Douglas & London, P.C. Levin, Papantonio, Rafferty, Proctor, Buchanan, O'Brien, Barr, Mougey P.A.; Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP and Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Grant, Farrar and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

There being no further action required, Council adjourned at 9:14 p.m. with a motion by Stack.
