
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Belleville Parks & Recreation Board of Trustees met June 14

City of Belleville Parks & Recreation Board of Trustees met June 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Belleville Parks and Recreation Department was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Ms. Marge Belt.

Roll Call Board Members (Alphabetical Order) Ms. Marge Belt, Mr. Brennan Hartin, Mr. Mike Heisler. Mrs. Teresa Hessel and Mr. Scott Lanxon were excused from the meeting.

Roll Call Staff Members (Alphabetical Order) Mr. Jason Poole. Ms. Emma Martin and Mr. Craig Maue were excused from the meeting.

Previous Minutes

Ms. Belt asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes for the May 10, 2023 meeting. Mr. Heisler made a motion that the minutes be placed on file, the motion was seconded by Mr. Hartin. All members voting aye. Motion carried.

Introduction of Guests and Public Participation





Mr. Heisler made a motion that the claims for the month of May 2023 be paid, the motion was seconded by Mr. Hartin. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting aye. Motion carried.

Summary of Fund Balances

Mr. Heisler made a motion to have the finance reports for the month of June 2023 be placed on file, the motion was seconded by Mr. Hartin. All members voting aye. Motion carried.

Bids None.

Director of Public Works

Mr. Poole informed the board members that Youth Baseball is currently in session. Mr. Poole stated there are 365 children participating in the program. Mr. Poole stated the USA Fastpitch Softball has finished its season at Laderman Park.

Mr. Poole informed the board members there were 287 riders registered for the Tour de Belleville. Mr. Poole stated the event went very well and it was a quality program. Discussion was held on the Tour de Belleville event.

Mr. Poole informed the board members that interviews were conducted for the Recreation Supervisor position. Mr. Poole states he expects a decision to be made within the week. Mr. Poole stated applications have been received for the Director of Recreation position. Mr. Poole stated recommendations have been made and forwarded to Mayor Gregory for her review.

Mr. Poole informed the board members the Splash Pad is now open and the ribbon cutting went well. Mr. Poole stated there are two components that are not working properly, and Capris Pools has been notified to repair. Discussion was held on the Splash Pad. Mr. Poole stated the next phase will be an expansion of the parking lot, fencing installed around the splash pad, small shade shelter and dredging two additional ponds.

Mr. Poole informed the board members that there was a bid opening for the Bellevue Park Improvement Project. Discussion was held on the project, bids and cost. Mr. Poole stated the work should begin this summer. 

Additional New Business


Old Business

Ms. Belt asked Mr. Poole the status of the proposed downtown dog park. Mr. Poole stated there are still discussions regarding the parcel of land. Mr. Poole stated he has been working with the IT Department regarding control access and he has been in contract with some fence companies. Discussion was held on the proposed dog park.

Executive Session


Questions From the Floor



Hearing no further New Business, Old Business or Questions from the Floor. Mr. Hartin moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Heisler. All members voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m..
