
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Belleville City Council met July 17

City of Belleville City Council met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Gregory called this meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

City Clerk Gain Meyer called roll. Members present on roll call: Alderperson Whitaker, Alderperson Schneider, Alderperson Duco, Alderperson Eros, Alderperson Randle, Alderperson Ferguson, Alderperson Anthony, Alderperson Ovian, Alderperson Dintelman, Alderperson Schaefer, Alderperson Stiehl, Alderperson Rothweiler arrived at 7:15 p.m., Alderperson Elmore, Alderperson Weygandt, Alderperson Sullivan, Alderperson Osthoff.


City Clerk Gain Meyer called roll of Department Heads: City Treasurer, Sarah Biermann; City Attorney, Garrett Hoerner; Police Chief, Matt Eiskant; Interim Deputy Fire Chief, Jason Rumpf; Finance Director, Jamie Maitret; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Director of Wastewater, Randy Smith; Director of IT, Eric Walls; City Engineer, Sal Elkott; Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross; Director of Human Resources, William Clay, Director of Communications & PR, Kathy Kaiser; Director of Maintenance, Mike Schaefer.

Excused: Fire Chief, Lloyd Stinson; Library Director, Leander Spearman; Director of Health, Housing & Building, Scott Tyler





Mike Agne: I recently moved over off of Freeburg Avenue across from the Department of Sanitation about two years ago. About two years ago I used to believe in recycling, but I no longer do because what I have in this bucket here is all from the Department of Sanitation, this stuff here is all stuff that came out of the recycling. Whenever the recycling gets dumped off, in their parking lot, a lot of it makes its way right into the water basin. I wanted to bring this stuff here to show you guys so you could see it firsthand because you probably haven't been there to the Department of Sanitation's facility it is at 2115 Freeburg Avenue. Right around noon, 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. or so they do this single stream transfer where they dump it from a truck into a trailer and they shove it aboard this Republic Services trailer and the stuff blows in the wind, it goes all over the place, in my yard, in my neighbor's yards, in the field across the street. A lot of it is from the drain where that trailer sits, there is a drain and underneath there it just drains right out into the swamp the wetland area and it is just, a beautiful wildlife area, but tons of plastic and debris floating in the area, eventually that is going to make its way to Richland Creek and on down the waterways to the Mississippi River probably, eventually, into the Gulf. I think it is atrocious and I see a lot of people here with poly styrene cups and maybe those will even make their way into the recycling, but those aren't even recyclable. Those number six cups, like no one even recycles that, Republic Services, they don't take it. What you should even know is that this right here is just a drop in the bucket compared to what Republic Services has going on across the river over at 55 and Bayless, it is just Belleville times one hundred or more and it is outside, it pollutes, it goes right into Gravois Creek that is right over there, washing into the Mississippi River again. Single stream is just terrible, and I don't think anybody really realizes what is going on when they toss their cup into the bin, that it is just polluting it is not recycling. It makes people feel good, so we can consume more. I think that people need to know the truth about it, and I am starting here with our leaders, our community, this is going on all over the country, but we need to make the change here at home and do better. I invite you guys to examine the truth of the situation and work together to see what we can do to make it better. I sent you all emails as well and I have a group 618liter.com, I invite you guys all to check it out on Facebook, we are trying to host some community events bring awareness to things like this so we can make changes and make it better around here.

Brian Donze: Kaskaskia Engineering Group, I am the Vice President of Transportation. I just wanted to make a quick public comment about the Streets & Grades item that is on the agenda here tonight. As many of you guys know, the Freeburg Avenue round-about project started back in 2011. It was put on hold in 2015 and then last year it was brought to life again. At that time, we submitted documents to IDOT in regards to the direction of the City Engineer, Mr. Elkott and we, it was sat on and then in March or April you guys voted on cancelling our contract and then recently after it was found that no other engineering firm was willing to work on it because it was illegal and against their license that we updated our proposal and resubmitted it. I wanted to make sure that everyone on the Council was aware of why our proposal was resubmitted and some of the changes, you know IDOT standards updated so we have to update everything to the current standards that takes a lot of time and effort. Easements for the construction and everything around there need to be updated as well. All permits and environmental documentation that was started back in 2011 all have to be updated and then IDOT actually is now requiring (inaudible) for round-a-bouts also, that is also part of the proposal to update. Happy to answer into any questions that you may have for me.




Alderperson Schneider made a motion second by Alderperson Eros to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of July 3, 2023 and the Special Council and Executive Session meeting Minutes of June 26, 2023.

All members present voted aye.

Motion carries.


Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Elmore to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of $1,681,593.94 and payroll in the amount of $1,017,687.44.

Members voting aye on roll call: Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, (15)

Motion carries.


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve Treasurer Report May 2023 and a motion to approve Statement of Cash and Investments Report - May 2023

All members present voted aye.

Motion carries.



Alderperson Dintelman made a motion second by Alderperson Schneider to purchase one (1) new 2022 Ford F150 Pick-up in the amount of $44,793.00 and one (1) new 2022 F350 with snowplow in the amount of $78,508.00 from Morrow Brothers Ford using the State Purchasing Bid Program

Members voting aye on roll call: Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker. (15)

Motion carries.


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the following promotions:

Motion to approve Sgt. Kim Fulkerson for promotion to Lieutenant effective July 18, 2023 at 12:01am

Motion to approve M. Sgt Shane Brown for promotion to Lieutenant effective July 27, 2023 at 12:01am

Motion to approve Detective Clayton Green for promotion to Sergeant effective July 18, 2023 at 12:01am

Motion to approve Detective Aaron Spargur for promotion to Sergeant effective July 18, 2023 at 12:01am

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider. (15)

Motion carries.


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the following motions:

Motion to approve a contract with Brite Space Studio, P.C. in the amount of $20,000 for the design of exterior modifications to the Koerner House Museum (Reconstruction of side porch and ADA access) (DCEO Grant)

Motion to extend the Special Use Permit for a liquor license in RE Case# 60-OCT21 Jasmine Brooks located at 8201-8205 West Main Street (07-01.0-110-037) until December 31, 2023

Motion to extend the Special Use Permit for a liquor license and outdoor dining in RE Case# 05-JAN22 G Level and Square (DBA: The Harp Pub) located at 1112 West Main Street (08-21.0-332-003 & 08- 21.0-332-004) until December 31, 2023

Motion to waive formal bidding procedures and utilize the Sourcewell Contract to purchase 1 HP75 heavy duty aerial ladder fire truck from Banner Fire Equipment, Inc for $1,143,776.00 contingent upon City attorney review of purchase contract and subsequent acquisition and approval of financing.

Motion to approve a Facility Use Agreement with Little Knights Football Club for use of Jaycees Park (750 West "H" Street), through June 30, 2024

Motion to approve a Facility Use Agreement with Belleville Citizen's Park Committee, Inc. for use of Citizen's Park (341Citizen's Park Drive) through December 31, 2026

Alderperson Anthony: On the purchase of the Ladder Truck, which is 11-C(4), I see the Fire Department Administration has recommended the purchase of this truck. Have they actually looked out and specd that truck out, know exactly what Belleville is getting for $1.1 million as a Ladder Truck.

Mayor Gregory: We actually had Asst. Chief Larry Ruser come in the other day and also our temporary Chief Jason Rumpf. We spoke about this with Garrett, our City Attorney. Is Jamie still here? Would you like to explain what the situation is on the Fire Truck.

Finance Director Maitret: It would probably be wiser to have Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf come forward.

Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf: Mr. Anthony, I only got the first part of your question, could you please repeat it.

Alderperson Anthony: My main concern is that since this apparatus did not come through the committee, the committee did not have the opportunity to discuss with the Fire Department Administration, the specs on the truck, the (inaudible), the chassis, the engine, you know all the things that come with a fire truck. I know there are questions lingering within some of the committee members minds on what we are getting, do you use some sort of system to figure out that this would be a good fit for Belleville and that it would meet the specifications and the workload that Belleville is going to put through that particular apparatus.

Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf: The truck that it is replacing is very similar to that as far as the specifications, almost near identical to the truck that it would be replacing. So as far as the specifications that it would meet our needs, it is meeting our needs because it is similar to what we already have for the past ten years or more.

Alderperson Anthony: As the Chief Officer in charge right now, you recommended the purchase of this vehicle?

Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf: I am, yes. We did go and form a committee within the department and the committee met and was Chaired by Battalion Chief Curt Lougeay, who is here with me tonight also and out of that committee there were many different things to discuss, one of which is the lead time to deliver a fire apparatus once you place an order and how that lead time just continues to grow, so we speak to the vendors and we are hearing two years, we are hearing three years, we are hearing four years out and every six months that goes by we are seeing the prices for this apparatus just increase again. The recommendation that came out of the Truck Committee, was to consider an intent to purchase like this here, it was similar to something in Granite City who had also went with this particular vendor. It is not just us and our City dealing with this, it is also other cities that have to deal with their current aging fleet and the meantime and up to deliver of a new apparatus just continue to grow.

Alderperson Schneider: I am a little concerned about the way that this has been purchased, there should have been a committee and what is the rating of this truck, you know, how they rate other stuff and we haven't had a Fire Chief, a permanent Fire Chief and when we get one coming in don't you think that one should need to know what was done and how it was done? I mean, if it wasn't even brought to the Police and Fire Committee isn't this something that is just being rushed through? I am very disappointed the way that this is being done, it is just not right. Like I said, the rating of the Fire Truck, is it what we really would if we made it custom? We always get custom Fire Trucks; we don't just take anything sitting on the lot. Can you tell me the rating of this Fire Truck, what is the problems and stuff like that with it.

Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf: This vehicle will be in compliance just like (inaudible – people whispering) even with the custom design it will still be a NFPA compliant truck.

Alderperson Schneider: Was it brought to Police & Fire Committee?

Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf: The motion originated in Administration.

City Attorney Hoerner: I can answer that, we met last week and discussed how the first truck was ordered and is no longer available, now this truck is likewise not to be available so I had suggested to taking it directly to Council subject to my approval of contract when it comes but also it would come back to the committee for purposes of financing, but we just wanted to inform the Council and get that consensus so that we could make a commitment on this vehicle.

Mayor Gregory: Basically, this is a letter of intent.

Alderperson Elmore: I don't have any questions on what you are purchasing, I have a question more about are we retiring a truck or we going to hold on to it for a while until the new one is ready to go? What is the game plan for the one that is being removed, if it is being removed.

Interim Deputy Chief Rumpf: Our current situation with our fleet is Ladder 1299 is off at Banner being refurbished. We expect to have that back, hopefully sometime in December or January but at the same time the truck that is at Station 2 is also aging. It is past its ten-year mark for its frontline use. The truck that is at Station 4, has some serious rust and rail damage. The decision is going to have to be made in the future of whether or not that truck is repaired or is not repaired. This here will help fill in that gap for the timing of replacing of the apparatus that we are behind.

Alderperson Elmore: It allows the time to get the one we currently have repaired/refurbished. That makes perfect sense, the longer you wait the more expensive this is going to be. I understand.

Mayor Gregory: And that was one reason it was bought, because it could be years before we would get a new firetruck because these are specialty built.

Alderperson Elmore: And it will be more money.

Mayor Gregory: It will be a lot more money.

Alderperson Anthony: In the committee meeting we had discussed the condition of the ladder truck that we are actually using as a frontline piece of equipment, there was a lot of concerns about that truck. As a matter of fact, there was a rumor that we did not have a truck, that half of the stuff on the truck wasn't working. Consequently, I have known that we need the apparatus. To actually order it and get it would take about three or four years and that is the time now and you know the cost is going to go up you could end up paying six, maybe seven for the same type of equipment in a few years. My main concern was the truck committee was formed and that committee looked at this apparatus and found it would meet the needs of Belleville, and that we weren't buying something that would end up being out of service or have a lot of issues that we would have to deal with, it has a seven-year warranty on it and this 75 foot ladder has a five hundred gallon tank. I think that other than the chassis we really haven't heard of, Metro Star, I was told is a smarter chassis actually, we just hadn't heard of Metro Star before. If you guys have met and the truck committee, that is normally the procedure anyway, even though it comes before the committee. The committee is a bunch of us that most of us don't know anything about the firetrucks anyway, we have to take the word of these people if we were sitting at the committee meeting on this apparatus. If there is some concern about it, I feel that we can go with the truck committee recommendation and purchase this apparatus if the Council approves.

Mayor Gregory: I personally would like to see the firetrucks and all of our equipment cleaned and dried down after every usage. I think we would get some more time out of the trucks that we have in our fleet, not just in the Fire Department but in other aspects of departments that we have.

Alderperson Weygandt: Another thing, I think if we get it undercoated when we get it, it is safe from getting all rusted out underneath, it is not that much expense to get it undercoated. I think it would prolong the truck for a long period of time from rust forming, I recommend that.

Alderperson Ovian: Request to extend the Special Use Permit to December 31st, this makes the second one and as I was talking to Clifford tonight, this will be the last one, I want to make sure that the owner of the business is aware of that, that is all we can do.

Mayor Gregory: Would that also apply to 11(c)(3)? So, both 11(c)(2) and 11(c)(3)? They are both until December 31st.

Members voting aye on roll call: Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Duco. (15)

Members voting nay on roll call: Schneider (1)


Motion carries.


Alderperson Dintelman made a motion second by Alderperson Elmore to approve the following requests:

Farm Fresh: Site Plan approval for the construction of an approximate 900 square foot addition to the rear of the existing 2,400 square foot building at the property commonly known as 1805 North Belt West. The lot is approximately 13,939 square feet and located within a C-2 (Heavy Commercial) district. (Parcel:08-08.0-415-007) Ward 3 Planning Commission recommended Approval, with a vote of 7-0.

Ashland Storage Centers East: Site Plan approval for the construction of an approximate 3700 square foot Boat & RV Storage building at the existing Ashland Storage facility at the property commonly known as 653 Carlyle Avenue. The lot is approximately 179,902 square feet and houses two separate. buildings that total approximately 53,000 square feet. The lot is located within a C-2 (Heavy Commercial) district. (Parcel:08-23.0-305-020) Ward 7 Planning Commission recommended Approval, with the stipulations that Chairman Kurtz' comments are considered and said site plans will be subject to departmental administrative review and approval with a vote of 7-0. 

Alderman Dintelman: What happened there is our guy wasn't there, our Chairperson. So, we went ahead and did this but he wanted it to be known and he wanted to put his two cents forward so he wrote something up and we decided yes, we would do that.

Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros. (16)

Motion carries.


Alderperson Randle: On behalf of the Streets & Grades Committee, I am going to postpone any action on 11(d)(1) until after we return from Executive Session and then go ahead and read motion 11(d)(2).

Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Schneider to approve an agreement with TWM in the amount of $67,300.00 for additional street repairs to be added to the Lincolnshire contract (East Adams from Forest Avenue to Portland Avenue; East Grant from Wabash to Portland Avenue; Wabash from East Grant to McClintock; South Douglas from Olive to McKinley; South Douglas from Prairie to McClintock; Grand Avenue from East Main to North Douglas (ARPA Funds)

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle. (16)

Motion carries.



Request from Belleville Main Street Marathon to place 10 streetlight banners September 16, 2023 through October 2, 2023 along Main Street

MOVIE IN THE PARK - 07/24/2023 

Request from Your Faithful Hands to host Movie in the Park, Monday, July 24, 2023, 7:00pm to 10:30pm. Use of Hough Park, electric and restrooms.


Request from Lexi's BFF to host Customer Appreciation Day, Saturday, August 26, 2023, 8:00am to 1:00am (08/27/2023). Street Closure: Closure of two parking stalls adjacent to 126 East Main Street bump out. Additional City services: barricades and "No Parking" signage.

NPHC COOKOUT – 08/19/2023 

Request from Kappa Alpha PSI Fraternity to host the NPHC Cookout, Saturday, August 19, 2023, 11:00am to 7:00pm at Gass Park (110 North 10th Street). Additional City services: picnic tables and trash toters.


Request from Blessed Sacrament to host their Parish Picnic, Saturday, August 19, 2023, 4:00pm to 11:59pm. Additional City services: barricades and picnic tables.


Request from BrightPoint to host a fingerprinting/background check event for families, Saturday, August 5, 2023, 10:00am to 2:00pm. Use of City parking lot spaces at building (120 East "A" Street). Additional City services: barricades.


Request from Octavia Wade to host a Westhaven Estates Block Party, Saturday, August 5, 2023, 10:30am to 2:30pm. Street closure: end of Rose Marie Drive and Classen, 10:00am to 3:00pm. Additional City services: trash toters and picnic tables.

Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Whitaker to approve the Communications as read.

All members present voted aye.

Motion carries.






Alderperson Schneider made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to read Ordinances 9176 and 9177 by title only.

All members present voted aye.

Motion carries.

ORDINANCE 9176-2023 

A Zoning Ordinance in RE CASE #60-OCT21 - Jasmine Brooks

ORDINANCE 9177-2023 

A Zoning Ordinance in RE CASE #05-JAN22 – G Level and Square (DBA the Harp Pub)

Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the Ordinances as read.

Members voting aye on roll call: Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson. (16)

Motion carries.




Alderperson Rothweiler made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to pay the Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of $229,150.67. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony. (16)

Motion carries.


Alderperson Eros made a motion second by Alderperson Randle to go into executive session to discuss personnel, litigation, workers' compensation, property acquisition, transfer of property, (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)).

All members present voted aye.

Motion carries.

Executive Session: 7:41 p.m.

Regular Session: 8:10 p.m.

Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Eros to approve Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC, not to exceed the amount of $105,505.00 for the completion of plans for Freeburg Avenue Roundabout by updating plans, updating easements, refile for expired permits, and design lighting as required by IDOT (TIF 3 Funds)

Members voting aye on roll call: Dintelman, Schaefer, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Duco, Eros, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian. (11)

Members voting nay on roll call: Stiehl, Rothweiler, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider (5)


Motion carries.


Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Eros to adjourn at 8:13 p.m.

All members voted aye.

Motion carries.
