Andrea Miracle, 3rd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website
Andrea Miracle, 3rd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website
City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met May 14
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Alderman Jennifer Warren Alderman Hal Patton
Kevin Head, City Administrator
Eric Williams, Public Works Director David Sirko, Assistant City Engineer Mike Fillback, EPD
James Whiteford, EFD
Cathy Hensley, Communications
Jason Koch, Intelligencer
Alderman SJ Morrison
I. Public Comment: None.
II. Council Matters:
A. Approval of Minutes from the May 1, 2024 Public Services Committee meeting:
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for information.
B. Approval to Award the 2024 Pavement Patching Contract to RCS Construction, Inc. in the amount of $410,647.00
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is for an annual contract for the removal and replacement of concrete pavement throughout the city. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
C. Approval of a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement with Oates
Associates, Inc. for the Troy Road Resurfacing, Section 20-00114-00-RS in the amount of $155,931.00
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is for the resurfacing project on Troy Road from Fourth Avenue to Franklin Avenue. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
D. Approval of a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement with Oates
Associates, Inc. for the Governors Parkway at Esic Drive Roundabout, Section 23-00116- 00-PV
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is for the construction of a roundabout and all necessary work required to complete this project. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
E. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Joint Funding Agreement for Federally Funded Construction for the Governors Parkway at Esic Drive Roundabout, Section 23-00116-00-PV
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this outlines the funding and responsibilities of the City and State with regard to grant funds for the preliminary engineering for the project. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
F. Approval of a Resolution appropriating City of Edwardsville Funds for the Governors Parkway at Esic Drive Roundabout, Section 23-00116-00-PV
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is appropriating Capital Improvement Program Funds as matching funds for the project. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
G. Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 62 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Police Department Staffing)
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is for the Police Department to add additional positions. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Administrative and Community Services for consideration.
H. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Police Department to Apply for the FY24 COPS Hiring Program Grant to increase staffing by two (2) positions
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is a grant to assist the City in offsetting some of the salary and benefits with adding positions. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
I. Approval to Purchase a 2023 Bobcat T86 T4 Compact Track Loader and Forestry Package from Bobcat of St. Louis, Fairview Heights, IL through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Contract 040319-CEC in the amount of $158,228.76
Alderman Warren made a motion to approve with Alderman Patton seconding the motion. Staff explained that this is for equipment to be utilized by the Public Works and Parks Department. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for consideration.
III. Old Business:
IV. New Business:
V. Information:
B. Next Public Services Committee meeting will be held at City Hall, 118 Hillsboro Ave. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
VII. Adjournment: Alderman Warren made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Patton seconded the motion.
All Ayes. Committee adjourned at 4:52 pm.