
Metro East Sun

Friday, September 27, 2024

City of Belleville Streets & Grades Committee met June 17

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Belleville City Mayor Patty Gregory | City of Belleville Website

Belleville City Mayor Patty Gregory | City of Belleville Website

City of Belleville Streets & Grades Committee met June 17

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

City Staff: Committee Members:

Scott Saeger, City Engineer Alderwoman Lillian Schneider, Ward 1

Tarron Ivory, Project Technician Alderwoman Carmen Duco, Ward 2

Jason Poole, Director of Public Works Alderman Kent Randle, Ward 3, Chairman

Rene Thompson, Engineering Secretary Alderman Raffi Ovian, Ward 4

Alderman Ed Dintelman, Ward 5

Alderman Chris Rothweiler, Ward 6

Alderman Dennis Weygandt, Ward 7

Alderwoman Nora Sullivan, Ward 8

1. Call to Order/Roll call of Members and Staff

2. Recognition of Guest Alderman

3. Recognition of Other Guests

4. Emergency Procedures

5. Public Participation (2-3 MINUTES PER PERSON)

(a) Members of the public may address the City Council in accordance with Section 2.06(g) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.06(g);

(b) Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker;

(c) The subject of public comments shall be reasonably related to matters(s) identified on the meeting agenda and/or other city business;

(d) Repetitive public comments should be avoided, to the extent practical, through adoption of prior public comment (e.g. agreeing with prior speaker);

(e) The following conduct is prohibited during public participation:

 • Acting or appearing in a lewd or disgraceful manner;

 • Using disparaging, obscene or insulting language;

 • Personal attacks impugning character and/or integrity;

 • Intimidation;

 • Disorderly conduct as defined in Section 130.02 of this revised code of ordinances.

(f) Any speaker who engages in such prohibited conduct during public participation shall be called to order by the chair or ruling by the chair if a point of order is made by a sitting alderman.

6. Approval of Minutes from May 20, 2024

7. Director of Public Works

8. New Business

1. West Main Street Contract Modification

Motion to modify Oates Associates existing Work Order 24, titled West Main Street Resurfacing 28th Street to 44th Street to now include 44th Street to 49th Street Resurfacing, for an additional amount of $169,000.00. Upon approval of these additional services, the contract will increase to a total of $449,000.00. (TIF 3 Funds)

2. 2024-2025 Striping

Motion to approve Right Way Traffic Control, Inc., lowest responsive bidder, in the amount of $183,231.16. (MFT/TIF Funds)

3. Dewey Detention Basin Agreement

Motion to enter into an agreement with Gonzalez Companies in the amount of $49,500.00 to prepare plans for the proposed pump station design utilizing the Pump Station Design Standards, stated in the City’s Code of Ordinances. (TIF 12 Funds)

4. SS4A Planning Grant Proposal

Motion to enter into an agreement with Oates Associates in the amount of $9,900.00 for preparing and submitting a SS4A Planning Grant Application for West Main from Frank Scott Parkway to the City limits, Illinois 157. (TIF 3 Funds)

9. Old Business

10. Miscellaneous/Aldermanic Discussion

Scott to give an update for new installations and repairs to the Opticom Systems throughout the city.

11. Executive Session

The Streets and Grades Committee may go into executive session to discuss probable or imminent litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11))

12. Adjournment
