Belleville City Clerk Jennifer Gain Meyer | City of Belleville Website
Belleville City Clerk Jennifer Gain Meyer | City of Belleville Website
City of Belleville Downtown Belleville Development Commission met July 22
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Commission Members:
Mayor Patty Gregory Zach Bair
Alderperson Dr. Mary Stiehl, Ward 6, Chairperson Jennaver Brown
Amber Weiss Chuck Blanquart
1. Call to order/Roll call of Members and Staff
2. Introduction of Guests
3. Emergency procedures
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes of April 22, 2024, meeting
5. Public Participation-Section 2.06(g) of the IL Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2.06(g)
6. New Business:
A. Discussion of the electric vehicle charging stations at the Downtown Library
B. Discussion of parking concerns at 13 South Jackson Street
C. Discussion of new businesses that have opened or will be opening this year
D. Treasurer’s Reports: April, May, June 2024
1. Review and discussion of the budget and tax revenues
E. Discussion and possible motion to approve a donation to the Downtown Belleville Gingerbread Committee of $500.00
F. General Updates
7. Old Business: Update from the Kiosk Subcommittee
8. Mayoral Update
9. Departmental Update
10. Adjourn