Andrea Miracle, 3rd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website
Andrea Miracle, 3rd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website
City of Edwardsville City Council met Nov. 5
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council took place at 7:00 p.m. at Edwardsville City Hall, located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois, with Mayor Risavy presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present.
Council members Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton answered present on roll call. Alderman Farrar was absent-excused.
Mayor Risavy welcomed everyone in attendance and those viewing on Facebook Live to the meeting.
Special Recognition/Proclamations/Oaths
Mayor Risavy announced the Employee Excellence Award recipients, Officer Ryan Grimes and Officer Jarrod Sprinkle. Mayor Risavy read the nomination. Police Chief Michael Fillback nominated the employees. The officers are a key component of the department's outreach programs. They run the departments D.A.R.E. program. They are responsible for administering the Edwardsville Police Youth Academy, National Night Out and the D.A.R.E. Car show. Officer Grimes and Officer Sprinkle go the extra mile in coordinating these programs. Recently the officers worked with the school district to host an autism open house. The open house provided students and families (who often avoid crowded events) the opportunity to participate. In addition, both officers play an important role in the "Shop with a Cop" program. Our community is fortunate to have these officers in our community!
Mayor Risavy read the Rotary Citrus Proclamation for 2024. November is Rotary Citrus Month. The Edwardsville Rotary Club has conducted an annual citrus sale since 1988 raising more than 1.4 million dollars to benefit community projects. The proclamation outlined the good works the Edwardsville Rotary Club provides to the community. Members of the Rotary came forward to accept the proclamation.
Petitions and Communications
Mayor Risavy announced a Letter from the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding a Special Use Permit for 908 Troy Road.
Mayor Risavy opened the Public Comment portion of the meeting. No public comments received.
Consent Agenda
Mayor Risavy read Consent Agenda items as follows:
● Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on October 15, 2024
City Clerk, Michelle Boyer announced the letter listed under Petitions and Communications was not in the packet. Council members received the letters.
City Clerk, Michelle Boyer announced item C under Public Services is Phase 6 (not Phase 2).
Motion by Grant, seconded by Krause to approve the Consent Agenda presented.
Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Legislative & Executive
Motion by Morrison, second by Warren to approve a Resolution Approving the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the City of Edwardsville.
Finance Director, Jeanne Wojcieszak commented the agreement is for our ground emergency medical transportation program. It authorizes the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to receive additional funds from Federal Medicaid to reimburse us for additional costs incurred for transporting Medicaid patients. A previous agreement was in effect. The current agreement is a renewal.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve the appointment of Evie Hemphill to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee with a term ending April 2026.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve the appointment of Bryan Frost to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee with a term ending April 2025.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Legal & Judicial
City Clerk
Finance Committee
Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve the Claims-the total claims amount— $3,029,279.54.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.
Public Services Committee
Minutes of the Public Services Committee meeting on October 08, 2024 presented for information and file.
Motion by Warren, second by Morrison for approval of a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement with Volkert, Inc. for the Main Street Water Main Infrastructure Improvements Project for $324,272.00.
Alderwoman Warren commented this is the sewer-replacement line project. It covers Vandalia to MCT Bus station on Main Street. It is a much-needed project!
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Warren, second by Morrison for approval of a Joint Funding Agreement for State Participation for the 157 Shared Use Path Phase 6, Section 23-00111-05-BT.
Alderwoman Warren the path runs from the West End Service to Second Street. An ITAP grant funds approximately ninety percent of the project.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Alderwoman Warren presented Change Order #1 and Final for the 2024 CIP Resurfacing Contract in the decreased amount of $18,473.77 for information and file.
Public Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall.
Administrative & Community Services Committee
Minutes of the Administrative & Community Services Committee meeting on October 10, 2024 presented for information and file.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article IV, Division 2 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville – Limited or Prohibited Parking Areas.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution to Approve a Facility Use Agreement between the City of Edwardsville and District 7 for the RP Lumber Center. Alderwoman Grant commented the agreement allows the city to collaborate with District 7. The athletic teams are able to use the facilities.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Morrison to approve a Resolution to Approve a Donation Agreement between the One More Game Pickleball Club and the City of Edwardsville for a Championship Pickleball Court at Plummer Family Park.
Alderwoman Grant commented the donation is $135,000. The donation allows the city to have a championship court at Plummer Park.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution to Approve a Special Use Permit for a "Type B" Non-Owner Occupied Short-Term Rental at 908 Troy Road. Alderwoman Grant commented the city has thirty of the permits available. Approval of this permit brings the total in use to seven. The location is the Leclaire neighborhood.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Alderwoman Grant present a Resolution Authorizing Sign Variances for 2490 Troy Road – QuikTrip.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve a Variance to allow for two freestanding signs instead of the one permitted freestanding sign.
Alderwoman Grant commented the corner has two high traffic areas. This allows QT to keep the existing signs.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve a Variance to allow the existing sign on Troy Road to maintain the current overall height of 19' and 82.6 square feet and more than 10' in one dimension.
Alderwoman Grant commented this allows QT to keep the existing signs. When the location was built, the process was not in place.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve a Variance to allow the existing sign on Troy Road to maintain the existing setback of 4'6" from the side property line instead of the required.
Alderwoman Grant commented this allows QT to keep the existing signs.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve a Variance to allow the existing sign on Goshen Road to maintain the current overall height of 9'3" and 82.6 square feet and more than 10' in one dimension.
Alderwoman Grant commented this allows QT to keep the existing signs.
Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Patton voting aye. Motion carried.
Alderwoman Grant presented the minutes from the Historic Preservation Commission meeting on September 11, 2024 for information and file.
Administrative Services Committee will meet on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall
Old Business
Mayor Risavy thanked city employees who worked the Halloween parade!
Mayor thanked the local election worker for volunteering their time.
New Business
Communication Coordinator, Cathy Hensley came forward and reviewed all of the upcoming events. These include the Zienna Mistletoe Market and the Veterans Day Parade.
Alderman Patton mention the Ginko trees by the Metroeast ball fields. Trees were planted with his friend Roger Weber. The trees are beautiful this time of year!
Action Taken on Executive Session Items
There being no further action required, Council adjourned at 7:24 p.m. with a motion by Miracle.