Jerseyville City Mayor Kevin Stork | City of Jerseyville Website
Jerseyville City Mayor Kevin Stork | City of Jerseyville Website
City of Jerseyville City Council met Nov. 26
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Kevin Stork called the regular session of the Jerseyville City Council to order Tuesday, November 26th at City Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m.
A public hearing was held regarding the proposed exchange of property agreement between the City and Illinois American Water. City Attorney Strang explained this proposed exchange of property would include the City acquiring property on Maple Summit Road near IAW main wastewater treatment plant near existing City owned shooting range and IAW is interested in property on West Fairgrounds Ave. near the City dump area to expand their north wastewater treatment plan. Each property has been appraised and in the difference of said appraisals, IAW will pay the City $22,500.00. Further stating each party will pay their own attorney fees as part of the agreement.
Present were Commissioners Anthony Steckel, Steve Pohlman, Zachary Crawford, John Miles, and Mayor Kevin Stork. City Attorney William Strang was present. City Clerk Denise Hayes took minutes.
Comm. Pohlman led the opening prayer and pledge of allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held Tuesday, November 26, 2024. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve the bills as presented for November 26, 2024, in the amount of $577,056.24. Comm. Steckel noted the invoice for Illinois Municipal Risk Management Association was included in the bill total. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
A. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to approve an agreement for exchange of real property between the City of Jerseyville and Illinois American Water after publishing notice and holding a public hearing. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
B. A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Crawford, to approve a contribution in the amount of $200.00 to the Illinois Foundation FFA Career Leaders Program. All voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
C. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Crawford, to approve the retirement letter submitted by Sergeant Mitch Reynolds from the police department. Mayor Stork read the retirement letter, and gifts were presented on behalf of the City and Police Department. Both the Mayor and Chief Blackorby expressed their sincere appreciation to Mitch for his dedication and commitment to the City and residents of Jerseyville. Roll vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
OTHER BUSINESS: Director of Public Works Manns announced Illinois American Water is in the repair phase after having done the smoke testing of sewers.
Mayor Stork announced the following:
-City Hall will be closed November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving.
-Downtown Country Christmas Festival and Bright Nights will be held this Saturday, November 30th.
-A rededication ceremony for Susnig Complex will be held Saturday, December 14th.
-Residents were reminded and encouraged to sign up for Text MyGov
ADJOURNMENT: Being no other business to be discussed, a motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 p.m. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.