
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of Belleville Electrical Commission met Jan. 28

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Carmen Duco, Ward 2 Alderperson | City of Belleville Website

Carmen Duco, Ward 2 Alderperson | City of Belleville Website

City of Belleville Electrical Commission met Jan. 28

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Tom Bell called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 


• PRESENT - Chairman Tom Bell, Joe Harnist, Josh Hader, Rob Roehrig

• ABSENT - Bryan Jarvis, Ryan Diekemper 

• STAFF MEMBERS - Ed Escobedo, Electrical Inspector 

Jesse Garnica, Deputy Fire Chief 

Lloyd Cueto, Assistant City Attorney

• GUESTS - Jason House- Helio Solar Power


Motion to approve the minutes for November 26, 2024 

Motion Made By: Josh Hader 

Seconded By: Joe Harnist 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed



• Jason House (Name Change from Helio Solar to Advanced Renewable Concepts, LLC) 

Tom Bell asked Jason House why they were changing their names and if they would be using the name Helio Solar anymore. Jason House stated there is another company with Helio Solar in their name and it is causing confusion. Jason House stated they will now be doing everything from selling the product to installing and maintaining the product. They will no longer be using the Helio Solar. 

A motion was made to approve name change from Helio Solar to Advanced Renewable Concepts, LLC. Motion Made By: Ed Escobedo 

Seconded By: Rob Roehrig 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

• Michael Holtgrave (Holtgrave Electric, LLC) 

The commission had asked previously for proof of Michael Holtgrave having his own company. He did supply proof of owning the company Holtgrave Electric, LLC. 

A motion was made to approve Michael Holtgrave to take the ProV Exam. 

Motion Made By: Joe Harnist 

Seconded By: Josh Hader 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

• Michael Mangrum (Main Street Electric) 

The committee had previously asked for proof of Michael Mangum's company being registered with the state. He did supply proof of registration. 

A motion was made to approve Michael Mangrum to take the ProV Exam. 

Motion Made By: Ed Escobedo 

Seconded By: Joe Harnist 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

• Philip Maguire (Sun Solar, LLC) 

The committee discussed previous issues they have had with Sun Solar such as doing work in a non-workman like manner and doing work without permits. Their license had previously been suspended. They are now reapplying with a new license holder. 

A motion was made to interview Philip Maguire plus a representative from Sun Solar, LLC. 

Motion Made By: Ed Escobedo 

Seconded By: Rob Roehrig 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

• Ronnie Arnold (Volt, LLC) 

The committee reviewed the application for Ronnie Arnold. Ronnie Arnold previously worked for Titan Solar, who had their license suspended due to poor workmanship. Ronnie Arnold never attended the hearing for his license. 

A motion was made to interview Ronnie Arnold. 

Motion Made By: Josh Hader 

Seconded By: Ed Escobedo Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

• Scott Denison (Advanced Lighting & Power) 

The committee reviewed the application for Scott Denison. Work history is older so the commission would like current work history. 

A motion was made to approve Scott Denison to take the ProV Exam and to show more current work history. Motion Made By: Josh Hader 

Seconded By: Ed Escobedo 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

• Chris Verner (CR Solar, LLC) 

The committee reviewed the application for Chris Verner. 

A motion was made to send a letter to Chris Verner requesting 6 years of work experience and test results. Motion Made By: Ed Escobedo 

Seconded By: Rob Roehrig 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 


• None 

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. 

Motion Made By: Rob Roehrig 

Seconded By: Ed Escobedo 

Voice Vote: All Aye 

Motion: Passed 

Meeting adjourned at 1:58 p.m. 
