
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

City of O'Fallon Public Works Committee met Jan. 27

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Jerry Mouser, City Clerk | City of O'Fallon

Jerry Mouser, City Clerk | City of O'Fallon

City of O'Fallon Public Works Committee met Jan. 27

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Opening

CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m.

Item 1.1 ROLL CALL

Members Present: Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart, Todd Roach, Roy Carney, Eric Van Hook, Aaron Hudson

Item 1.2 Approval of Minutes – November 24, 2024.

Motion by Roy Carney, second by Dennis Muyleart to approve the minutes.

All Ayes. Motion carried.

2. Items Requiring Council Action

Item 2.1 Resolution authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to sign the required IDOT Documentation regarding the Motor Fuel Tax Funds (MFT) Supplemental for the FY2026 Annual General Maintenance Program in the amount of $866,937.14.

IDOT requires that the City Council pass a resolution to support the use of MFT for in-house maintenance of streets and highways by a municipality. This required supplemental resolution is very similar to the ones passed by the Council in the past and allows use of MFT funds by in-house personnel for the maintenance of City streets. We take it through committee prior to budget to get IDOT approval which takes time. We are unable to spend the money prior to IDOT approval.

Motion by Roy Carney, second by Todd Roach.

Aye: Dennis Muyleart, Todd Roach, Roy Carney, Eric Van Hook, Aaron Hudson, Ross Rosenberg

Final Resolution: All ayes. Motion Carried.

Item 2.2 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with Roots Inc. for the Installation and Storage of Seasonal Decorations for the 2025-2029 Holiday Seasons. Since 2011, the City has contracted out the maintenance, installation, removal, and storage of the City's seasonal decorations. The most recent 5-year contract expired with the installation of the decorations last fall. A Request for Proposals was advertised in the paper on 1/8/25 and proposals were accepted until 1/22/25. The city received two proposals Roots Inc. was the low bidder and staff recommends entering into this 5-year agreement.

Council member Rosenberg asked about the cost difference from the previous contract. He also asked if maintenance is City responsibility to take care of. Staff replied that the old contract was roughly $39,000 and that this new contract also includes putting up the Hometown Hero Banners.

One third of the contract is paid at the time of removal and the other two thirds is paid at the time of installation. The decorations are maintained by the contractor. They will take them out and test them prior to installation. If bulbs need to be fixed, they will fix them. If a decoration is in complete disrepair the city would purchase a new decoration. 

Council member Carney asked if this is a five-year contract. Staff replied yes, it is a five-year contract.

Same as the previous contract with Demond Signs.

Council member Rosenberg inquired about the cost increase from the previous contract. Staff replied that labor costs have increased with minimum wage. The contract was for $39,000 plus and is from five years ago. The contract did not include the Hometown Hero Banners. The banners go up and then are returned to the organizer who stores them over the winter.

Council member Roach said there is only a $500.00 difference between Roots and Mac Electric. He asked if there are concerns about Roots not having an electrician. Staff replied there are no concerns.

Demond Signs did not have electricians that performed the work. The decorations are plug and play. If there are further electrical issues the city would need to troubleshoot them.

Council member Albrecht asked where the decorations are stored. Staff replied that it is the contractor's responsibility. Staff did reach out to Roots and they have a storage container.

Motion by Aaron Hudson, second by Roy Carney.

Aye: Todd Roach, Roy Carney, Eric Van Hook, Aaron Hudson, Ross Rosenberg, Dennis Muyleart.

Final Resolution: All ayes. Motion Carried.

Other Business

Item 3.1 MS4 Program - The State of Illinois requires municipalities to hold an annual meeting for public input for the MS4 stormwater program. The required documents to comply with the state regulations. The Public Works Committee will count as the annual meeting for the program. We are comembers of a group made up of neighboring communities, the county, and townships. We work together to complete the requirements and tasks associated to the permit.

Council member Ross as if there is a way for residents to get on a mailing list for meetings. Staff replied there is a committee group that meets quarterly for training, and they also have community outreach to schools. Staff will need to look into if there is a mailing list.

4. Public Comments

Dave Pfeifer spoke for 2 minutes and 13 seconds.

Vern Malare spoke for 1 minute and 22 seconds.

5. Adjournment

Motion by Todd Roach, second by Roy Carney. All Ayes. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
