Madison County Transportation Committee
Recent News About Madison County Transportation Committee
Madison County Transportation Committee met Jan. 2
Madison County Transportation Committee met Wednesday, Jan. 2
Chairman Kurt Prenzler presents redistricting map of Madison County Board
Chairman Kurt Prenzler presented his proposed redistricting map on Tuesday, which reduces the size of the Madison County Board.
Madison County Transportation Committee met April 12.
Madison County Transportation Committee met Wednesday, April 12.Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:1.
Madison County Transportation Committee amends tax fund policy
The Madison County Transportation Committee met Oct. 13 to amend the tax fund policy.
Madison County Transportation Committee presents bridge funding
The Madison County Transportation Committee met Sept. 15 to present a funding resolution for bridge replacement.
Madison County Transportation Committee meets to discuss purchase requests
The Madison County Transportation Committee met Thursday, July 14.
Madison County Transportation Committee meets to approve resolutions, bids
The Madison County Transportation Committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 11.
Madison County Transportation Committee reviews reports at meeting
Members of the Madison County Transportation Committee met at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, July 14.
Madison County Transportation Committee meets, discusses resolutions
The Madison County Transportation Committee gathered for a regular meeting yesterday, May 12.
Madison County Transportation Committee meets to discuss resolutions affecting county roads
The Transportation Committee for Madison County, Illinois, recently met to discuss a host of resolutions that will affect roads throughout the county.
Madison County Transportation Committee to examine host of resolutions at upcoming meeting
The Transportation Committee for Madison County, Illinois, will meet in the County Highway Building at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow, Jan. 14, to examine a host of resolutions.