The Madison County Transportation Committee recently met to discuss a host of resolutions affecting roads throughout the county.
The Madison County Transportation Committee recently met to discuss a host of resolutions affecting roads throughout the county.
The Transportation Committee for Madison County, Illinois, recently met to discuss a host of resolutions that will affect roads throughout the county.
Resolutions on the table included an agreement for the resurfacing of Berkshire Blvd. in East Alton, a supplemental agreement for professional engineering services on Staunton Road and a resolution to establish an altered speed zone in the Jarvis Road District.
The committee exists to oversee the Highway Department and recommend the purchase and sale of rights of way in the county. It also liaises between the county board and the Madison County Transit District, as well as between the county board and the state and federal departments of transportation.
Joe Semanisin is chair of the committee. Committee members include Kelly Tracy, Art Asadorian, Larry Trucano, Bill Meyer, Mike Walters and Bill Robertson.