There have been 35 confirmed coronavirus cases in Jersey County as of June 30, with one death linked to the virus, according to data from the state Department of Public Health (IDPH).
Hendiz Flynn was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Melissa Uhles was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Jolene Clarke earned $87,600 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity as an administrative assistant, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Shawn Clark earned $61,800 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a human services caseworker, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Cynthia Hurm was ranked in the 86th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Daniel Clarke earned $132,200 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a senior public service administrator, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Kathleen Berry was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Tanya Zander was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.