The City Council for the City of Edwardsville, Illinois met recently on a host of ordinances.
During the meeting, an ordinance was presented authorizing the trade-in and destruction of certain surplus personal property owned by the city. This ordinance had to do with 10 handguns and eight long guns no longer in use by any city agency. The ordinance was approved.
Another importance ordinance looked to amend chapter 46 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville. The ordinance would change existing Fire Department staffing and allow for six additional firefighters. The ordinance was approved.
A third ordinance dealt with the authorization for the issuance, sale and delivery of general obligation bonds, series 2015, of the city of Edwardsville. The ordinance was approved.
Mayor Hal Patton presided over the meeting. Aldermen present included Art Risavy, Jeanette Mallon, William Krause, Barb Jurgena-Stamer, Craig Louer and Janet Stack.