The city of Alton Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency Committee met Tuesday for a guided tour of water treatment plant. | File photo
The city of Alton Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency Committee met Tuesday for a guided tour of water treatment plant. | File photo
The city of Alton Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency Committee met Tuesday for a guided tour of water treatment plant.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the city:
Notice is hereby given that the Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency
Committee of the City of Alton will meet on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at
1200 W. Broadway, Alton, at 4:00 P.M.
Agenda: guided tour of the Alton water treatment plant located at 1200 W.
Broadway, Alton. (Note entrance is near the Piasa Bird on the River Road).
Any guest you bring must have prior “sign in”.
Next meeting will be held on October 4 , 2016
If prospective attendees require an interpreter or other access accommodation
needs, please contact the Alton City Clerk’s Office at 618-463-3522 no later
than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting to arrange the