
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Maryville Heritage and Museum Committee recruits new members

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The Maryville Heritage and Museum Committee met Aug. 15 to recruit new members.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee: 


August 15, 2016 Meeting Minutes

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 10:04 AM by Chairman Picchioldi.

MEMBERS ATTENDING: Beckie Decker, Marilyn Ellis, Joyce Pea, Sharon Petty, Mike Picchioldi, and museum friend, Co. Board

member Joe Semanisin, Marilyn Sulc, and Mayor Larry Gulledge. Ed Kostyshock came a few minutes later.


MINUTES: Approval of June meeting minutes – Motion by Decker to approve as read, 2nd by Ellis. Motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT: High cost of Internet discussed, but no action taken.

LIASON REPORT – Trustee Ed Kostyshock was unavailable to attend the meeting.

A. To Do

1. Siren will be painted CD yellow. Village lift not tall enough. May be able to use Township equipment.

2. Replace small north door in firehouse – No action taken

3. Old uniforms of Fire and Police Dept. – have not talked to Police Chief Carpenter.

5. New bathroom fixtures and revamp area -$3,000-$5,000 estVillage will get money to cover brick,

lower ceiling, eliminate small step according to mayor.

6. Combo for safe – Semanisin was going to check with locksmiths. Ed to check with Brussatti.

B. Discussed display case up to Village Hall. Best option 5’ or 6’ long case.


A. Recruitment of new members - Articles/picture in newspaper. Use “Memories from Maryville” Facebook page

to help get volunteers. Send requests to churches.

B. Projects in Progress

1. Marker for Donk Mine – Semanisin to talk to MCT and get permission to keep clean in writing.

2. Interviews: Tony Barbarotto, Jim Morgan,rlen Wilke, Charmaine,@ Founatins, Eileen Nepute,

Kate Konski, Joann Kurtak, Bob Kelly Louie Meier, Bob Ricker, Petty/Pea None scheduled.

Add Pauline Naylor to list. Mark Albers could make DVD of interviews.

3. Loom – Siue and Marilyn Sulc may have contacts

4. Aerials of Village of 1950's being used to record early families & business. Marvin Brussatti, Semanisin

and Petty still working on project. East side of village done. Project on hold till after Homecoming display.

5. Get pictures of school, coal mine and shirts, suit, hat from Elliott family – Pea working on.

6. Cemeteries: Peters Cemetery, belongs to State of Illinois, still need to go visit and take photos.-No action taken.

7. SIUe Dr. Laura Fowler & students - No new update

8. Inventory put into Past Perfect – Inventory on hold

9. New signage for display items, with information & donors – Petty – On going.

10. Look into getting genealogy files from families – Belletto No action taken.

11. Reconfigure display in room. Decided to put farming in south west corner. Family room, military/vets,

fire/police, churches, farming. Set up small office in small area.

12. Possibility of Sliva log cabin shed donation – No action taken.

13. Piccchioldi still working with Village and Sam’s Club about a grant for TV.

14. Bid from Cosmos Tinting about professionally getting windows treated with shade screening. - Petty


1. Exhibition Project - Baseball and Children’s program – Discussion for after Homecoming display.

2. Peter's Cemetery –need to get out there. - Possibly get rubbings. – No action taken.


A. Sign on Parkview Road to remember China Town Road and miners. Semanisin to check with 911.

B. Maryville Rocks idea – Pea to check into Jefferson City idea

B. Brief History of Maryville – Petty to send to committee.

C. Baseball display in fall to mirror World Series

D. Gulledge has old maps in office. Committee welcome to have for museum.

E. Clean out back area. Gulledge felt great winter project for workers.

WORKDAYS: Wednesday August 29 @ 10:00 to sort artifacts and get ideas for display

Next meeting will be held Monday September 19 @ 10:00AM at the Museum.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:54 AM.

Submitted by Sharon Petty