The city of Alton Community Relations Commission met July 6 to announce upcoming events.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided bu the commission:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
July 6, 2016
A regular meeting of the Community Relations Commission was called to order at 5:30 pm on July 6, 2016, at Alton City Hall, 101 E. 3rd Street, Alton, Illinois.
Members Present: Peter Hough, Mike Varner, Ellar Duff, Megan Williams, Cindy Lolley, Chief Simmons
Members Absent: Benjamin Golley, Dr. Spells, Greg Caffey
Motion by Megan Williams to lay over the approval of minutes to give more time, Second by Judge Duff, Chair so orders
- Directory of Services: Ms. Lolley looked through the Riverbend Head Start guide. It seemed very
comprehensive to her. She noted that it does not cover non-professional service, such as faith based organization, community groups, etc. Mr. Varner proposed putting something in the advantage to ask people to contact the Commission about services their organization provides, so the Commission could fill in the gaps of the Riverbend Head Start guide. Judge Duff suggested starting by compiling a record. Mr. Varner volunteered to follow-up with organizations who supply information. Judge Duff volunteered to organize the information as it arrives. The Commission would only be seeking information from organizations who offer services free of charge. - Implicit Bias: Judge Duff discussed a good implicit Bias training she attended through the Anti-
Racism Council. She suggested that we may want to partner with similar groups to conduct the same trainings. It is a good way to start dialogue. Judge Duff said she would speak with Ruth Meyer about doing some additional training in Alton. Mr. Varner contacted the Diversity Awareness Partnership (DAP) about having another session in Alton. Due to no longer having grant funding, the Commission would be required to pay $1200 for a session. Judge Duff suggested we go with a different group that does not charge since the Commission does not have the money to pay for an event. Ms. Williams recommended that the Commission be careful with the selection of a facilitator, because for the dialogue to be productive and safe, a well-trained and seasoned facility needs to be present. - Policing and Building Trust within the Community: Ms. Williams discussed a partnership the City
of Alton is negotiating with University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL) in which Former Chief Dan Isom, his doctoral candidate and a consultant will work with the City of Alton and its citizens to create a strategic community policing plan. Once all the negotiations are done with UMSL, more information will be provided to the Commission and the Community.
o Discussion was held on an upcoming event with Carrollton Bank. The Commission, Alton
Housing Authority, YWCA and Carrollton bank will be offering a series of 5 financial education classes at the YWCA in Alton. The classes will be geared around first time home buyers, financial planning, creating budgets, etc. o One City/One Story was discussed. Ms. Williams reported the YWCA was not interested
in partnering on such a project at this time, but may be more interested in the future. o Citizen/Youth/Business/Officer of the year was discussed. Judge Duff and Mr. Hough
volunteered to work together on creating a nomination form for the Commission to review and approve at the next meeting. Ms. Williams suggested that nomination forms should be available by mid-September with a return day of the end of October, so the Commission has time to review all nominations and vote on winners prior to December. o Amnesty Day was discussed. Judge Duff reported that she talked to the Chief Judge who referred her to State’s Attorney Tom Gibbons. Mr. Gibbons then referred her to First Assistant Jennifer Mudge. Judge Duff was going to follow-up with Ms. Mudge and report back at the next meeting.
- There was no new or other business.
- Ms. Williams made a motion to lay over the appointment of new officers. Chief Simmons
seconded the motion. Motion passes.
o 6 ayes: Hough, Varner, Duff, Williams, Lolley, Simmons o 0 nays o 3 absent
- There are no comments
- Ms. Williams made a motion to adjourn. Judge Duff seconds the motion. Motion passes.
o 6 Ayes: Hough, Varner, Duff, Williams, Lolley, Simmons o 0 Nays o 3 Absent - Meeting adjourned at 5:57 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Megan L. Williams