The St. Clair County Finance Committee met Jan. 23 to purchase police vehicles.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:
January 23, 2017
The Finance Committee of the St. Clair County Board met on January 23, 2017in the County Board
Conference Rooms.The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ken Easterley at 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Others Present:
Ken Easterley, Chairman Debra Moore, Director of Administration
Marty Crawford, Asst. Chairman Fred Boch, County Board
Lonnie Mosley Major Tom Knapp, Sheriff’’s Department
June Chartrand Frank Bergman, Human Resources
Carol Clark T. J. Hunter, Attorney
Dixie Seibert Aaron Chappell, Attorney
John West Mark Seibert, Citizen
Joseph Bustos, News Democrat
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were no Public Comments or Questionsat this Meeting.
Upon a motion by Mr. West and seconded by Mr. Mosley, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes from December 19, 2016.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Seibert and seconded by Ms. Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
Resolution relating to participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund for the
County Board Chairman.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Seibert and seconded by Ms. Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
Resolution relating to participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund for the
Governing Board (Board Members).
Upon a motion by Mr. Crawford and seconded by Mrs. Seibert, it was unanimously agreed to approve
the Purchasing & Central Services Items listed below:
Purchase of (3) New 2016 Chevrolet Impala Police Package Vehicles total cost is $65,910.00.
Upon a motion by Mr. Crawford and seconded by Mrs. Chartrand, it was unanimously agreed to approve
the Treasurer’s Monthly Report and Funds Invested Report.
Upon a motion by Mr. Mosley and seconded by Mrs. Chartrand, it was unanimously agreed to approve
the Expense Claims – Claims Subcommittee Report.
Upon a motion by Mr. West and seconded by Mr. Mosley, it was unanimously agreed to approve entering
into Executive Session at 6:53 p.m.
Upon motion by Mr. West and seconded by Mrs. Seibert, it was unanimously agreed to approve return to
Open Session at 7:10 p.m.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Seibert and seconded by Mr. West, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
case for Mr. Ronnie Gully, Jr.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Chartrand and seconded by Ms. Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
case for Mr. Andrew McKinnon.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Seibert and seconded by Ms. Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
case for Mr. Demarius Hicks. It was also moved that this Committee authorize Counsel to present this
matter to the County Board of their approval in Executive Session.
Upon a motion by Mr. Crawford and seconded by Ms. Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
case for Mr. John Kinder.It was also moved that this Committee authorize Counsel to present this matter
to the County Board of their approval in Executive Session.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Seibert and seconded by Mr. West, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
case for Mr. Michael Lanzante.
Upon a motion by Mr. Crawford and seconded by MMs. Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the
case for Mr. Michael Sims.
Attorney Aaron Chappell discussed the Dante Beattie case in detail with the Sheriff’s position. He will
withdraw the settlement agreement and conduct further investigation for presentation at the February
Upon a motion by Ms. Chartrand and seconded by Mr. Mosley, it was unanimously agreed to approve
adjournment at 7:48 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Debra Moore, Director of Administration
St. Clair County