The city of Alton Civil Service Commission met March 1 to approve the lieutenant eligibility list.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commission:
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 1, 2017
A regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission was called to order at 8:15am on March 1, 2017, at
Alton City Hall, 101 E. Third Street, Alton, Illinois.
Members Present: Vicki Searles-Williams, Terry Bristow, Jonas Janek
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Civil Service Attorney Rodney Caffey
Guests Present: None
A motion was made by Ms. Williams and seconded by Mr. Bristow to approve the minutes of the
regular meeting on January 18, 2017. Motion passed.
Lieutenant and Account Clerk III Job Descriptions were signed.
Street Grade V Requisition was signed.
Lieutenant Eligibility List Requisition was signed.
Todd Pohlman’s probationary period evaluation was discussed. He will not be receiving the promotion
to Operator I and will return to his previously held position of Operator II.
Captain Harris, through his union, has requested the matter of his potential discipline go through the
arbitration process available to him pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement. Therefore the
hearing before Civil Service concerning Captain Harris has been cancelled.
With no further business, Mr. Bristow made a motion, seconded by Ms. Williams to adjourn at 8:25am.
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Rachel Lomelino