The village of Glen Carbon Community Events Committee met March 23 to plan yoga in the park.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:
Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Upper Level Conference Room
151 N. Main
Glen Carbon, Illinois
Meeting Called to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes – February 9, 2017
Citizens Wishing to Speak
Old Business
1. Discussion and action on additional events for 2017 (i.e. Little Miss Glen Carbon)
2. Discussion and action on Homecoming collectible – stemless glass sold by Miss Bailey’s
3. Discussion and action on cost of beer sold by Fire Department
4. Discussion and action on proposal for #glencarbonrocks. Need specific location for placement, etc.
New Business:
1. Discussion and action on contract for Yoga in the Park at Schon Park
Coordinator Reports
1. Coordinator Assignment Reports:
a. Parade (Almeda) – Rolling Nobles approved
b. Alcohol (Scott)
c. Sponsorship (Becki)
d. Finance (Ashley)
e. Events (Geri)
f. Booths / Carnival Vendors (Becki/Andrew)
g. Promotions / Marketing (Molly?)
h. Entertainment / Fireworks (Andrew) Both bands, DM Audio, and Fireworks approved
i. Volunteers / Attractions (Naciye)
j. T-Shirts (Geri)
Next CEC meeting will be April 13, 2017
cc: Mayor, Rob Jackstadt
Village Administrator, Jamie Bowden
Trustee, Steve Slemer