
Metro East Sun

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Maryville Heritage and Museum Committee met February 20

Maryville Heritage and Museum Committee met February 20.

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

A. To Do

1. Siren will be painted CD yellow. To coordinate with Township equipment.

2. Update on north room: Area being gutted and floor being removed. Door will be replaced. Bathroom to be torn out.

Have applied for renovation grant, will know in next few months.

. 3. Combo for safe – Have not heard from locksmith with combo sequence.

4. Window Tinting: see if we get grant

5. Display case at Village Hall getting noticed. Will change in March to Maryville Baseball. Maybe a questionnaire.

B. Other: Al Hrbetz new book. Kostyshock has copy. Still have large number. Need to sell.

Going price is $5.00 on Amazon. Group agreed to reduce price and try to sell around town.

Old Business:

A. Recruitment of new members - Articles/picture in newspaper. Have been using “Memories from Maryville” Facebook

page to help get volunteers.

B. Projects in Progress

1. Marker for Donk Mine – agreed to wait on MCT to provide kiosks, but will send J. Kane copy of Donk mine info.

2. Interviews: Tony Barbarotto, Jim Morgan, Charmaine@ Founatins, Eileen Nepute, Kate Konsky, Joann Kurtak,

Bob Kelly Louie Meier, Bob Ricker, Pauline Naylor. Petty/Pea

3. Loom – SIUe Decker & Ellis met with Laura Strand, a professor of Art & Design at SIUe. Net to move to spot and

sort items to help her assess if all pieces are there., then will try to help us put together.

4. Past Perfect – on going project

5. Reconfigure display area. Work in progress.

6. Homecoming ideas for 2017 – start thinking of ideas.

7. Chinatown Road sign. Found Historic road sign on line – Dixon, IL

8. Need to come up with new display items at Village Hall display case.

9. Maryville Rocks –Pea - looking to this spring

10. Homecoming DVD’s - will try to sell to at schools & churches

11. Loading dock on E.Main – need to keep weeds down

12. Homecoming stand: sell tickets/shirts to raise money. State of Illinois with star on Maryville location.

13. Old Civic Center property – Kostyshock called, may have another buyer. Will call back.

14. Display at Art Contest – get info and table to get exposure

15. Old copier – Marvin had techs look it over. Not worth fixing.

16. Concert in Park May 26 – Have museum display. Need small table $40 at Walmart. Village should have small tent.

17. Museum brochure, walking tour. Picchioldi to update information.

18. UV protective photo sleeves – Cannot find. Need to look at Clearbags.com for acid free covers.

19. Other: Picchiolddi got maps and signs from Mayor Gulledge’s office.

C. Tabled Projects

1. Exhibition Projects: Baseball and Children’s program

2. Peters’ Cemetery – Need to make rubbings.

New Business

A. Projects

1. Donations – Smudge pot and fireman’s helmet from Dave West’s wife. Came from Tommy Lucas. Items that

might be available: Dilbert Tegemeyer has wringer washer, collars from mules. Julie Clark has old wooden school

house on property in Auroa, Il. Will send pictures.

2. Vets – research via Dept. of Defense. Look for those that lived in Maryville @ time of service

Workdays: Tuesday, February 28 @10:00 Next meeting will be held Monday March 20, 2017 @ 10:00AM at the Museum.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:10 AM. Motion by Oberkfell, K., seconded by Petty. Carried.

Submitted by Sharon Petty
