Village of Swansea Board of Trustees met April 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
3. Roll Call
4. Public Comment
5. Old Business
a) FY 2018 Budget
b) Ordinance No.__ An Ordinance Enacting The Annual Municipal Budget For The Village Of Swansea, Illinois For Fiscal Year 2018, Beginning May 1, 2017 And Ending April 30, 2018."
c) 9-1-1 Dispatching Services
d) Resolution No.__ A Resolution Authorizing the Village of Swansea, IL to Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Belleville, IL for 911 Dispatching Services "
6. New Business
a) Executive Session - Exception 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), to the Open Meetings Act "The appointment, employment, compensation.of specific employees of the public body." Trustee Lanter
7. Adjournment
(Public comment accepted during meetings. Raise your hand to be recognized)
* indicates Attachment Enclosed in Meeting Packet