
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met April 27.

Webp hall

City of Edwardsville Administrative and Community Services Committee met April 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

PRESENT: Tom ButtS ,Jeff Berkbigler, Barb Stamer, Bob Pfeiffer, Art Risavy, Chris Byrne, Jack Burns, Justin Wenvertloh, Cheryl Porter, Cody King, Ryan Zwijack


1. Approval of minutes for April 13, 2017 ACS Meeting-Motion to approve (Stamer), seconded (Butts) and voted all ayes.

2. Correspondence & Announcements:

A.) Memo from Plan Commission regarding Preliminary Plat of Heck's Subdivision - for referral to Public Services Committee

3. Council Matters


1.) An Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article IV, Division 2 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville-Limited or Prohibited Parking Areas - prohibits parking on both sides of Hawthorne Hills Drive and Villa Court-Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Risavy) and voted all ayes,

2.) An Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article IV, Division 3 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Designation of Stop Intersections) - establishes stop intersections within Hawthorne Hills Subdivision - Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes,

3.) An Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article IV, Division 3 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Designation of Yield intersections)- establishes a yield intersection within Hawthorne Hills Subdivision - Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Risavy) and voted all ayes.


1.) A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Request Proposals for the Sale and Redevelopment of the Public Safety Building (400-410 N. Main Street) - This allows the City to send out a request for proposals. There is a database of about 20 developers to solicit proposals for redevelopment/reuse of the current Public Safety Building and Fire Station. The minimum bid requirement suggested would be $1,040,000. Staff is going to develop a matrix to figure out what it should be used for. Alderman Stamer discussed the mural that is in the front of the building. She said it is an historic piece of Edwardsville history. She would like to see a portion of itsaved in the event the building comes down. Bob Pfeiffer stated HPC has discussed that in their meeting. Motion to approve (Butts), seconded (Risavy) and voted all ayes. 2.) An Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Edwardsville, New Poag

Associates LLC, 5947 New Poag Road - Annexes the RESERVE PUD Site-The land was purchased last month and they are in the document review phase. Motion to approve (Risavy), seconded (Stamer) and voted all ayes to file for first reading.


1) Resolution Authorizing an Amended Intergovernmental Agreement for Lewis and Clark Community College Sign - Seeks changes from 2007 Intergovernmental Agreement regarding the approved location, design, and size of sign - Held 10/27/16 - This document now contains a drawing of what the sign is supposed to look like in masonry. They are going to leave a 9' 6" x 3' 8" void in the masonry for something to be added at a later date. The sign was previously going adjacent to the property line. Alderman Butts asked about the opening in the masonry and what would be put there. As of now, it has not been spelled out. He doesn't feel comfortable with the open-ended of what can go in that space and under what rules. Motion to hold in Committee until petitioner can demonstrate what will fill the void in the sign (Butts), seconded (Risavy) and voted all ayes.


4. Boards and Commissions:

A.) Plan Commission - Minutes 2/22/17

B.) Zoning Board of Appeals

C.) Human Relations Commission

D.) Historic Preservation Commission

E.) Recreation, Arts and Special Events Board


G.) Library Board

H.) Band Board

l.) Cool Cities

5. Old Business: Alderman Butts thanked the Committee and City staff for a good year as they've taken on challenges and met those challenges.

6. New Business: Alderman Stamer expressed appreciation for Alderman Butts and his service to the Council and asking the hard questions that most were not comfortable asking. Alderman Risavy agreed and said that he will be missed. Alderman Butts stated he sent an email to various staff about some unfinished business that he would like to see this Committee take on. He would like to see enforcement of the ordinances that have to do with code violations, such as dumpster enclosures, tall grass, and trash. He feels there is room for improvement.

7. Next ACS Meeting: Week of May 8-12, 2017 at City Hall-Date and time to be announced.

8. Adjournment