City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met April 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Alderman Jeanette Mallon,
Alderman Barbara Stamer,
Alderman Craig Louer,
Hal Patton, Mayor
Tim Harr, City Administrator
Eric Williams, Director of Public Works
Ryan Zwijack, City Engineer
David Sirko, Assistant City Engineer
Becky Standefer, Project Engineer R
ick Welle, Fire Chief
Mike Fillback, EPD
Walt Williams, Economic Development Director
Cody King, intelligencer
Dennis Denby, CMT
Forrest Lerch, 3028 Keebler Road, Collinsville, IL
Don Osborn, 100 Regency Centre
Cody Osborn, 100 Regency Centre
Kathy Malaway, 7021 Stalion Drive
Public Comment:
items forwarded to Council:
Approval of Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of April 11, 2017. Alderman Stamer made a motion to recommend Approval of the Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of April 11, 2017. Alderman Matlon seconded the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for information.
Approval to Award the 2017-2018 MFT Material Letting by Group Number to: Group 1. Maclair Asphalt Sales, LLC for Cold Mix (EZ Street) Asphalt in the amount of $3,540.00 Group 2. Christ Brothers Asphalt Inc. for Hot Mix Asphalt in the amount of $49,000.00 Group 5. Kienstra-Illinois, LLC for the Concrete Contract in the total amount of $70,875.00 Group 6. Beelman Logistics, LLC for the Coarse Aggregate in the total contract amount of $17,234.00
David Sirko explained that this item approves annual material purchase contracts for Cold Mix Asphalt, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete, and Aggregate. The bid is broken into the various groups to address the specialized suppliers of each material type. The Cold Mix and Hot Mix Asphalt have a mileage differential that is applied based on the plant location provided at the time of bid. All other materials include delivery to the City included in the Bid Price, Alderman Louer made a motion to recommend Approval to Award the 2017-2018 MFT Material Letting Contract by Group Number to: Group 1. Maclair Asphalt Sales, LLC for Cold Mix (EZ Street) Asphalt in the amount of $3,540.00, Group 2, Christ Brothers Asphalt Inc. for Hot Mix Asphalt in the amount of $49,000.00, Group 5. Kienstra-Illinois, LLC for the Concrete Contract in the total amount of $70,875.00, Group 6, Beelman Logistics, LLC for the Coarse Aggregate in the total contract amount of $17,234.00, Alderman Stamer seconded the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval,
Approval of a Sole Source Resolution for the Quince Street Drainage improvements to RCS Construction Inc. in the amount of $40,000,00 Ryan Zwijack explained that this item will replace approximately 325 feet of deteriorated CMP Storm Sewer which drains water from Quince Street. The damage pipe was discovered while inspecting the outlet pipe prior to starting the Quince Street Shared Use Path Project. With the structure and funding requirements of the Quince Street Shared Use Path Contract, a Change Order is not possible to add this work, RCS has been awarded the Shared Use Path Contract, and can complete this work at the same time as the roadway, Alderman Stamer made a motion to recommend Approval of a Sole Source Resolution for the Quince Street Drainage Improvements to RCS Construction Inc. in the amount of $40,000. Alderman Louer seconded. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval.
Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly Inc. for the Water Treatment Plant Evaluation and Asset Management Plan in the amount of $124,670.00 Ryan Zwijack explained that the goal of this evaluation and management plan is to determine how to replace Plant 1 while taking into account physical layout, treatment residuals, capacity, and costs, with considerations to plant 2's process, layout, and age. This evaluation will give the City insight into future maintenance costs on the existing equipment and identify features which will require replacement. Alderman Louer made a motion to recommend of Professional Services Agreement with Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly Inc. for the Water Treatment Plant Evaluation and Asset Management Plan in the amount of $124,670.00, Alderman Stamer seconded the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval.
Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Oates Associates Inc. in the amount of $15,000.00 for the Watershed Nature Center Trail Connection Ryan Zwijack explained that this item is for the preparation of plan documents by Oates Associates for improvements consisting of a new ADA compliant 10 foot wide concrete shared use path from the Watershed Nature Centerparking lot to the MCT Watershed Trail. These plans will be utilized in the Transportation Alternative Program Grant Application that the City will be submitting in 2017. Alderman Stamer made a motion to recommend Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Oates Associates Inc. in the amount of $15,000.00 for the Watershed Nature Center Trail Connection. Alderman Louer seconded the motion, All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval.
Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Oates Associates Inc. in the amount of $29,700.00 for the L-157 & Center Grove Road Nature Trail Connection Ryan Zwijack explained that this item is for the preparation of plan documents by Oates Associates for improvements consisting of a new ADA compliant to foot wide concrete shared use path along IL157 from the Center Grove Road to the MCT Nature Trail. These plans will be utilized in the Transportation Alternative Program Grant Application that the City will be submitting in 2017. Alderman Louer made a motion to recommend Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Oates Associates Inc. in the amount of $29,700.00 for the IL-157 & Center Grove Road Nature Trail Connection, Alderman Stamer seconded the motion, All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval.
Old Business:
Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plat for Stone Cliff Manor Phase Fl Subdivision
Eric Williams explained that the developer has been working on collection answers to the questions posed by the Committee at the March 14, 2017 PSC Meeting. Dennis Denby, CMT, presented letters of support from the Marine Fire Department and Bond Madison Water Company, Committee and Staff discussed possible changes that should be made to the Land Development Code, Alderman Stamer made a motion to recommend Approval of the Resolution Approving the Preliminary Platfor Stone Cliff Manor Phase il Subdivision. Alderman Louer seconded. AEI Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval.
New Business:
Alderman Stamer thanked Alderman Mallon for her many years of service to the City.
Information for Council Agenda:
Next Public Services Committee meeting will be held in the Governor Edwards Conference Room (Committee Room) of the City Hall Building om (Date and Time TBD).
Adjournment; Alderman Louer made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Stamer Seconded the motion.
Committee adjourned at 6:06 p.m.