
Metro East Sun

Friday, March 14, 2025

Wolf Branch School District 113 Board met April 25.

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Wolf Branch School District 113 Board met April 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President, Bob Lonsdale, called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm.

Roll Call. The following members were present: Mr. P.K. Johnson, Mrs. Janet Lidisky, Mr. Larry McClinton, Mr. Keith Padgett and Mr. Bob Lonsdale, Mr. Kurt Eversman and Mr. Doug Gray were absent. A quorum of five members were present. Mr. Scott Harres, Superintendent, Mrs. Madonna Harris, Principal and Mrs. Jennifer Poirot. Dean of Students, were also in attendance,

A motion was made by Mr. Padgett and second by Mr. McClinton to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2017, regular meeting of the Board of Education as Presented. Five Ayes.

Mr. Doug Gray arrived at 6:34 pm,

The Board recognized the retiring Board members Mr. McClinton and Mr. Johnson.

The secretary reported the election results:

Mr. Bob Lonsdale - 915

Mr. Keith Padgett - 1124

Mr. De Schaefer - 870

Mrs. Katie Krankowski - 940

Mr. Harres gave the Oath of Office to the elected Board members.

Mrs. Janet Lidisky nominated Bob Lonsdale for president of the Board of Education. There were no other nominations.

Mr. Bob Lonsdale is elected president of the Board of Education of the Wolf Branch School District #113, by acclamation.

Mrs. Katie Kramkowski nominated Keith Padgett for the vice president of the Board of Education, There were no other nominations.

Mr. Keith Padgett is elected Vice-President of the Board of Education of the Wolf Branch School District #113, by acclamation.

A motion was rade by Mr. Gray and Second by Mr. Lonsdale to appoint Cathy Wilson, for a two year term as Secretary, of the Wolf Branch School District #113, Board of Education. Rol Call.

Mr. Gray - Aye Mr. Lonsdale - Aye

Mrs. Krankowski - Aye Mrs. Lidisky - Aye

Mr. Schaefer - Aye Mr. Padget - Aye

A motion was made by Mr. Lonsdale and second by Mr. Gray to appoint Mary Jo Harvey, for a one year term as Treasurer, of the Wolf Branch School District #113, Board of EdUcation. Roll Cal.

Mr. Lonsdale - Aye Mr. Gray - Aye

Mrs. Krankowski - Aye Mrs. Lidisky " Aye

Mr. Schaefer - Aye Mr Padget - Aye

A motion was made by Mr. Gray and second by Mrs. Kramkowski to set the Wolf Branch School District #113, Board of Education regular meeting every 4th Tuesday of the month except December which will be the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Board Room at the Wolf Branch Middle School. Six Ayes,

A notion was made by Mr. Gray and second by M. Schaefer to appoint Mr. Gray as the representative on the BASSC Executive Council, Mr. Eversman is appointed as the alternate representative. Six Ayes.

Mr. Harres reviewed the claims and answered any questions.

A motion was made by Mr. Padget and second by Mrs. Krasnkowski to pay the claims of April 25, 2017, as presented. Roll Call,

Mr. Padget - Aye Mrs. Kramkowski - Aye

Mrs. Lidisky - Aye Mr. Schaefer - Aye

Mr. Lonsdale - Aye Mr. Gray - Aye

Mr. Harres reviewed the amended calendar for the 2016 - 2017 school year. The last day of school will be May 26th,

A motion was made by Mr. Gray and second by Mr. Padgett to approve the amended 2016 - 2017 school calendar as presented. Roll Call.

Mr. Gray - Aye Mr. Padget - Aye

Mrs. Krankowski - Aye Mrs. Lidisky - Aye

Mr. Schaeier - Aye Mr. Lonsdale - Aye

The administration discussed with the Board bus transportation for the next school year. Belleville School District 20 will be providing bus transportation for many of the School districtS.

A motion was made by Mr. Padgett and second by Mr. Schaefer to approve the intergovernmental Agreement for the use of Believille Township High School District No. 201's Transportation Services. Roll Call.

Mr. Padget - Aye Mr. Schaefer - Aye

Mr. Gray - Aye Mrs. Kramkowski - Aye

Mrs. Lidisky - Aye Mr. Lonsdale - Aye

The District will need to extend our contact with First Student for the Summer to transport our ESY students.

A motion was made by Mr. Padgett and second by Mrs. Kramkowski to approve the extension for summer School transportation with First Student ending July 30, 2017. Roll Cal.

Mr. Padget - Aye Mr. Schaefer - Aye

Mr. Gray - Aye Mrs. Kramkowski - Aye

Mrs. Lidisky - Aye Mr. Lonsdale - Aye

The administration reviewed the fees for the 2017 - 2018 school year. The second grade will receive have access to the Chromebooks.

• Resource Fees, K-1 $90,00, 2nd - 8th $115.00

• Lunch Fees, Student $2,40, Adult $3.30, Milk 50, Ala carte Entree $1.90, Ala carte side .50

A motion was made by Mr. Gray and second by Mrs. Kramkowski to approve the student fees as presented. Roll Call.

Mr. Gray - Aye Mrs. Kramkowski - Aye

Mrs. Lidisky - Aye Mr. Schaefer - Aye

Mr. Padget - Aye Mr. onsdale - Aye

Mr. Harres reviewed the following policies;

The following policies are existing Wolf Branch Board policies upon with IASB mandates immediate action.

2:100 - Board Member Conflict of interest

4:15 - identity Protection

7:100 - Health, Eye and Dental Examinations; immunizations, and Exclusion of Students

The following policies are existing Wolf Branch Board policies upon which the ASB recommends action,

5:210 - Resignations

5:230 - Maintaining Student Discipline

5:320 - Evaluation

6:70 - Teaching about Religion

The following policies are new or rewritten policies that ASB legal indicates are mandated for immediate actions for Board Policy.

5:120 - Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of interest

The following existing Wolf Branch Board policies, while unchanged for a period of five years, have been reviewed by IASB.

4:180 - Pandernic Preparedness

5:70- Religious Holidays

5:80 - Court Duty

5:300 - Schedules and Employment Year

The following policies are not a portion of IASB's Press Manual. However, each has been reviewed by the district's Counsel and is recommended for action for Board Policy.

7:10AP - Administrative Procedure - Accommodating Transgender Students or Gender Nonconforming Students

Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Poirot reviewed their reports,

District Administration Report:

1. the School Facility Tax did not go pass. The county's administrators are discussing future options.

2. PARCC testing is Complete. Everything went Smoothly and thank you to everybody for all of the hard Work.

3. We are currently awaiting a response from the OCR Concerning their mandated monitoring,

A motion was made by Mr. Lonsdale and second by Mrs. Lidisky to enter into executive session at 7:23 pm. to discuss appointment, employment, Compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee or office of the pubic body.

Pending or probably litigation against, affecting or on behalf of the pubic body,

Collective negotiating matters or deliberations concerning salary schedule for one or more classes of employees. Roll Call.

Mr. Lonsdale - Aye Mrs. Krankowski - Aye

Mrs. i idisky - Aye Mr. Schaefer - Aye

Mr. Padget - Aye Mr. Lonsdale - Aye

Mr. Schaefer left during executive session at 8.55 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Lonsdale and second by Mr. Gray to return to regular session at 9:20 pm. Roll. Cal.

Mr. Lonsdale - Aye Mr. Gray - Aye

Mrs. Kramkowski - Aye Mrs. Lidisky - Aye

Mr. Gray - Aye

A motion was made by Mr. Lonsdale and second by Mr. Gray to adjourn at 9:21 pm.

Five Ayes.
