City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met June 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Alderman Will Krause
Alderman Janet Stack
Aldermam SJ Morrisom
Other Present: Chief Jay Keeven, Director of Police
Chief Rick Welle, Fire Department
Eric Williams, Director of Public Works
Anna Roseman, Fire Department
Cody King, Edwardsville intelligencer
The regular meeting of the Edwardsville Public Safety Committee was called to order by Chairman Krause at 5:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers with quorum present: Chairman Will Krause, Alderman Janet Stack and Alderman SJ Morrison.
Approval of Minutes - Motion by Alderman Stack, second by Chairman Krause to approve minutes from the Public Safety Committee meeting held Monday, June 12, 2017. Motion carried.
Police Department:
Action items:
•A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a contractual agreement with the il Dept. of Revenue regarding Alcoholic liquor Enforcement Checks. Last year the Edwardsville Police Department (EPD) entered into a resolution with the Illinois Liquor Control Commission which is under the L. Dept. of Revenue. Chief Keeven did not know if a resolution is needed each and every year to have the Mayor sign off on the contact. With the absence of the City Attorney, Chief Keeven wanted to be prepared. This resolution may or may not be needed.
EPD has six (6) officers trained in doing administrative liquor license inspections that normally Illinois Liquor Control Commissioners would do. They check for fruit flies in bottles, cleanliness of the tappers and the bar in general. They are checking if their licenses and records are up-to-date, They are making sure that what the bars have and what they sold are accurate. This is basically an administrative check. It is more cost effective for the Illinois Liquor Control Commission to pay local police officers to do these inspections than sending an agent to do them. There are currently seventy-two (72) licenses and they pay $75.00 per inspection which is more than enough to cover overtime costs. Last year EPD covered most of these inspections not on overtime. Last year EPD was paid up front but this year Illinois Liquor Control Commission is requesting that they pay half up front and halfwhen it is completed. -
Alderman Stack motion for a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a contractual agreement with the L Dept. of Revenue regarding Alcoholic Liquor Enforcement Checks, second by Alderman Morrison. All were in favor to move forward to Council as an action item. Motion Carried.
Fire Department:
Informational items:
•Resignation of Probationary FF Nick Edwards. Probationary FF Nick Edwards turned in his resignation notice. His last day will be Sunday, July 2, 2017. Chief Welle has already received permission from the Mayor to move forward to the Fire and Police Commission to look for a replacement.
Old Business:
New Business:
Informational Items:
•Request for a railing at the curb and ADA ramp on Vandalia and Main by Stix and Stones, Alderman Stack was asked about the new ADA ramp located by Stix and Stones that was put in when Vandalia was redone. It is a narrow area and has an incline. If someone is handicap and walking with a cane you are on a slant as it is, then you hit the ADA part and you can easily lose your balance and fall. She is requesting to have a railing to hold onto to get around the corner of the building. Eric Williams wanted more clarification so he can go back to the state. He does not know if there is enough clearance for a railing. Eric Williams will approach DOT.
•Stix and Stones sidewalk issue.
When Stix and Stones puts merchandise out on the sidewalk it makes this corner even narrower to get through. When merchandise is put out on the right side of the door it is not as bad as when it is put on the left side closer to the curb then it becomes an issue on obstructing the flow of pedestrian traffic. Someone will stop by at Stix and Stones notifying the owner that they will receive a letter asking to put merchandise only to one side of the store and citing the ordinance.
•Parking issues on Dorset interfering with trash pickup.
Since the new apartment buildings were built on Esic with the backside of them facing Dorset, people are now parking on the Dorset because they have a backdoor. That is fine except now the trash trucks cannot pick up the trash for the Dorset Court condominiums. We required years ago for them to build a fenced, concrete enclosed area for their trash. So now the trash trucks have to move back and forth to get around the parked cars and are now damaging the curbing. Alderman Stack would like to put a sign up making it a no parking on Tuesdays which is trash day for the condominiums. Chief Keeven suggested painting about thirty (30) foot of the curbing yellow from where the trash bins are. Painting the curb yellow straight across where the truck needs to angle in there and back-in might resolve it without putting up signage. Eric Williams Stated that any new no parking designations needed to be approved by Council. It would need to be added to the ordinance.
•Change Order #6 to IMPACT Strategies Inc. in the amount of S9,373.00.
This Change Order is to installa card reader on the inside of the booking door for an increase cost of $9,373.00. This will allow officers to swipe in and out and keep a record of them. This is where the mantrap is located. A mantrap is when someone comes to bond someone out; they come into the side of the building to the pass through window and give their cash bond to the officer so the individual in custody can bond out. There is a room with a door to the outside and door to the booking area. Both doors cannot be open at the same time to prevent someone from rushing into the booking area. Basically the EPD traps that man; put him into that room to let him out of booking, locks the booking area door and unlock the door to the outside after they posted their bond.
•Change Order #7 to IMPACT Strategies, inc. in the amount of 55,957.00.
This Change Order is for the corridor outside of the bunkroom on the second floor. The door will have a horn (audible alarm) and a keyed switch for an increase cost of $5,957.00. There is a back way out of the training room/Emergency Operation Center (EOC) that goes into the back corridor. There are two (2) ways for people to go and exit out from there. If they take the route that brings them through the firehouse, it goes right pass the bunkrooms. Edwardsville Fire Department (EFD) cannot put a delayed egress there because it is a required exit. This is basically making an audible sound that if someone goes through that door it will sound so the EFD is aware that somebody is not Sneaking around in the bunk area because it is not secured area and they are just trying to find the exit.
•Change Order #8 to IMPACT Strategies Inc. in the amount of S1,120.00.
RFP #12 is a no cost change adding a card reader lock wiring and door position. It is officially changing the contract documents. RFP #17 is to add grab bars and shower seats in the men's and women's locker rooms that provide the backing, that is an ADA requirement for an increase cost of $1,120.00.
Alderman Morrison asked about amending the grass height ordinance. Chief Welle stated that it is already moving forward in Administrative & Community Services Committee (ACS). It will require an amendment to the ordinance that was passed. It was discussed at a prior Public Safety Committee (PSC) and at the last ACS meeting. This change is being discussed to reverting residential grass height back to eight inches.
The next meeting of the Public Safety Committee will be Monday, July 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm.
With no further business at hand, the meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m.