
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met June 13.

Meeting 09

City of Edwardsville Public Services Committee met June 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


Alderman Craig LOuer

Alderman Jack Burns

Alderman Janet Stack

Tim Harr, City Administrator

Eric Williams, Director of Public Works

Ryan Zwijack, CityEngineer

David Sirko, Assistant City Engineer

Mike Filback, EPD

Cody King, Intelligencer

I. Public Comment:

ll. Council Matters:

A. Approval of Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of May 30, 2017.

Alderman Louer made a motion to recommend Approval of the Minutes from the Public Services Committee meeting of May 30, 2017. Alderman Burns seconded the motion, All Ayes, Committee forwarded to Council for information,

B. Approval of Agreement for the Use of City of Edwardsville Right of Way for Decorative Sign Posts, Traffic Control Devices, and Decorative Streetlights for Hawthorne Hills Subdivision.

David Sirko stated this agreement is similar to other agreements to use decorative street sign poles, street name signs, and stop signs. They will also be installing decorative streetlights along Hawthorne Hills Drive. Southwestern Electric will be installing the other streetlights in a similar style. The developer, and the Homeowners Association will maintain their lights and be responsible for replacement. Alderman Burns made a motion to approve the Approval of Agreement for the Use of City of Edwardsville Right of Way for Decorative Sign Posts, Traffic Control Devices, and Decorative streetlights for Hawthorne Hills Subdivision. Alderman LOuer seconded the motion, Al Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for approval

C. Approval of Agreement for Resident Engineering Services with James McAdams.

Ryan Zwijack stated that Mr. McAdams handles inspections that do not have motor fuel fund tax or engineering agreements with DOT. Mr. McAdams has worked with the city for over 20 years and has most recently worked on the Buchanan Street project. His contracted hourly rate is less than it would be with other contactors for the same work. Alderman Louer made a motion for approval of the Agreement for Resident Engineering Services with James McAdams. Alderman Burns seconded the motion. All Ayes, Committee forwarded to Council for Approval.

D. Approval to Purchase two (2) 2017 international 7500 6x4Tandem DumpTrucks through the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services Joint Purchasing Contract from Rush Truck Centers in the total amount of $245,040.00.

David Sirko stated these trucks will replace two 1995 single axle plow trucks, which will be auctioned. The final cost of the trucks will each be approximately $20,000 under budget. The new trucks will have bigger plows and hold a larger Volume of salt, Alderman Burns made a motion to approve the Purchase of two (2) 2017 International 75006x4Tandem Dump Trucks through the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services Joint Purchasing Contract from Rush Truck Centers in the total amount of $245,040.00. Alderman LOuer Seconded the motion. All Ayes. Committee forwarded to Council for Approval,

E. Approval of Sole Source Resolution Authorizing the purchase of two (2) Flink Snow Plows from Woody's Municipal Supply in the total amount of $20,322.00.

David Sirko stated these plows will go with the new tandem dump trucks, Flink Snowplows were chosen because they are interchangeable and Compatible with other existing vehicles within the city fleet, Alderman Louer made a motion to approve the Sole Source Resolution Authorizing the purchase of two (2) Flink Snow Plows from Woody's Municipal Supply in the total amount of $20,332.00. Alderman Burns seconded the motion, All Ayes, Committee forwarded to Council for Approval.

III. Old Business; None

IV. New Business:

A. Discussion of Road improvements Projects: Tim Harr asked for Some explanation of the procedure for deciding which streets are made priority for improvements. In 2015 repairs, upgrades, and bridge and Culvert projects were divided. The Public Services Committee then asked for those divisions to be ranked by staff in Order of importance and need, Ryan Zwijack further explained that projects would be decided by other factor such as grant funding. Several projects on the list are not eligible for grant funding, so other projects that are further down the list might be completed first because they receive funding. Staff will provide additional information as requested by Alderman.

V. Information for Council Agenda:

A. Next Public Services Committee meeting will be held in the Governor Edwards Conference Room (Committee Room) of the City Hall Building on June 27, 2017 at 5:30pm.

VI. Adjournment; Alderman Burns made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Louer Seconded the motion. Committee adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
