Belleville Library Board met December 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I. Call to order and safety instructions: Board Vice President Mary Smith called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and reviewed directions for evacuation and/or safety concerns with all present.
Present: Andy Gaa Excused: Mary Karban
Rhonda Ross Carol Keeley
Mary Smith Catherine Kreher
Helen Thompson
Victoria Weygandt (via phone)
Also present: Leander Spearman, Library Director and Angela Riley, Library Part-Time Administrative Assistant.
II. Public Comments: None
III. Approval of Minutes: Corrections to motions and board members listed in the November minutes were discussed. Rhonda Ross moved to accept minutes of the November 2017 Board Meeting. Motion was seconded by Andy Gaa. Minutes were approved.
IV. Policy: None
V. Property, Equipment and Services:
• The Lucy Statue at the Branch is in repair.
• Branch location is on the schedule to have the tree that was removed by the city, replaced.
• Library Classes have started. January is the “big push” for the program and it should really take off.
VI. Personnel/Legal: Leander Spearman reported; Carol Kirby has officially retired and her position has been submitted to H.R. for posting. Unfortunately, due to the union contract, applicants are limited. Outside applications cannot be accepted for this position. It must be filled internally and according to seniority regardless of qualifications. It was suggested to try to have this contract stipulation along with the 90 Day Probation “Safety-Net” changed in the new contract. The current contract ends in February. The PT vacancy at the West Branch has also been posted and the hiring process will begin.
It its recommended that each department entity has its own Sexual Harassment Policy and perform mandatory training due to the recent complaints in the news and the new State Legislation, Senate Bill 402. Leander Spearman is in the process of consulting with the legal department to establish this policy.
Mary Smith stated that due to personal schedules, it was suggested to not hold December Board Meetings in the future. It was decided that the requirements, guidelines and details of this possibility will be discussed at a later date especially the process of approving claims when there is no actual session.
VII. Finance: Leander Spearman stated that he has begun the 2017-2018 Library Budget.
VIII. Fundraising/Foundations/Promotion/Marketing:
IX. Library Reports: Enclosed with information packets.
X. Old Business:
XI. Closed Session: None
XII. New Business: Internet Net Neutrality was repealed. We will need to determine the effect it will have on the library in the future.
XIII. Adjourn: Motion was made by Helen Thompson and seconded by Andy Gaa to adjourn.
Motion carried. The December meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m. The next meeting of the Library Board of Directors will be held Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 6:30. at the Main Library.