Village of Hartford Sine Die Board Mayor and Board of Trustees met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the boards:
1. Mayor Hickerson called the Village Board to order at 6:30 PM.
2. Roll Call of Board Members
A. On roll call, the following Board Members were present: Clinton Caldwell, Heather Flanigan, Jamie Harrop, and Michelle Prickett. Robert Cheatham and Chris Fulkerson were absent.
B. Also present were: Attorney Chris Donohoo, Village Clerk Emme Flanigan, Treasurer Chessie Brame, Water Clerk Francy Martin, Police Chief Brandon Flanigan, SGT Dan Geil, Officer Matt Asbury, Fire Chief Jarrod Horyn, and Bill and Terry Robertson.
3. Pledge to the Flag
4. Establishment of a quorum
5. Approval of Minutes: 4/16/2019
A. On motion of Harrop, seconded by Flanigan, it was voted to approve the 4/16/2019 minutes as recorded by the Clerk. Ayes: Caldwell, Flanigan, Harrop, and Prickett. Nays: None. Absent: Cheatham and Fulkerson. Motion unanimous.
6. Report from Mayor Hickerson
A. The Mayor thanked Trustees Cheatham and Flanigan for their dedication and for their time serving the Village.
B. The Mayor also read the Village's list of accomplishments/year end statement for the Fiscal Year of 2018-2019. The list is as follows:
✓ Water Tower Painting and Restoration
✓ TIF extension for 12 years was approved at the last minute
✓ Received a totally paid Park Grant for additional lighting on walking path
✓ New Easements: Enbridge Pipeline $38,568, Lease payment of $50,000 for closure of Rand Ave. with Phillips66
✓ Have worked out and passed agreements of $55,000 easement with Phillips66 for Pipe Rack on North end of town which will also pay $5000 annually
✓ And $50,000 onetime payment with Ameren on Easement under S. Delmar for a communication line
✓ Bought a new Pickup Truck for Public Works
✓ Bought a new Police Car totally from gaming revenues
✓ In spite of losing 31 houses to Apex Demolishing buildings and probably going to knockdown another 41, we have stayed afloat. We all just have to continue to work together being frugal and watching spending.
7. There was no new business from the Board.
8. The Meeting was adjourned at 6:33 PM.