Dupo Community Unit School District 196 Board of Education met Aug. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Pledge
1. 1. Recognize Early Childhood Program
2. Consent Agenda
2. 1. Regular Meeting minutes of July 30, 2019
2. 2. Executive Session minutes of July 30, 2019
2. 3. Destroy Executive Session recordings from January 2018
2. 4. District Bills
2. 5. Routine Correspondence
3. Administrative Reports
3. 1. Superintendent Report
3. 2. Bluffview Report
3. 3. Jr/Sr High Report
3. 4. Special Education Report
3. 4. 1. !! HIGHLIGHT ZONE !!
3. 5. Early Childhood Education report
3. 6. Maintenance Report
3. 7. Athletic Report
3. 8. Technology Report
3. 9. Ed Tech and PR report
3. 10. Financial Reports
3. 11. Cafeteria Menus
3. 12. Enrollment Report
4. Public Comments
5. Old Business
6. New Business
6. 1. Consider facility use request from PLS 3rd Learning
6. 2. Consider facility use request from Rockford University
6. 3. Consider facility use request from Girl Scout Troop #582
6. 4. Consider placing the 2019-20 tentative budget on display for 30 days
6. 5. Consider approving an Athletic Handbook
6. 6. Consider confirming a hazardous bus route
7. Executive Session in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2
7. 1. Consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee or office of the public body pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)
7. 2. Consider a Residency Officer stipend
7. 3. Consider boys and girls golf programs for a pilot year
8. Actions from Executive Session
8. 1. Anticipate employment of certified and/or non-certified personnel and substitutes
8. 2. Anticipate accepting resignations/retirements of certified and/or non-certified personnel
8. 3. Anticipate coaching and/or extracurricular sponsor changes
8. 4. Anticipate approving a Residency Officer stipend
8. 5. Anticipate approving pilot golf programs
9. Adjourn