
Metro East Sun

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Village of Fairmont City Board of Trustees met Oct. 20


Village of Fairmont City Board of Trustees met Oct. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting began with an opening prayer and pledge of allegiance. 

President Michael Suarez called the meeting to order. 

Village Clerk Killian Weir took attendance. The following were in attendance: Trustees: David Suarez, Guadalupe Hernandez, Raul Munoz, Robert Belba, Michael Fiudo and Charles  Arriola. Also, present were Treasurer Carlos Gomez, Police Chief Gerald Brown, Public Works  Director Roger Juenger, Deputy Treasurer Sally Rodriguez, Zoning Board Administrator,  Stephanie Allen and Building Inspector James Sehr. 

A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, was  made by Raul Munoz and seconded by Charles Arriola. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes;  Guadalupe Hernandez, pass; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles  Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Treasurer's Report 

Treasurer Carlos Gomez presented the financial report for the month of September, 2021  with a brief explanation. 

At this time Mayor Suarez reported to those present that on September 28, 2021, a 911  dispatch went out on the radio, when a woman called for an ambulance because her 14-day old  baby wasn't breathing. That radio message was received and responded to by every first  responder that heard it, working or not. This entourage of heroes saved that baby's life.  Though, nothing has been asked for by any of them, Mayor Suarez wants them honored. The  mayor humbly asked these men to accept a small plaque of appreciation: 


Fire Chief Robert Allen  

Captain Roger Juenger  

Lieutenant Manuel Perez  

Lieutenant Christopher Mamino  

State Park Fireman and Village Resident Michael Pembrook  

Officer James Hart  

Officer James Kupinski 

Applause, a standing ovation and a pause for a picture, concluded the presentation. 

Zoning Report 

At the request of the Mayor, Clerk Weir presented Sam Macraner, Regarding Genesis One  Development, LLC., 5200 Collinsville Road, Zoning-Rezoning Parcel 02040203087, Current  Property Owner, Jim Riley.  

Mr. Macraner introduced himself and gave a brief background of his person. Mr. Macraner  proceeded to elaborate on his plans to improve the trailer park in its current state.  The plan is to improve the current conditions, first of all, by improving the court road,  and cleaning the surrounding foliage that has gotten out of control through the years. Other  infrastructure planning, including water, sewer, electric and gas, will follow the clean-up of  debris at each residence.  

The company has property that extends beyond the existing trailer park that Mr. Macraner  wants to expand on. The current zoning of the property in question is SFR (Single Family  Residential) he would like to correct it to be what it was intended, MH (Mobile Home), for the  expansion.  

The future expansion will include bigger lots and better mobile homes. The process will  not happen over night and patience was requested. Mr. Macraner appear very sincere about  improving the living conditions for the residents, and the community. 

Zoning Administrator Stephanie Allen reported the zoning board met last night and were in  agreement the request should be approved. 

The motion was made by Guadalupe Hernandez and seconded by Charles Arriola to  approve the rezoning of Parcel 02040203087 from SFR (Single Family Residential) to MH  (Mobile Home). Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz,  yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Clerk's Report 

Clerk Weir presented Building Permit Application, 3321 Maple Avenue, Garage Addition,  Miguel Avila, Owner. Inspector Sehr reported everything is in order.  

The motion was made by David Suarez and seconded by Raul Munoz to approve the  Building Permit Application, 3321 Maple Avenue, Garage Addition, Miguel Avila, Owner. Roll  Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes;  Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

The clerk presented another Building Permit Application, 2908 N. 61 s t Street, Carolina  Carports, Daniel Mancillas, Owner. Inspector Sehr has also approved this plan.  The motion was made by David Suarez and seconded by Charles Arriola to approve the  Building Permit Application, 2908 N. 61 st Street, Carolina Carports, Daniel Mancillas, Owner.  Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba,  yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Mr. Weir presented a Liquor License Application, 5903 Collinsville Road, Ta queria Los Reyes,  Josue Solis Aguilar, Applicant. Mayor Suarez reported a long history of events with the  business. He recalled the approval of a taco stand on the parking lot due to COVID concerns  last year when restaurants were forced to close. The owner of the business has complied with  every request the village has given them and the mayor would like to grant the license.  

There was a question regarding hours and the representative of the business reported they  are currently operating the taco stand 11 am to 9pm and it would stay that way to start. The  question of tavern verses restaurant was asked. They are committed to being a family  restaurant. The liquor will be served with a meal order if asked for. Another trustee warned of  activity surrounding the previous owner and that license being revoked. The representative for  Mr. Aguilar assured those present that the previous owner is not involved and there is no  intention of deviating the rules.  

Once the restaurant is opened the company will be moving the food truck, although the  decision to where has yet to be affirmed.  

The fire chief has concern regarding the time span from the last inspection. An inspection of  the kitchen needs to be revisited. Chief Allen will get that set up.  

With that, the motion was made by Guadalupe Hernandez and seconded by David Suarez to  approve the Liquor License Application, 5903 Collinsville Road, Taqueria Los Reyes, Josue  Solis Aguilar, Applicant pending the fire department and Madison County Health Department  inspections. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes;  Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

The clerk presented Resolution 2021-07, A Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois  Highway Code . Mayor Suarez reported the annual resolution is required by the Illinois  Department of Transportation to spend Motor Fuel funds. This year's resolution has been  adjusted to cover some of the cost of the Phase 3 Street Improvement plan. Addition funds from  other sources will be necessary. The Phase 3 streets for 2022 include, Kinder, Delmar,  Thomas, Cohn, Belt, 59th , Jondro, and 49th.  

The motion was made by Raul Munoz and seconded by Charles Arriola to approve  Resolution 2021-07, A Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code. Roll Call  Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes;  Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Clerk Weir presented Ordinance No. 765, An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of the  IMLRMA Minimum/Maximum Contribution Agreement. The ordinance is the annual agreement  with the Illinois Municipal Leagues and the Risk Management Association to provide insurance  to the village in its entirety, including all legal matters, as well as property and workman's  compensation.  

The motion was made by Charles Arriola and seconded by Guadalupe Hernandez to  approve Ordinance No. 765, An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of the IMLRMA  Minimum/Maximum Contribution Agreement. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe  Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Lastly the clerk presented a bid from J.H. Landscaping Inc., Project Bid for Tree Tr imming  and Removal at Village Parks. Mayor Suarez reported himself, Roger Juenger and Sally  Rodriguez have been actively looking for bids to do the work as discussed at a previous  meeting. The bid on the agenda was the best they could do.  

With that said, the motion was made by Charles Arriola and seconded by Raul Munoz to  approve the bid from J.H. Landscaping Inc., Project Bid for Tree Trimming and Removal at  Village Parks in the amount of $12,000.00. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe  Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Report of Police Chief  

Chief Brown requested a Closed Session regarding personnel. 

Police Chief Brown encouraged everyone to participate in the Trunk or Treat at the library,  Friday, October 22, 2021 from 5:30pm till the candy runs out. 

Report of Fire Chief 

The Fire Chief also request a Closed Session regarding personnel. 

Fire Chie Allen reported he has been working on another lengthy application for the annual  Fire Marshal's Small Equipment grant. The department has been a recipient on 2 other  occasions. The grant is for $26,000.00. With a previous grant the chief bought 8 new radios.  The chief is repeating this request. The department currently has 29 radios. The radios  purchased with the previous grant are supported by Motorola, the rest will not be, shortly. Chief  Allen wants to stay incompliance with current standards. The chief will file the application on  Friday, October 22, 2021. 

The Covid Relief grants have been approved. Mayor Suarez reported the funds have been  deposited. 

Report of the Public Works Director - No Report 

Committee Reports  

Police/Public Safety-Chair- Charles Arriola - No Report 

Economic/Finance, Development, Planning, and Tourism - Chair - Michael Fiudo - No Report 

Fire Protection - Chair - Robert Belba, Sr. - No Report 

Community Relations & Communications - Chair - Raul Munoz - No Report 

Public Health & Housing - Chair- Guadalupe Hernandez - No Report 

Streets, Sewers, Grounds, Building & Parks - Chair - David Suarez 

David Suarez reported approving of the police department blocking traffic for the fire depart  he witnessed recently. He complimented the police chief for a job well done. 

President's Report 

Mayor Suarez reported he received a phone call last evening requesting his presence at the  Kansas City Speedway. He will be attending along with state and county representatives. He is  hoping to return with some good economic news. 

Halloween is next Sunday, October 31, 2021. He asked everyone to be safety conscious  with the out pouring of children he is expecting to hit the streets. 

With that, the mayor reminded everyone to check the batteries in smoke alarms. It is that  time of year. 

Public Comment 

A local resident questioned the fire chief about a change to smoke alarms. Chief Allen  reported a smoke/carbon alarm having a 10-year life span has been created. The chief was not  sure when, but this new alarm will be replacing current alarms by law. The alarm is a bit more  expensive and will need to be replaced in 10 years but, in the long run should save money as  less batteries will be necessary. 

Another resident in attendance wanted to thank Roger Juenger for going out of his way  picking up the extra trash at the church over the weekend. 

A resident in attendance questioned Mr. Macraner about his experience in the project he has  proposed. Mr. Macraner explained some other projects has seen through. 

At this time the public was asked to leave building for Closed Executive Session. 

Closed Executive Session 

At this time the motion was made by Raul Munoz and seconded by David Suarez to enter  into enter into Executive Session regarding personnel. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes;  Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles  Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 7:34 

The motion was made by Michael Fiudo and seconded by Charles Arriola to return to the  regular order of business. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul  Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes.  

Motion Passed 7:51pm 

The motion to approve the hiring of Michael Huskamp as a full-time patrolman of the Fairmont  City Police Department was made by Guadalupe Hernandez and seconded by Charles Arriola.  Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba,  yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

Lieutenant Jason Foster has asked to step down as an officer. The firefighter will be on 90-  day leave tending to personal affairs. With this loss, the fire chief has asked the board to  approve the appointment of 2 new lieutenants, Christopher Mamino and Nicholas Allen.  

The motion was made by Raul Munoz and seconded by Robert Belba to appoint Christopher  Mamino to the position of Lieutenant. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe Hernandez,  yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

The motion was made by Michael Fiudo and seconded by Charles Arriola to appoint  Nicholas Allen to the position of Lieutenant. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Guadalupe  Hernandez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes  

Motion Passed 

The motion to approve payment of the bills as presented on this day, October 20, 2021, in  the amount of$ 17,322.84, was made by Robert Belba and seconded by Guadalupe  Hernandez. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael  Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes. Trustee Guadalupe Hernandez was absent.  

Motion Passed 


With that, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Charles Arriola and seconded by  Raul Munoz. Roll Call Vote: David Suarez, yes; Raul Munoz, yes; Robert Belba, yes; Michael  Fiudo, yes; Charles Arriola, yes. Trustee Guadalupe Hernandez was absent.  Motion Passed 

The meeting was adjourned. 




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