City of Collinsville City Council met May 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Also present: City Manager Mitch Bair, Corporate Counsel Steve Giacoletto, and City Clerk Kim Wasser.
Present: 5 - Councilman Tony Hausmann, Councilman Donna Green, Councilman Jeff Stehman, Councilman David Jerome, and Mayor John Miller
Absent: 0
Delivered by Pastor Ron Habermehl of North Smoke Church.
1. Collinsville Area Community Foundation (CACF) Stan Schaeffer Memorial Scholarship Awards
City Manager Bair announced the foundations new name, Collinsville Area Community Foundation, as a way to encompass the community as a whole.
Councilman Green congratulated the recipients. She spoke in favor of the partnership with the school district.
Mayor Miller spoke of former Mayor Stan Schaeffer and his dream of providing funding to assistant students to further their education.
Kia Redmon congratulated the recipients. He spoke of the foundation. He, along with Dr. Skertich, Kim Collins, and Brad Keene introduced the recipients: Lydia Fluss, Dayton Horace, Megan Houberg, Grace Lanier, Jacob McChristian, and Jada Russell.
2. Presentation of the May 2022 Yard of the Month Award
Mayor Miller presented a plaque and gift certification to Mark and Charlotte Popov as Yard of the Month recipients.
3. Collinsville Sesquicentennial Proclamation
Mayor Miller read the Proclamation.
Community Development Director Travis Taylor advised staff is seeking input and guidance on proposed amendment for Site Plan Approval process. He described a site plan as being a basic drawing identifying general layout. He outlined the current procedures:
Submission of site plan and attachments, $250 application fee
Review by staff (Planner, Engineer, Building Official, Fire Inspection, Public Works Director) Staff report presented to Planning Commission with recommendation
Review by Planning Commission for approval or not
The applicant may appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the Zoning Hearing Officer.
He spoke of the goals of the plan review process to include quality developments using City's regulations and design guidelines, meet reasonable expectations, and process in a timely manner.
Director Taylor advised staff is recommending removing the Planning Commission from the approval process for submissions with complete compliance. This would expedite the process from 45 days to 10. With hopes that this faster approval tracking process would be an incentive for developers to meet City's guidelines. He spoke of utilizing the Planning Commission in appeals of staff determinations and submissions with deviations from City's regulations.
City Manager Bair spoke of Planning Commission meetings resulting in architectural reviews; thereby, costing developers time and money. He spoke of professional staff being capable to handle requests.
Mayor Miller spoke of the role of the Planning Commission members and their expertise needed prior to professional staff employed with the City. He mentioned the board only meeting one time per month which may delay projects.
Councilman Stehman commented on the previous need for review by the Planning Commission but indicated the process should be changed to allow for professional staff to review and approve site plans that do not deviate from set regulations.
Councilman Hausmann concurred with statements. He commented on making it clear as to what is required by developers on a site plan and include guidelines of responsibility for Planning Commission members.
Councilman Jerome spoke of his time on the Planning Commission. He indicated the board was created to provide oversight of staff. He indicated some aspects are subject to interpretation so clear guidelines would need to be outlined.
City Manager Bair clarified the proposed amendment is to allow for staff approval on site plans that fully meet all requirements, without deviations. He indicated that site plan items are not subject to interpretation but precise.
Councilman Green expressed her opinion on the matter as a business owner and from talking with prospective business developers. She indicated this amended process would be customer service friendly for developers; especially, small business owners who may not have the additional resources or time to spare. She spoke of the 45 day process as being unnecessary for straight forward site plan without deviations.
2. Short-Term Rental Discussion
Senior Planner Andi Yancey advised staff is seeking input with regards to regulations of short-term rental properties. She summarized previous discussions regarding this topic. She highlighted regulatory goals:
1. Preserve the character of single-family residential neighborhoods.
2. Protect existing hospitality uses.
3. Develop short-term rental regulations and determine permissibility within certain zoning districts. City of Collinsville
She displayed a chart and explained how other communities regulate short-term rentals which varied.
Lastly, she spoke of policy solutions to regulate short-term rentals with options as well as land use controls:
Special Use Permit vs Permitted Use
All in specific zoning district
Establishing a cap on the number of short-term rentals within the City
Requiring owner occupied
Limiting the number of rooms within residential dwellings
Renting rooms in residential district for commercial use
Regulating safety codes
Licensing and Fees
Insurance requirements
Councilman Green expressed her opinion that she could envision short-term rental units in the Uptown area but not city wide. She spoke of the need to preserve residential neighborhoods.
Councilman Stehman concurred with short-term rentals in the Uptown area.
Councilman Jerome spoke of restricting short-term rentals to specifically zoned districts or via a Special Use Permit to limit the sites and cap the number of units.
City Manager Bair inquired of the reason to cap the number of units if short-term rentals were restricted to a specific area. He spoke of the issues with enforcing a limit on number of units.
Councilman Stehman spoke of the Special Use Permit process being required to go before the Planning Commission in which members may have a difference of opinion making the decision subjective.
Councilman Hausmann indicated that if the City was to allow for short-term rentals they should be limited to an area and suggested the Uptown area. He also advised that Hotel/Motel Tax should apply for those units.
A discussion was had regarding the term "owner occupied" and what that could mean. Director Taylor gave examples of a bed and breakfast establishment with services or owner temporarily moves out while building is being rented but returns when they check out.
Director Taylor advised staff is seeking Council's input on proposed amendment to the City's Sign City of Collinsville Package Approval process. He explained what a Sign Package is and its purpose. He explained the approval process is similar to that of the Site Plan process as previously described. He advised a majority of the Sign Package applications are for Uptown area as all signs for this area are required to go through the process. He recommending removing this additional responsibility from the Planning Commission as staff is capable to review in-house utilizing the Uptown Collinsville Regulations that are in place.
Councilman Stehman spoke of using restrictive requirements with a staff approval process and deviation request from the requirements to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Councilmen Jerome and Hausmann agreed. Councilman Green agreed but inquired of the additional fees - $250 for Sign Package application and then another $100 for Sign Permit. Director Taylor advised he would review the associated fees.
Randy Mitchell spoke of his time on the Planning Commission. He complimented the professional staff and their endeavors. He mentioned restrictive sites that may require variances, when necessary.
James Fowler spoke of being a former resident. He mentioned renting out his home in Collinsville, as well as other locations, as a short-term rental unit. He started this program in 2018 prior to the Crime Free and Occupancy programs. He reported having no issues or problems. He was in favor of the Hotel/Motel Tax but not restricting short-term rentals.
Mayor Miller spoke of upcoming events - Memorial Day weekend, NASCAR and Horseradish Fest.
City Manager Bair spoke of the 2020 Census and Home Rule. He mentioned a letter from Governor Pritzker to the Federal government regarding the census which indicated an undercount of Illinois residents by 2% (250,000). He also mentioned a letter from the Illinois Municipal League to the governor's office regarding Home Rule issues for some municipalities.
Parks and Recreation Director Kimberly Caughran announced the Aqua Park will open for the season on May 28. She highlighted the various Memorial Day events (fireworks, live music, etc) and the celebration of the City's Sesquicentennial.
City Clerk Wasser announced the Collinsville Historical Museum reopening on June 4 as part of the City's Sesquicentennial events with updated displays.
City Clerk Wasser read the Consent Agenda.
1. Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending May 13, 2022, in the Amount of $297,904.42
2. Motion to Approve Payroll for the Period Ending April 29, 2022, in the Amount of $795,442.51
3. Motion to Approve Minutes of the May 10, 2022 Council Meeting
4. Ordinance Accepting an Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission Settlement Contract Lump Sum Petition and Order (Dale Kress)
Mayor Miller asked if the Council wished to pull any items prior to a Motion. No items were pulled. A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Green, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Hausmann, Green, Stehman, Jerome, and Miller
Nay: 0
Absent: 0
Abstain: 0
1. Ordinance to Award Bid and Authorize Contract to Rooters American Maintenance DBA Rooters Asphalt, in the Amount of $304,411.20(2022 Mill & Overlay Program - Project #MO21-310)
Associate Engineer Kevin Madden advised this ordinance would authorize a contract with Rooters Asphalt for the 2022 Mill and Overlay Program. He advised mill and overlay bids came in at $13.28 per square yard with a 15-20 year life extension. Micro Surfacing bids were rejects since they only have a 7-10 year life extension. Mill and overlay work includes replacing some curbs, resurfacing and re-striping along the project area (Northview Dr., Windridge Dr., W. Clay St. and a portion of Gateway Center parking lot).
Councilman Stehman spoke of a grading scale process used to evaluate City streets to determine when improvements are necessary. Mr. Madden advised all streets are evaluated annually with the assistance of Oates and Associates.
A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Stehman to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Hausmann, Green, Stehman, Jerome, and Miller
Nay: 0
Absent: 0
Abstain: 0
2. Ordinance to Award Bid and Authorize Contract to Rooters American Maintenance DBA Rooters Asphalt in the Amount of $57,102.38 (2022 Parking Lot Sealing & Striping Program, Project # ST22-007)
Assoc. Engineer Madden advised this ordinance would authorize a contract with Rooters Asphalt for parking lot sealing and striping. He detailed the work to include making necessary patch repairs, sealing cracks, seal coating and re-striping parking lots. The locations of the project includes parking lots at City Hall, Gateway Center and Police Department.
A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Hausmann, Green, Stehman, Jerome, and Miller
Nay: 0
Absent: 0
Abstain: 0
A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Green to adjourn at 8:39 pm. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Hausmann, Green, Stehman, Jerome, and Miller
Nay: 0
Absent: 0
Abstain: 0