City of Edwardsville Campus to Community Committee met July 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
I. Call to Order
II. Citizens wishing to address the Group
III. Review of Minutes – May
IV. Announce New Members
V. Sub-Committee Reports
A. Financial Report - Karen
B. New Student Orientation at SIUE/giveaway items – Chad
C. Art Contest & Banners – Missy
D. SIUE Experience/Cougar Kick-off - Chad
VI. Other Business
A. Rotary Student of the Month
B. New ideas for Community Traditions
C. Bring Campus into the Edwardsville Community Ideas
D. Bring Edwardsville Community to Campus Ideas
E. Other
VII. Next Meeting:
A. August 16, 2022, 5 pm – City Hall
VIII. Adjournment