
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Edwardsville City Council met Feb. 21

City of Edwardsville City Council met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council was held at 7:01 p.m. at Edwardsville City Hall, located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois, with Mayor Risavy presiding.

The Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present.

Aldermen Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns answered present on roll call. Alderman Krause was absent-excused.

Motion by Grant, second by Morrison to allow Alderwoman Stack to participate in the Council meeting via Zoom.

Roll Call: Five Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren and Burns voting aye. Alderwoman Stack Abstained. Motion carried.

Mayor Risavy welcomed everyone in attendance and those viewing on Facebook Live to the meeting.

Special Recognition/Proclamations/Oaths

Mayor Risavy announced the Employee Excellence Award recipient, Kim Bosco, R.P. Lumber Center Operations Staff. Mayor Risavy read the nomination. Kim has been an asset to the R.P. Lumber since her first day. She has a positive and friendly attitude. She takes initiative in projects and is always looking for ways to improve procedures. She has taken ownership of learn to skate program. The city is fortunate to have Kim on our team!

Mayor Risavy opened the public comment portion of the meeting. There were no public comments.

Consent Agenda

Mayor Risavy read Consent Agenda items as follows:

• Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on February 07, 2023

• Reports of Elected and Appointed Officials:

o Finance Director - Monthly Financial Report (to be distributed)

o Finance Department - Monthly Activity Report

o Police - Monthly Activity Report

o Fire Chief - Monthly Activity Report (Fire and EMS Services)

o Public Works Director - Building, Electrical and Plumbing Permits

• Circuit Clerk's Report

• Group Health Insurance Fund Report - $62,966.00

Alderman Burns announced the claims amount has changed.

Motion by Morrison, seconded by Burns to approve the Consent Agenda presented. Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Petitions and Communications

Mayor Risavy announced Children's Museum presentation. Mayor Risavy introduced Kristin Fries to present. Kristen Fries introduced herself. She is the acting Director of the Children's Museum. In 2022, the museum had 30,000 visitors, 222 birthday parties, hosted 4 field trips and have 12 staff members on their team. During Covid, the museum spent time building and adding to the museum space. The museum had some videos created and launched a new website in January 2023. Ms. Fries shared a portion of one of the videos.

Ms. Fries outlined the new exhibits added during Covid. They include a Phillips 66 STEM Forest, Edwardsville Family Dentist and Windland Treehouse, Upstairs of Hawthorne Animal Hospital, Goshen Rotary Library, Artic Sponsored by GMC Cardinal Buick, Arbor Management Climbing Area and City of Edwardsville Imagination Playground. She commented that the special park funding is so beneficial to the museum. She also featured the All Aboard! at the Nickel Plate Station. Ms. Fries announced some new projects including an Envisioning Green outdoor classroom pretend stream and farm to table kitchen, and the Bank of Hillsboro little Goshen market. The museum was awarded a $20,000 grant from American Water. The grant will be used for a water play area in the discovery garden. The museum also hired SWT (landscape design firm) to design the expansion of the discovery garden. Nate Tingley from the city attends the meetings with the museum.

A micro forest is located on Park Drive. Three hundred native trees were planted on the property. A grant was awarded to conduct citizen science research on the site. This will be a partnership with the local middle schools to conduct experiments.

Ms. Fries outlined ECM For All. The museum provides free access at all times for families on food stamp assistance. Granite City Credit Union is now funding the free admissions.

Mayor Risavy congratulated Ms. Fries on all of their accomplishments! Alderman Morrison thanked Ms. Fries for all of her hard work!

Mayor Risavy announced a Cool Cities Green Challenge Award presentation by Stephanie Malench. Ms. Malench is a member of the Cool Cities Committee in Edwardsville. The award presentation took place at the Missouri Botanical Gardens in January. The presentation recognized forty different municipalities and businesses for their environmental achievements. She outlined some of the city's achievements. They were:

• Held the first ever trail summit with MCT and community leaders

• Good Dirt Community Garden completed first growing season at the Meyer YMCA

• Ordinances were passed allowing EV charging stations in all districts

• 100 percent reduction in single use plastic bag use

• New fire station is being built with energy efficient features and solar panels

• Established a fund in city budget for land acquisition for green space

• Approved a bike and pedestrian master plan

• New and re-developed properties will not install lights that luminate above a horizontal plane

Ms. Malench presented the award to Mayor Risavy.

Legislative & Executive

Motion by Morrison, second by Burns to approve the Appointment of Kristi Hyten to the Tourism Advisory Board Committee with a term ending April 2025.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Grant, second by Morrison to accept with regret the resignation of Shannon O'Brien from the Human Relations Committee effective immediately.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Legal & Judicial


City Clerk


Finance Committee

Motion by Burns, second Warren by Claims - The amounts are Regular $1,232,426.41 and Library $9,276.98 for a total of $1,241,703.39

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, March 02, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Public Safety Committee

Public Safety Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Public Services Committee

Minutes of Public Services Committee meeting on January 31, 2023 presented for information and file.

Motion by Morrison, second by Farrar for approval of a Resolution Vacating and Easement and Dedicating an Easement within Theatre View Commercial Park. Alderman Morrison commented that we are vacating an easement and rededicating an easement.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Morrison, second by Farrar for approval to Award the 2022 MFT Pavement Patching Contract to RCS Construction, Inc. in the amount of $541,485.00.

Alderman Morrison commented this is the annual contract. He said we receive two bids and RCS was the low bidder.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Public Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Administrative & Community Services Committee

Minutes of Administrative & Community Services Committee meeting held on February 02, 2023 received for information and file.

Motion by Grant, second by Burns to approve a resolution authorizing the City of Edwardsville to apply for the Agency for Community Transit Community Action Grant. Roll Call: Five Ayes with Alderman Grant, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Alderman Morrison abstained. Motion carried.

Motion by Grant, second by Farrar for approval of RASE Board items from February 7, 2023.

1) Edwardsville Library Book Fair

2) Metro East Great Strides Charity Walk

3) Spring Beer Fest

4) Unity Fest

5) Earth Day

Alderman Grant commented that some of these events applied for tourism grants.

Alderman Morrison asked about the timing of the events. Alderman Grant said they are throughout the year.

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Alderman Grant, Morrison, Farrar, Warren, Stack and Burns voting aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Grant presented an Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Section 114-302 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville - Parking Prohibited at All Times (100 Block of Coventry Place) for first reading.

Alderman Grant presented of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article II, Division 3 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville - Designation of Stop Intersections (2nd Street and Lincoln Street) for first reading.

Administrative & Community Services Committee will meet on Thursday, March 02, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Old Business

New Business

Closed Session


Action Taken on Executive Session Items


There being no further action required, Council adjourned at 7:29 p.m. with a motion by Stack.
