
Metro East Sun

Monday, March 3, 2025

Bost Votes to Increase Debt Limit, Restore Fiscal Sanity


Congressman Mike Bost | wikipedia

Congressman Mike Bost | wikipedia

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Mike Bost voted on April 26, 2023 for the House Republicans’ plan to responsibly increase the debt limit through March 2024 in exchange for significant reductions in government spending. The Limit, Save, Grow Act returns spending to 2022 levels, caps future increases in spending at 1% per year, and recoups unspent COVID relief funds.

“House Republicans have acted boldly to address America’s debt crisis by flattening the curve on future spending and saving taxpayers trillions of dollars,” said Bost. “We won’t sit idle as President Biden and the Democrats resort to scare tactics and hiding from the negotiating table. Conservatives are restoring fiscal sanity and lifting the burden on our children and grandchildren, whether the Big Government liberals like it or not.”

Bost, the chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, took to the House floor to denounce House Democrats for distorting the truth about phantom cuts to veterans’ benefits, benefits that Republicans already pledged to protect.

Original source can be found here.