
Metro East Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Jerseyville City Council met May 16

City of Jerseyville City Council met May 16

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Kevin Stork called the regular session of the Jerseyville City Council to order Tuesday, May 16th at City Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m.  


Present were Commissioners Anthony Steckel, Steve Pohlman, Zach Crawford, John Miles, and Mayor Stork. City Attorney William Strang was present.  

Comm. Pohlman led the opening prayer and pledge of allegiance was recited. 


A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Crawford, to approve the minutes from  the regular meeting held Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Roll call vote showed Pohlman aye, Crawford aye, Steckel abstain, Miles abstain, and Mayor Stork aye. Motion carried. 


A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Crawford, to approve the bills as presented for May 16, 2023, in the amount of $586,393.57. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. Comm. Steckel mentioned two invoices of significance included in this total was the Illinois  Municipal League Risk Management insurance and John Beal Roofing for the roof at the Susnig Complex.  


A. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve a tourism grant application submitted by the Jersey County Historical Society in the amount of $2,400.00 for the annual Apple Festival to be held Saturday, October 7th. Mayor Stork mentioned the amount being requested is $200.00 more than last year and the grant money requested is mostly used for advertising. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.  

B. A motion was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Miles to approve a request from Floyd Alexander on behalf of the Ainad Shriners to hold a fundraising event on Saturday, October 14th from 8:00 a.m. to Noon at the intersection of State Rt. #109 and West County Road. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. Mayor Stork mentioned a certificate of insurance will need to be provided by the Ainad Shriners prior to event. 

C. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Steckel to approve a proclamation recognizing the month of May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness month. Roll call showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. Mayor Stork read the proclamation.  

D. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Miles to appoint Chris Skinner to fill the vacant unexpired term of Anthony Steckel to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners through April 2024. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. 

E. A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Miles, to reappoint Dean Bishop to  the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners term to expire in April 2025. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.

F. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve the reappointment of Carl Crawford to the TIF Advisory Board term to expire April 2026. Roll call  vote showed Pohlman aye, Crawford abstain, Steckel aye, Miles aye, and Mayor Stork aye.  

G. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Crawford, to approve the reappointment of Tom Woelfel to the TIF Advisory Board term to expire April 2026. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. 

H. A motion was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve the reappointment of Tony Heitzig to the TIF Advisory Board term to expire April 2024. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. 

I. A motion was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve the treasurer’s report for the police pension fund as of March 2023. Treasurer Diane Heitzig reported the fund, after revenue and expenses, had an ending balance in checking of  $619,885.46. She noted the savings account has been closed and the monies of $3,832.77 were transferred to the checking account. As of February 28, 2023, the balance of the Illinois Police Officers’ Pension Investment Fund (IPOPIF) was $5,544,880.54. Roll call vote showed all voted  aye, no nays, motion carried. 

J. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Crawford, to approve the treasurer’s report of the fire pension fund as of April 2023. Treasurer Diane Heitzig reported the fund, after revenue and expenses, had an ending balance in checking of $343,336.29 with a balance at Edward Jones of $0 as the remaining money market balance has been transferred to  the checking. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. 

K. A motion was made by Comm. Pohlman, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve a rental  agreement of City Center Plaza by the Jersey County Business Association for their Farmer’s and Artisan market held every Tuesday from 4-7:00 p.m., from June 20th through September 26th, excluding July 4th. Mayor Stork mentioned this is the parking lot near Germania Brew Haus. Whitney McIver and Becky Wayne of JCBA were present to answer questions and stated they will be using the back side of parking lot by Germania, leaving the front open for parking, and will have temporary signage in grass area near State Street. Comm. Pohlman voiced his concerns about the event being open during parade night and after some discussion, Mayor Stork suggested trying it this year to see how it goes with parking. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.  

L. A motion was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Pohlman to approve a resolution in support of Tax Incrementing Financing (TIF) to promote economic development and revitalization in its current form as essential to the economic vitality and growth of the City of Jerseyville. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. 

M. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor, Commissioner of Accounts and Finance, City Clerk, and City Treasurer to sign checks, deposit funds, execute all necessary documents, and take all necessary actions for banking and finance transactions for the City. Mayor Stork mentioned this resolution is being  presented and necessary due to the change in Council members. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried. 

OTHER BUSINESS – Mayor Stork announced the following: Parks and Recreation is taking registrations for soccer, Susnig Complex is closed for renovations until late fall 2023 with a temporary office located at 515 Mounds, umpires needed for baseball/softball leagues, Rock the Block first concert is June 30th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at East Arch Street with the OWLZ Band performing, and Memorial Day parade will be held Monday, May 29th at 9:00 a.m. 



Being no other business to be discussed, a motion was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion  carried. 
