
Metro East Sun

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Edwardsville Cool Cities Initiative Advisory Committee met May 18

City of Edwardsville Cool Cities Initiative Advisory Committee met May 18

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members

Rachel Tompkins, Chair

Stephanie Malench

Michael Katich

Tom Kinsella

Cara Lytle

Kristen Pauli

Sherrill Wible

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

Present: Tom, Rachel, Cara, Stephanie, Sherrill

3. Approval of Revised Minutes from the March 16th, 2023 Cool Cities Committee meeting

Approved by Tom, Seconded by Stephanie

4. Approval of Minutes from the April 20th, 2023 Cool Cities Committee meeting

Approved by Tom, Seconded by Cara

5. Citizens wishing to address the Board


6. Announcements

Water bottle filling machine installed at Goshen Market.

7. Old Business

a. Website update with native plants

i. Links to pollinator pathways, links to grow native, Heartlands Conservancy

ii. List of vendors and stores that sell native plants

b. Recycling at Public Events

i. Recycling will be available at Bike & Hike May 20 and all city events

ii. Grace Pellock (Parks Dept.) - point person for recycling at events

c. Parking Ordinance

i. Draft almost complete

d. Green Cities Challenge

i. Projects due October 14

e. Pollinator Pathways

i. Map being developed by Heartlands

ii. Don't spray any herbicide

iii. Send photos of garden in bloom and they put a butterfly on the map of their street

f. Green Cities Tracker

i. No update

8. New Business

a. May 20th Bike and Hike Event

b. East West Gateway Letter

i. Letter due at the end of the month to get air quality improvement grants

ii. Cool Cities will help if city endorses project

c. Surveys

i. Greenspace Survey for use of parks and how new greenspace should be used. 

ii. Trail Survey on MCT website

9. Adjournment

a. Meeting Adjourned at 7:21 pm. Motioned by Tom, Seconded by Cara.
