
Metro East Sun

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee met June 7

City of Edwardsville Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee met June 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was held at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois.



Jo Gibson, Chair

Susan Hume, Vice Chair

Danielle Adair

Paul Brazier

Greg Brumitt

Stephanie Robbins

Jason Stacy

Steve Stricklan, Staff

Cathy Hensley, Staff


Mary Vandevord, Secretary

Musonda Kapatamoyo

Emily Morrison

Steve Stuart

PUBLIC COMMENT: Stephanie Malench from Cool Cities shared feedback on the Bike and Hike event with respect to zero waste. Suggestions included additional compost bins as well as bulk butter/syrup serving ideas rather than individual packs that had to go into trash (will need to coordinate with Chris Cakes next year). Stephanie also directed a question to Steve re: facilitating a way City committees can work together. (This came out of a conversation she and Jo had when meeting about our Bike and Hike event.)

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Stacy made a motion to approve the minutes of May 3, 2023, second by Hume. Motion passed unanimously.


a) Bike and Hike Event: Brumitt provided a recap of the city event held on 5/20/23. Nearly 600 people pre-registered, approximately 230 people checked in, and there were an estimated 274 walk-ins. Nearly 600 servings of pancakes were provided and 120 bikes were parked. An anecdotal analysis of the zip codes of those who checked in shows approximately 80% of attendees were from Edwardsville or Maryville. A more detailed analysis was also provided with topics included, but not limited to, site location, event content, marketing and branding, participation, and zero waste efforts. 2024 event planning is already underway; the event is expected to take place on May 18.

b) 2023 Strategies: 

i. Bike Bus: Stacy discussed the need for a poster to help spread the word about the bike bus. Hensley will assist with promotion. Stacy to have a draft ready for July meeting in order to share with school principals in August.

ii. Bike Friendly Businesses/Meetups: Hume shared that The League of American Cyclists has "Bicycle Friendly Business" copyrighted, increasing difficulty of us potentially creating our own designation, Metro-East Parks and Recreation District (MEPRD) has their own designation. The MEPRD list contains bike shops, breweries, coffee shops, restaurants. Brumitt also brought up organizing meetups. This coalesced with Bike Friendly Businesses with Stacy's suggestion to try to host multiple meetups at Global Brew and then ask them to complete an application for becoming a Bike Friendly Business.

iii. Interactive Bike Parking Map: Strickland provided an update about the possibility of getting the bike parking map on the City website. He checked in with GIS and IT staff; it is helpful that the raw data already exists but what ends up being implemented will depend on what is cost and staff time effective. He is also still determining what websites could host; it may be possible to use Google Maps. Overall, getting a map on our website seems doable but further details need worked out. Strickland to continue working with group's blessing.


a) Budget: Steve Stricklan provided a copy of the budget for the new fiscal year. Based on the group understanding, it appeared that we got all $16,000 requested, and that all of it had been spent already on the Bike and Hike event. Further clarification is needed for understanding.

b) Richards Woods: Brumitt recently spoke on behalf of the mountain biking community at a public meeting regarding the development of Richards Woods. Brumitt recommended that it would be useful for BPAC to make a recommendation to the city to consider mountain biking in its development plan for the property.

V. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss, Stacy made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by Robbins. Meeting adjourned.
