City of Edwardsville Historic Preservation Commission met June 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order - Ryan Downey called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
2. Roll Call
Present: Ryan Downey, Suzanne Oberholtzer, Barb Stamer, Joe Hutton, Kathryn Biarkis
Absent: Jennifer Wilkins, David Lott
3. Citizens Wishing to Address the Commission
4. Certificates of Appropriateness
a. 825 Hale Avenue - Request withdrawn
b. 824 St. Louis Street - Repair and replace fire damaged accessory structure
Motion to open for discussion: Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer second. Scope of work is exact reproduction of pre-fire construction. Lytle presenting info on behalf of owners who were also present. Also speaking - Derek Grant of 827 St. Louis St to notify Commission that there is a pending lawsuit regarding property lines dispute. Commissioners discussed that property line dispute is beyond HPC scope. Motion by Joe Hutton to approve COA as presented as long as like for like materials are used.
Motion seconded: Ryan Downey
Vote yes to approve: Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer, Suzanne Oberholtzer, Ryan Downey
c. 309/313 Jefferson Street - Porch
Motion to discuss: Suzanne Oberholtzer, seconded by Barb Stamer
Joe Hutton of Miller & Maack presenting on behalf of Mr. William Krause. Porch area to be brought back to the original open wrap-around form with architecturally correct materials. Motion to approve: Suzanne Oberholtzer, seconded by Barb Stamer.
Vote yes to approve: Ryan Downey, Suzanne Oberholtzer, Barb Stamer with Joe Hutton abstaining.
d. 507 N. Main Street - Demolition
Motion to discuss: Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer seconded. Kevin Nesselhauf presenting. Previous owners had also applied to demolish - building is beyond repair. Motion to accept: Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer seconded. Vote yes to approve: Ryan Downey, Suzanne Oberholtzer, Barb Stamer, Joe Hutton.
e. 128 St. Andrews Avenue - Windows doors siding
Elizabeth Link representing home owners. COA is for approval of windows, doors & siding for a new addition. Motion to discuss by Joe Hutton, Seconded by Ryan Downey. Motion to approve: Ryan Downey, Seconded by Joe Hutton. Vote yes to approve: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer, Ryan Downey
f. 122 N. Main Street - Windows
Chris Byron, owner was present. COA is for new street-facing upstairs windows to replace smaller windows from 1980 renovation. New windows will fill the full original window openings. Motion to discuss: Joe Hutton, Seconded by Barb Stamer. Motion to accept: Joe Hutton Accepted with understanding that new windows will fill original openings and with recommendation that the horizontal paneling above the horizontal siding in the center with smooth synthetic flat panel for cleaner look and ease of maintenance. Motion seconded by Barb Stamer. Vote yes to approve: Suzanne Oberholtzer & Barb Stamer. Joe Hutton & Ryan Downey (yes per condition),
g. 1001 St. Louis Street - Solar panels
Homeowner Stephanie Malench was present to discuss. Motion to open for discussion- Suzanne Oberholtzer, Seconded by Ryan Downey. Discussion: Since the proposed location of the solar panels would be seen from the street, it was suggested that the homeowner explore other options such as solar shingles as a solution. Recommendation is to go back to the supplier to seek some other solar capture system. Motion to deny request - Suzanne Oberholtzer, seconded by Barb Stamer. Vote to deny: Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer, Ryan Downey, Suzanne Oberholtzer
h. 837 Troy Road - Door replacement
Kate Sasenbury, home owner. Joe Hutton moved to discuss COA, seconded by Barb Stamer. Door is very old and not sound. The original door frame will stay and the old slab for the door with period-appropriate hardware is being replaced. Motion to accept the request- Joe Hutton, Seconded by Ryan Downey. Vote yes to accept: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Joe Hutton, Barb Stamer, Ryan Downey.
i. 1022 Ruskin Avenue - Window
Home owner Tim Grotefendt- request to add an egress window with steel window well. Well will be below grade and out of sight on the side of the house. Motion to accept as described- Joe Hutton. Seconded by Ryan Downey. Vote yes to accept- Joe Hutton, Ryan Downey, Suzanne Oberholter, Barb Stamer
j. 212 Hale Avenue - Windows- Ken Stout, Window Nation speaking for homeowner. Joe Hutton made motion to discuss. Seconded by Barb Stamer. Mr. Hutton questioned whether the proposed windows were appropriate "like for like" materials and requested more images to see the extent of the damage of the existing windows. He also requested that the contractor/homeowner do more discovery to see if the existing windows are original to the home. Motion by Barb Stamer to table the COA request until more information is available. Seconded by Joe Hutton. Vote yes to table the COA: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Barb Stamer, Joe Hutton, Ryan Downey.
k. 735 St. Louis Street - Windows, doors, columns.
Tom Kinsella speaking on behalf of homeowners. Motion to discuss - Joe Hutton, Seconded by Suzanne Oberholtzer.
Discussed need for completion of railing above east porch during this construction project rather than a later one. Joe Hutton made a motion to accept the proposed work as discussed with the condition that an appropriate railing is included. Revised working drawings may be submitted after review with the homeowners showing the plan for the railing. Motion seconded by Suzanne Oberholtzer. Vote yes to approve with condition: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Joe Hutton, Ryan Downey, Barb Stamer.
l. 722 Holyoake Rd - Garage - (Edwardsville Children's Museum)
Kristin Fries, Executive Director speaking. COA is for a garage for storage and exhibits to be built in the childrens' roadway area, using funds from a Route 66 grant. Motion to discuss: Joe Hutton, Seconded by Barb Stamer. Garage will be built to look like a mini gas station/auto shop in keeping with the roadway/transportation theme. Motion to accept: Joe Hutton, seconded by Ryan Downey. Vote yes to accept: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Joe Hutton, Ryan Downey, Barb Stamer.
5. New Business
400 N. Main Street - Matt Pfund speaking to clarify why more of the existing building has been torn down than was indicated in the approved plan that was presented. Mr. Pfund explained that during demolition, they discovered that they would not be able to keep that part of the structure and meet the requirements for the seismic upgrades.
6. Old Business
a. Preservation Awards
b. Membership
c. HPC Organization
d. Time Capsule Event - Display of time capsule contents is being set up at the Edwardsville Public Library. (Completed Sat., June 18.) Joe Hutton suggested that a current coin proof set be included in the time capsule. We will be asking the public for suggestions (with the help of Cathy Hensley, Edwardsville Communications Coordinator).
e. HPC Bylaws
f. Route 66 Festival - Event was well-attended and our display in the tent was well-received. Thanks to all HPC members who worked on the event. A special thanks to Kathryn Biarkis for coordinating.
g. HPC Postcards - Suzanne Oberholtzer will work with Cathy Hensley to come up with a new proposed postcard. Barb Stamer will check on postal requirements.
h. BPAC Event
i. HPC Officers
7. Approval of Minutes
a. April 12, 2023 - Ryan Downey- motion to approve the April minutes, with a note to change the header to say April rather than March. Seconded by Suzanne Oberholtzer. Vote yes to approve: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Joe Hutton, Ryan Downey, Barb Stamer.
b. May 10, 2023 - Ryan Downey- Motion to approve the May minutes with no changes. Seconded by Suzanne Oberholtzer. Vote yes to accept: Suzanne Oberholtzer, Joe Hutton, Ryan Downey, Barb Stamer.
8. Staff Approved COA Report
9. Financial Report
10. Correspondence
11. Committee Reports
Historic District and Landmark Updates
Brick Streets - Barb Stamer voiced a concern regarding the recent water main breaks and our brick streets. Advised checking the laterals and infrastructure for potential problems.
12. Adjournment - HPC President Ryan Downey adjourned the meeting at 9:24 pm.