
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville City Council met Dec. 19

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Hal Patton, 2nd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website

Hal Patton, 2nd Ward Alderman | City of Edwardsville Website

City of Edwardsville City Council met Dec. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Edwardsville City Council took place at 7:05 p.m. at Edwardsville City Hall, located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue in Edwardsville, Illinois, with Mayor Risavy presiding. 

The Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present. 

Council members Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar answered present on roll call. 

Mayor Risavy welcomed everyone in attendance and those viewing on Facebook Live to the meeting. 

Special Recognition/Proclamations/Oaths 

Mayor Risavy announced the Excellence in Edwardsville recognition of Isabel Armstrong. Cathy Hensley, Communications Coordinator, came forward to read the recognition. Edwardsville Tigers Ice Hockey has teamed up with the St. Louis Blues for a series of "Hockey Fights Cancer" games that played at the RP Lumber Center. All proceeds from the games benefit the cause. Ms. Isabel Armstrong was inspired to do more! She mad bracelets to sell at the games to benefit the cause. It started with twenty-seven bracelets at the first game. She gave one to Brody Sedlacek, diagnosed in January with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She has donated hundreds of dollars to the cause. She feels good that she is helping. Isabel is a wonderful example of Excellence in Edwardsville. 

Mayor Risavy opened the public comment portion of the meeting. One public comment was made. The public comment was from Dylan Anderson. Mr. Anderson spoke regarding the new warming center on St. Louis Street. He voiced his opposition. Mr. Anderson feels the location is inappropriate. He thanked the city for issuing a cease and desist order. He does not feel the location is appropriate for a warming center. 

Consent Agenda 

Mayor Risavy read Consent Agenda items as follows: 

Approval of minutes of Council Meeting on December 05, 2023 

• Reports of Elected and Appointed Officials: 

о Finance Director - Monthly Financial Report (to be distributed) 

о Finance Department - Monthly Activity Report 

о Police - Monthly Activity Report 

о Fire Chief - Monthly Activity Report (Fire and EMS Services) 

о Public Works Director - Building, Electrical and Plumbing Permits 

• Circuit Clerk's Report 

• Group Health Insurance Fund Report - $407,076.00 

Motion by Krause, seconded by Grant to approve the Consent Agenda presented. 

Roll Call on Consent Agenda: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Petitions and Communications 

Rachel Thompkins, Chair of the Cool Cities Committee came forward to speak on the Green Cities Challenge Award. The award is to the city for the accomplishments on the Green Cities Challenge. The accomplishments included: 

• Water re-fill station-installed downtown. 

• Bike to Breakfast event, which also promoted composting. 

• Compositing available at the Goshen Market and drop-off locations throughout the City of Edwardsville. 

• Edwardsville is the first Pollinator Pathway community in Illinois 

• Passed a sales-tax to support greenspace 

Ms. Thompkins presented Mayor Risavy with the award. 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding 147 Hollyhock Lane for information and file. 

Mayor Risavy presented a Letter from Plan Commission regarding City Walk PUD for information and file. 

Legislative & Executive 

Motion by Morrison second by Warren to approve the Environmental Commission Appointments: 

Susan Bautsch, Dr. Rachel Tompkins and Stephanie Malench with terms ending April of 2024 Sarah Cundiff, Kenneth Noll and Sherrill Wible with terms ending April of 2025 

Clint Soldan, Scott Weber, Jan Ruckman and Michael Katich with terms ending April of 2026. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve the Appointment of Keith Page to the Plan Commission with a term ending April 2025. 

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren and Grant voting aye. Alderman Farrar abstained. 

Motion by Grant, second by Warren to Approve 2024 Liquor/Tobacco Licenses for the City of Edwardsville. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Farrar, second by Miracle to approve a Class C- Sell liquor for consumption on premises and as well as retail sale in the original package for consumption off the premises. Sauce on the Side, 6155 Trace Parkway, Edwardsville, IL 62025 - Craig Kalogerou. Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Legal & Judicial None 

City Clerk 


Finance Committee 

Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on November 30, 2023 were presented for information and file. 

Motion by Krause, second by Farrar for approval of Claims with the amounts are $3,636,763.41, Municipal Band Payroll is $75,560.50 

Friday checks are $2,977.50, $39,711.57, $3,000.00, $30,112.01, $47,037.92 and $3,000.00 totaling $125,839.00. 

The total of all claims is $3,838,162.91. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Bonds Series 2016 of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. Alderman Krause commented these items are similar and are for the abatement of a tax levy. The items are financing certain city debt. When the city issues a bond, we send a notice to the county that the bond be repaid through the property tax. The City has other revenue streams that will cover the bond payments. The abatements notify the county that the tax will not need to be collected. The 2016 bonds are in regards to the construction of the public safety facility. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2019B of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. Alderman Krause commented this bond refinances for water, sewer and street improvement projects. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Farrar to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2020A of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. Alderman Krause commented this is for the debt on the public safety building. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2020B of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. 

Alderman Krause commented these are for the TIF 4 and water improvement projects that occurred along North Main. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Farrar to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2021A of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. Alderman Krause commented this is for the Plummer Park construction bonds. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Bonds Series 2021B of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. 

Alderman Krause commented these bonds are for the ice hockey rink. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Krause, second by Miracle to approve a Resolution providing for the Abatement of a Tax Levy Relative to the Payment and Principal of and Interest on the General Obligation Bonds Series 2022 of the City of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. 

Alderman Krause commented these for the new east fire station. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, January 11, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Public Safety Committee 

Public Services Committee 

Minutes of the Public Services Committee meeting held on November 28, 2023 presented for information and file. 

Motion by Warren, second by Krause for Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the 

Application for Madison County Resource Management Program Grant Funds from Madison County. 

Alderwoman Warren commented this item is grant that was used for environmental projects. If granted it would be used to upgrade the lights at city hall to LED. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Warren, second by Krause for Approval of a Sole Source Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Bulk LA Rock Salt from Gunther Salt Company in the estimated amount of $165,250.00. 

Alderwoman Warren commented this is the quarterly approval. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Warren, second by Morrison for Approval of a Change Order #3 for the South Charles Street Improvements Contract in the increased amount of $61,677.66. 

Alderwoman Warren commented this is for the South Charles improvement area due to the water phase improvements. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderwoman Warren presented Change Order #1 and Final for the 2023 CIP Resurfacing Contract in the increased amount of $1,302.26 for information and file. 

Alderwoman Warren presented Change Order #1 for the South Charles Street Improvements Contract in the increased amount of $6,705.59 for information and file. 

Alderwoman Warren presented Change Order #2 for the South Charles Street Improvements Contract in the increased amount of $8,066.81 for information and file. 

Public Services Committee will meet on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Administrative & Community Services Committee 

Minutes of Administrative & Community Services Committee meeting on November 30, 2023 presented for information and file 

Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve an Ordinance Annexing 7407 Governors Parkway. 

Alderwoman Grant commented this is the East Side Fire Station. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Miracle to approve an Ordinance Annexing 7411 Governors Parkway. 

Alderman Grant commented this is for the same project. 

Roll Call: Six Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren and Grant voting aye. Alderman Farrar abstained. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Krause to approve an Ordinance Annexing a property on U.S. Route 55, also known as parcel identification number 10-1-16-17-00-000-012. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Krause to approve an Ordinance Marking an Assessment, Levy, and Collection of Taxes within the Corporate Limits of the City of Edwardsville, County of Madison, State of Illinois, for the Tax Year 2023 and for the Corporate Expenses for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2023 and Ending April 30, 2024. 

Alderman Krause commented regarding tax increases. He said the council tries to balance out the wants of the constituents, with trying to balance property taxes. The city prides itself in supplying top quality services to the community. Over the last decade, the tax levy holds about average. 

Alderman Morrison commented that the rate is only going up 1.7%. Alderman Patton explained the increase. Eleven percent is coming from new growth in the community. As the city grows, it requires new personnel and improvements. Alderwoman Grant asked if they could put it into context on the actual amount. Alderman Krause said on a $300,000 home it would equal about $60. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Krause for Approval of a Donation Agreement with One More Game relating to Plummer Family Park. 

Alderwoman Grant commented the donation is for a championship court at Plummer Park. Mayor Risavy said OMG is close to 450 members. 

Alderman Morrison asked what a championship court is for. Alderwoman Grant answered this will be used for regional tournaments, allows for bleachers and the extra room can be used for practice. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Miracle for approval of Change Order #2 with Byrne and Jones Construction for Phase 3 Plummer Family Sports Park in the amount of $135,000. Alderwoman Grant commented this is for the championship court. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Krause for approval of a Resolution Authorizing an Amendment to the City Walk Planned Unit Development. 

Alderwoman Grant commented this is eight homes being built. Certain percentages of materials changed and the changes were favorable. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Krause to suspend the rules and pass on first reading an Ordinance Amending Chapter 86 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville, Illinois (Personnel Code). 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Motion by Grant, second by Krause to approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 86 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville, Illinois (Personnel Code). 

Alderwoman Grant commented these changes allow us to be compliant with state and federal laws. 

Roll Call: Seven Ayes with Aldermen Patton, Miracle, Morrison, Krause, Warren, Grant and Farrar voting aye. Motion carried. 

Alderwoman Grant presented the minutes from the Plan Commission - August 16, 2023 and November 15, 2023 for information and file. 

Administrative & Community Services Committee will meet on Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall located at 118 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, IL 62025. 

Old Business 

New Business 

Mayor Risavy announced the hockey event on Friday. Alderman Patton commented that the Hockey Fights Cancer event is on Friday against SLU. The game will be in honor of Jack Burns. His family will drop the first puck. Kelley Chase will be recognized for his contributions and his fight against cancer. Game at 8:20pm. The entry fee goes to "Hockey Fights Cancer". Buy tickets at the door. 

Nate Tingley announced Santa is still working at the Nickel Plate Station. Go visit! 

Closed Session 

Action Taken on Executive Session Items 


There being no further action required, Council adjourned at 7:51 p.m. with a motion by Miracle




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