
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Collinsville City Council met Jan. 9

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Derek Jackson, Collinsville City Manager | City of Collinsville

Derek Jackson, Collinsville City Manager | City of Collinsville

City of Collinsville City Council met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Stehman called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 


Also present: City Manager Derek Jackson, Corporate Counsel Steve Giacoletto, and City Clerk  Kim Wasser. 

Present: 5 - Councilman Tony Fuhrmann, Councilman Donna Green, Councilman David Jerome, Councilman Tony Hausmann, and Mayor Jeff Stehman 

Absent: 0  


Delivered by Pastor Ron Habermehl of North Smoke Church. 




2. Recognition of Retired Firefighter/Paramedic Mat Sienkiewicz 

Fire Chief John Bailot congratulated Firefighter Mat Sienkiewicz on his retirement. He spoke of Mat's years of service with the City and his many accomplishments. Mayor Stehman presented Mat with a retirement plaque and thanked him for his service. 

1. Recognition of Deputy Chief Kevin Reis - Executive Fire Officer Certification Chief Bailot spoke of the program and congratulated Deputy Fire Chief Reis on his accomplishment.  

Illinois State Representative Katie Stuart congratulated Deputy Chief Reis and presented him with a recognition certificate acknowledging his accomplishment.  


1. Ordinance Rezoning Real Estate Located at 107 South Chestnut Street from "B-2" Limited Commercial District to "UCD" Uptown Collinsville District 

Overview by Travis Taylor, Community Development Director, who advised the new property owner is seeking to rezone the property to UCD in order to accommodate new proposed use consisting of office space for a construction business and possibly a salon. He spoke of the property which previously housed Golden Rule Auto but has been vacant for the past year. He displayed pictures of  the exterior of the building. He also displayed Zoning and Land Use maps. He advised all criteria was met with regards to the zoning analysis. Lastly, he clarified rezoning is necessary due to the change of use.  

A motion was made by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman  Fuhrmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

2. Ordinance Rezoning Real Estate Located at 110 North Chestnut Street from  "B-2" Limited Commercial District to "UCD" Uptown Collinsville District 

Director Taylor advised the property located at 110 N. Chestnut is under contract with intended use to be a Tae Kwon Do studio. The applicant is seeking to rezone to allow for the studio as it is necessary due to change of use. The property was previously a church. He displayed pictures of the  exterior of the building as well as Zoning and Land Use maps. Lastly, he indicated a zoning analysis was done and all criteria met.  

Councilman Fuhrmann inquired of parking to which Director Taylor advised there is street parking as well as a parking lot across the street which would be accessible during the evening hours and on the weekend when the studio is in session.  

A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

3. Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Section 17.060.050. - Fence or Wall, Accessory Use of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Collinsville 

Director Taylor presented a proposed amendment to Accessory Use of Title 17 of the City's  Municipal Code with regards to fencing regulations consisting of height, material, type and placement. He explained the reasons to amend the code is to address public concerns regarding affordable fencing and reasonable use of property as well as clarify commercial and residential fence regulations.  

He spoke of the current permitted fence materials, height restrictions, and placement on property. He spoke of fencing regulations within surrounding communities and how their regulations compares to that of Collinsville. He spoke of double frontage lots and displayed an example. He mentioned the average cost of fencing by material type.  

He highlighted the proposed amendments: 

Permitted materials to include decorative masonry, brick, stone, precast concrete, composite, wood, vinyl, wrought iron, aluminum, square/metal tubing or similar with vinyl or powder coasted chain-link  fencing permitted in rear or side yards.  


Maximum height of 4' in front yard of residents and 50% transparent.  

Maximum height of 6' for side and rear yards which may be privacy. 

Double frontage may be up to 6' tall and privacy type.  


Maximum height and transparency same as residential guidelines with a transition buffer for outside storage area up to 8'.  

Public and Institutional 

Up to 6' tall fencing for game courts and fields. 

Allow wire fencing for monitored/alarmed security at commercial, industrial and governmental properties with a height of up to 8'.  

A discussion was had regarding the proposed amendments. Director Travis advised he believes the last amendment was done in 2009 but was not sure when chain-link was prohibited.  

Councilman Jerome advised he served at chairman on the Planning Commission when chain-link was prohibited as acceptable fencing. He indicated chain-link has an industrial feel that may not be suitable in a residential setting. He spoke of other cities limiting its use. He advised powdered coated fencing  may not be cost effective. He indicated he was in favor of the other proposed amendments but not in  favor of permitting chain-link.  

Mayor Stehman advised some restrictions in place are too rigid when compared to other communities. He indicated chain-link in rear yards allows for an open feeling since it is transparent.  

Councilman Hausmann indicated he was in favor of the proposed amendments but asked for clarification of corner lots with double frontage. Director Taylor agreed that clear language is necessary. 

Brief discussion was had regarding how the Department handles code violations and enforcement for compliance when addressing fence regulations.  

Councilman Green indicated she was not in favor of permitting chain-link fencing but understands why some may want to use it.  

Mayor Stehman asked staff to review amendments based on Council's discussion and to bring the item back at a future meeting. He also encouraged Council to contact Director Taylor with questions or concerns.  

Greg Swanson introduced himself as being with a fence company working with the school district who  is wanting to install a fence to encompass a solar array. He thanked Council for their consideration.  





Mayor Stehman reflected on the past year. He indicated challenges were addressed and the City is moving strong into the new year. He spoke of the overall increase costs for supplies, services and equipment; however, indicated staff was able to ensure a balanced budget without effecting services to  the community.  

He highlighted a variety of projects and improvements forthcoming.

City Manager Jackson thanked Mayor Stehman for his comments. He too, spoke of increasing costs of supplies and equipment. He mentioned his excitement for future CIP projects in the works.  



Parks and Recreation Director Kimberly Caughran highlighted upcoming events: 

Collinsville Youth Baseball and Softball League - signup/registration underway 

Composting Series - classes to be held at Willoughby Farm 


City Clerk Wasser read the Consent Agenda. 

1. Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending December 29, 2023 in the Amount of $9,821,168.25 

2. Motion to Approve Payroll for the Period Ending December 22, 2023, in the amount of $1,659,078.67 

3. Motion to Approve Minutes of the December 12, 2023 Council Meeting City of Collinsville 

Agenda Item Report Draft Minutes 

4. Ordinance Accepting an Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission  Settlement Contract Lump Sum Petition and Order (Nicholas Klucker) 

5. Resolution Reappointing a Member to the Collinsville Planning Commission (Michelle Forneris) 

6. Resolution with Regards to Fair Housing Opportunities within the City of Collinsville 

7. Resolution Authorizing the Write-Off of Outstanding Balances from Certain Water Service Accounts 

Mayor Stehman asked if the Council wished to pull any items prior to a Motion. No items were pulled. A motion was made by Councilman Fuhrmann, seconded by Councilman Green, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  


1. Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code Chapter 3.32 with Regard to the Filing of Tax Returns and the Imposition of Interest and Penalties in Relation to the Food and Beverage Tax Ordinance 

Overview by Amanda Guntrum, Accounting Manager, who advised this Ordinance would amend the Collinsville Municipal Code regarding the calculation of interest and penalties when filing late tax  returns for the Food and Beverage Tax. The amendment changes the due date to the last day of the month with a tiered interest structure.  

A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

2. Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code Chapter 3.18 with Regard to the Filing of Tax Returns and the Imposition of Interest and Penalties in Relation to the Hotel and Motel Tax Ordinance 

Ms. Guntrum advised this Ordinance would amend the Municipal Code in the same manner as the previous Ordinance but for the Hotel/Motel Tax. 

A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Fuhrmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

3. Ordinance Increasing the 2024 Expenditure Budgets in the General Fund, Southwest Corridor Business District Fund, Northeast Business District Fund,  Water/Sewer Capital Project Fund and Capital Projects Fund (2023 CIP Carryover Projects) 

Dustin Ziebold, Finance Director, advised this Ordinance would appropriate funds for several projects that are in the process and were previously approved in the 2023 budget. He advised the funds ($601,025) are a carryover from last year due to the projects not being completed yet. A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Fuhrmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

4. Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreements in Relation to the City's Lien Subordination and an Assignment of Reimbursement 

Director Taylor advised Ardent Spirits is renovating the 100 block of E. Clay St., adjacent to Old Herald. Per previous Redevelopment Agreement, this space is to include a sports themed lounge, boutique/retail space, and parking improvements. Due to a sale of this property to another LLC, in which Mr. Reiser is a part of, a subordination agreement and assignment of reimbursement is required by the bank. 

A discussion was had regarding the City's lien. Corporate Counsel Steve Giacoletto advised the City's lien is subordinate to the banks, per Statute. He also advised the original LLC is included in the language of this agreement and all parties consented by signing.  

A motion was made by Councilman Fuhrmann, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

5. Ordinance to Award Bid and Authorize a Contract with J.F. Electric, Inc., in the Amount of $212,450.00 for the Purchase and Installation of a Natural Gas Emergency Generator at City Hall 

Public Works Director Dennis Kress advised this Ordinance would award bid and authorize contract with JF Electric for the purchase and installation of a natural gas generator at City Hall in the amount of  $212,450. He spoke of the need for an emergency back up generator at City Hall to ensure continuous services. 

A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman  Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

6. Resolution in Support of the Madison County Environmental Grant Application for the City Hall Generator Project 

Director Kress indicated this Resolution is part of the application process for the Madison County Environmental Grant Application in which he is applying for to offset the cost of the City Hall generator project. He spoke of the benefits for a natural gas powered generator and advised it qualifies for the grant under the air quality initiative. Grant funding is up to $15,000 towards the  project. 

A motion was made by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman Fuhrmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

7. Ordinance to Authorize a Professional Service Contract with Maids My Way Provide Janitorial Services 

Director Kress advised this Ordinance would authorize a professional service contract with Maids My Way for janitorial services at City facilities (City Hall, Police Department and Activity Center) in the amount of $82,990 for the first year with a 5% escalator per year thereafter. The contract is for three consecutive 1 year terms with the option for two additional 1 year terms. He outlined the cleaning schedule for the facilities and advised the City will provide disposable products (paper towels, toilet  paper, etc.). He indicated a savings of $28,000 per year to outsource janitorial services. A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman  Jerome to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

8. Ordinance Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Volkert, Inc. in the Amount of $98,589.00 for Preliminary Engineering Services for the St. Louis Road Shared Use Path Phase 1 Project (Sec 23-00105-00-BT) 

Overview by City Engineer Troy Turner, who advised this Ordinance would authorize an agreement with Volkert for construction of the shared use path along St. Louis Rd. from O'Farrell St. to east of Davis Place. The project includes construction of shared use path, pedestrian lighting, crosswalks and improved crossing of St. Louis Rd. near Helen Place. He explained that engineering was broken into two separate agreements due to the amount of time required for federal approval of funds. He outlined the total cost of the project to be $760,038: 

Transportation Alternative Program funds - $457,280 

Agency for Community Transit funds - $158,320 

City - $144,438 

A motion was made by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman   Fuhrmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

9. Ordinance Authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Volkert, Inc. in the Amount of $176,849.00 for Preliminary Engineering Services for the St. Louis Road Shared Use Path Phase 1 Project (SEC 23-00105-00-BT) 

Mr. Turner advised this Ordinance would authorize an agreement with Volkert for construction of a shared use path along St. Louis Rd. from O'Farrell St. to east of Davis Place utilizing federal funds. He explained utilizing separate agreements in order to not delay the project because approved of  federal funds may take up to 6 months to get approved by the Federal Highway Administration. A motion was made by Councilman Fuhrmann, seconded by Councilman Green to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

10. Resolution Authorizing the Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Preliminary Engineering Services for the Design of St. Louis Road Shared Use Path Phase 1 Project (SEC 23-00105-00-BT) 

Mr. Turner advised this Resolution is required by IDOT in order to utilize MFT Funds for the preliminary engineering services related to the St. Louis Rd. Shared Use Path Project. 

A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

11. Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Lease Agreement Between the City of Collinsville and Keller Farms, Inc. for the Farming of Real Estate (510 and 520 South Bluff Road - 2024) 

Overview by City Manager Jackson, who advised this Ordinance would authorize an agreement with Keller Farms to lease property, 510 and 520 S. Bluff Rd., for the purpose of farming in 2024. The terms of the agreement indicates Keller Farms will pay the City $3,000 ($230 per acre). A motion was made by Councilman Green, seconded by Councilman  Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

12. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease Purchase Agreement Between  the City of Collinsville and Global Signal Acquisitions IV, LLC (Crown Castle) in Relation to the Lease of a Cellular Phone Tower Located on Olivers Road  in the City of Collinsville, Illinois (1750 Olivers Road) 

City Manager Jackson advised this Ordinance would authorize a long term lease purchase agreement with Crown Castle for a cell tower located at 1750 Oliver Rd. (Woodland Park) in a lump-sum of $365,000. This is in lieu of the annual $18,000 lease of equipment on the tower. He advised the revenues from this purchase agreement will fund capital improvement projects. 

A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  

13. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease Purchase Agreement Between the City of Collinsville and Global Signal Acquisitions IV, LLC (Crown Castle) in Relation to the Lease of a Cellular Phone Tower Located on South Morrison Avenue in the City of Collinsville, Illinois (850 South Morrison Avenue) 

City Manager Jackson advised this is another long term lease purchase agreement with Crown Castle for a cell tower located at 850 S. Morrison Ave. (Street Department garage) in the lump-sum payment of $400,000. This is in lieu of the annual $19,000 lease of equipment on the tower. Revenues are earmarked for capital improvement projects. 

A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Hausmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  



Mayor Stehman asked for a motion to proceed into closed session in accordance with 5 ILCS  120/2(c): 

11. Pending or Threatened or Imminent Litigation 

A motion was made by Councilman Jerome, seconded by Councilman Fuhrmann to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0  



A motion was made by Councilman Hausmann, seconded by Councilman Green to adjourn at 8:00 pm. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 5 - Fuhrmann, Green, Jerome, Hausmann, and Stehman 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 0  

Abstain: 0




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